
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Aug 31, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

183: How to Plan a Productive Week with Shawn Radcliffe



As a yoga business owner, there are so many things to do that we may feel overwhelmed by our to-do lists, and left wondering how to get everything done and where to start. That’s where productivity comes in, and no matter where you are in your yoga teacher journey, we could all use some tips around improving our productivity. Shawn Radcliffe has some tips on how to use a 15-minute planner to get organized and plan a productive week.


Shawn Radcliffe is a health and science journalist based in Ontario, Canada. His work has appeared in a variety of print and digital publications. Shawn has also been teaching yoga since 2009, and offers students a dynamic mix of Hatha yoga and viniyoga, with a special focus on helping people develop mindfulness.


With just 15 minutes a week, Shawn has mastered the art of staying on top  of his professional and personal life. He shares how he first discovered the 15-minute planner, and breaks down how he uses it to keep track of and prioritize all his projects, tasks and activities. He also has some other tips around planning a productive week and working effectively.


If you’ve been wondering how to make better use of your time or how to keep track of all the projects you have going on, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[5:33] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Shawn Radcliffe.

[6:41] What does Shawn do and who does he do it for?

[8:43] When did Shawn start using the 15-minute planner?

[11:43] How do you start with the 15-minute planner? The first step is setting aside 15 minutes to plan, every week.

[13:17] Shawn explains the concept of the 15-minute planner using the rocks, pebbles, sand analogy.

[14:53] Step 2 is to do a brain dump.

[17:54] Why is it so important to make a list of things to get done, instead of just doing them?

[19:45] What happens after the brain dump? Shawn and Shannon discuss putting the "rocks" into the planner.

[24:25] How do you choose the "pebbles"?

[27:45] The next step is to put these activities into your calendar.

[33:00] Shawn explains what happens to the "sand".

[34:59] What has Shawn learned along the way that he would like to share?

[36:53] What is Shawn's strategy for dealing with things that just pop up suddenly?

[38:24] Shannon shares about the difference between her brain dump and her “idea parking lot”.

[39:13] Shawn highlights how different planning methods work similarly, and things to keep in mind when planning.

[42:17] What are some things Shawn has been able to accomplish using the 15-minute planner method?

[44:16] Get in touch with Shawn via his website, or on Twitter. 




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"A lot of times we get so fixated on our to-do lists that we just do things as they come up, and a lot of things that we're doing are busywork - they're small things that aren't really driving our business forward." - Shawn


"Sometimes we don't know what we need to get done, or don't know what we've already agreed to do." - Shawn


"When you just start working, you're not always working effectively." - Shawn


"Being busy feels good, but it's not always effective." - Shawn


"What do I need to do to make my business grow, and survive, and thrive?" - Shawn


Aug 24, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

182: Yin Yoga vs Restorative Yoga with Nyk Danu



Slower styles of yoga such as Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga are becoming more popular as people are seeking balance in their hectic, fast-paced and stressful lives. However, while Yin and Restorative yoga are often used interchangeably, and may even seem similar externally, there are many differences between the two. Yin Yoga expert (and a member of The Connected Yoga Teacher Team) Nyk Danu shares more about these two types of yoga.


Nyk Danu has been teaching yoga for 15 years, and is a Yin Yoga expert and teacher trainer. She is also a Yoga Therapist who helps people with back pain, particularly those she describes as “yoga misfits” - people who don’t feel at home in mainstream Yoga circles. As a teacher trainer, Nyk also offers Yin Yoga modules as a complement to existing teacher training programs and 1:1 Yin Yoga apprenticeships for teachers. She is also currently in the planning stages of an online Yin Yoga Teacher training.


Despite appearing similar, these two practices differ greatly. Nyk shares more about the origins of each of these styles of yoga and the intention behind them, as well as some of the key differences in the length of poses, counter poses, and use of props. Nyk also has some great insights about the internal perspective - physiologically, emotionally, and how each type of yoga impacts the nervous system.


If you are considering taking specialized training on Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga, or are wondering who each type of yoga is suitable for, or just want to deepen your understanding about these two practices, this episode is perfect for you.


Key Takeaways:

[4:16] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Nyk Danu

[6:19] What does Nyk do and who does she do it for?

[7:34] Nyk shares where her definitions and frameworks for Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga come from.

[9:26] Nyk explains how yin-yang theory ties into Yin Yoga.

[11:32] What is Yin Yoga? What is Restorative Yoga? What is the difference between them?

[16:48] Nyk gives an example of how a post could be done in Yin vs Restorative yoga.

[19:22] What are the intentions of each type of yoga practice?

[21:25] Nyk explains more about the resonance or echo of a pose in your body, which is unique to Yin, and about the meditative elements of Yin Yoga.

[24:39] Who would Nyk recommend Yin Yoga to?

[29:48] Different teachers have different approaches to Yin Yoga.

[32:19] What are the differences in the emotional landscape between Yin vs Restorative Yoga?

[34:15] How long are poses held in Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga?

[35:31] What is the usual duration of classes for these practices of yoga?

[38:34] How long are Nyk's Yin Yoga classes?

[39:46] Nyk explains how she guides students through her Yin Yoga classes.

[41:17] Which practice has more talking through each pose?

[44:04] Does Nyk use music in her Yin classes?

[48:55] Get in touch with Nyk via her website, or on social media.

[50:50] Nyk has a special gift for you, Connected Yoga Teachers!



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"Part of understanding Yin Yoga is having a good understanding of yin-yang theory." - Nyk


"When I look at the biggest difference between the two, it's a matter of degrees, and intention." -Nyk


"One of the primary differences between Yin and Restorative, is that in a Yin practice, we are trying to feel sensation. In a Restorative practice, we're not." - Nyk


"It is the intention behind the pose and what the person is feeling in the pose that would determine 'is this Yin, or is this Restorative'." - Nyk


Aug 17, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

181: Grow an Online Yoga Business with Nikki Naab-Levy



In recent times, many of us have had to make the leap to shift our businesses online. Whether it's creating the foundation to sell online classes or courses, or figuring out what to share on social media or the videos to put up on YouTube, most of us could do with a little help. Nikki Naab-Levy has some insights on how we can leverage the online space in our yoga business to bring yoga to more people and grow our businesses at the same time. 


Nikki Naab-Levy is a Pilates teacher and certified functional strength coach with over 10 years of experience helping clients build strength and overcome injury. Apart from her work with fitness and movement, Nikki also provides business consulting and copy writing services for movement teachers, particularly yoga and pilates teachers, to help them build their businesses and get better at marketing. Nikki Naab-Levy runs her movement-based business almost 100% online, and she has some great insights about what it takes to transition your yoga business to the virtual world.


If you are asking, “How can I stand out online when we’re all teaching the same thing?”, “What should I post on social media?” and “How can I get past the fear of putting myself out there?” - Nikki has some answers for you. Shannon and Nikki also discuss figuring out which online products to offer or which workshops will sell best, and the technology needed to run a successful yoga business online. (Hint: you don’t need fancy tech to be successful!)


Key Takeaways:

[6:34] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Nikki Naab-Levy.

[7:43] What does Nikki do and who does she do it?

[11:42] What was Nikki's journey in taking her business online?

[15:09] Nikki's strategy is to build relationships with people over a long period of time. She explains how she has done this authentically over time.

[17:48] Nikki's other strategy was to get into Facebook groups and help people.

[20:30] Building relationships with potential clients is like dating!

[21:35] Why is email marketing more powerful than social media?

[24:33] Getting your business online is a lot of trial-and-error to figure out what works.

[25:25] Why does Nikki feel more confused now than she did four years ago?

[28:50] What are some things that Nikki knows now that she wishes she had known from the beginning?

[30:30] Part of Nikki's branding is ... fishnets! How did she come up with that idea?

[35:30] If Nikki could choose only one platform for video, what would it be?

[38:13] What content should you start with to begin building your audience?

[43:40] Nikki has some final bits of advice for someone looking to move their business online.

[47:44] Follow Nikki online via her website, and check her out on social media.

[50:23] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways. What were yours?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"If people can't understand what you're saying, then they don't understand how to use the information or how you can help them." - Nikki


"I very quickly realized I need a network to be successful." - Nikki


"The best way you can get on someone's radar in a positive way is to show up and be helpful." - Nikki


"Instagram isn't where my money is. Email is." - Nikki

Aug 10, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

180: Sticky Note Secret for More Students with Shannon Crow



Do you have a new event, training or yoga offering and are wondering how to fill it? Perhaps you’re trying to get more students into your classes or sign up new 1:1 private students. You’re in luck because Shannon has a secret method to get more students - the sticky note secret.


Shannon shares her sticky note secret to getting new students and outlines the different steps to ask yourself along the way. She encourages you to set a minimum number and maximum number to fill your yoga offering as well as challenges you to think about your ideal class size. How do sticky notes come into the picture? Tune in to find out how you can use the humble sticky note (or even a piece of paper!) to get more students and fill your yoga offerings.


Key Takeaways:

[1:32] Shannon has a secret to getting more students to sign up for your yoga offering.

[3:00] The first step is to think about the minimum number of people you would like to have in your yoga offering.

[5:04] You also need to consider the maximum number of people you would be comfortable teaching.

[6:59] Setting a minimum and maximum number to fill your yoga offering helps you get closer to your goal.

[7:50] Shannon gives Schedulicity a shout out!

[9:20] If money were not a factor, what would your ideal class size be?

[10:02] Shannon addresses some of the road blocks that people encounter.

[11:30] For those of you who prefer to teach 1:1 private yoga, Shannon has some advice about planning your week.

[13:41] Shannon explains how she uses sticky notes to keep track of filling her yoga offerings, but you could do the same thing with a piece of paper.

[17:44] Ask yourself: How can I fill these spots?

[19:57] The last step should be about getting people to sign up, not the first!

[20:28] Shannon does a quick recap of the steps of the "sticky note secret".

[21:32] Share your sticky note wall or spot-filling list with Shannon on social media!



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"We definitely want to take a look at the money side of things in this, but we also want to take a look at 'what does it feel like to show up and teach this number of people?'." - Shannon


"What is the feeling you want your yoga students to walk away with?" - Shannon


"You are going to get better at this, you are going to figure things out." - Shannon


"Ask yourself 'Can I think of anyone right now who's either told me that they're interested in this offering or who I just think is a great fit?'." - Shannon


"When you don't hear back from people, it is not 'no!'." - Shannon

Aug 3, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

179: Get Confident with Video with Alicia Berruti




Video is a really amazing tool, and particularly in this time where a lot of us are encountering a lot of physical distancing, video is the best way to really reach out and form connections with people. Yet, a lot of us struggle with video, and with being confident enough to put ourselves and our message out there. We shouldn’t be missing out on opportunities to use video because we lack confidence, so Alicia Berruti is her eto share with us her take on doing videos confidently.


Alicia Berruti is the National Speaker at BombBomb, a video enablement platform that helps people communicate face-to-face via video. They are focused on bringing back the human side of communication to the virtual world, by making it easy to record, send, and track videos, allowing you to be “in person” with those who matter most to your business at any given time. In her role at BombBomb, Alicia teaches and inspires people to use simple videos to ReHumanize business communication and get face-to-face with clients and prospects more often.


"I don't look good on video." "I can't figure out the technology for videos." "I get so nervous doing videos." If this sounds like you, you need to listen to this episode. Alicia and Shannon dive into overcoming fear around videos and gaining confidence to do them. Alicia also shares why video is an important communication tool, not just for social media, but to actually talk to people and build a deep connection with them. She talks about how we can move past some of the hang ups we may have around putting ourselves out there to show up on camera, and how we can get started with using videos more effectively and intentionally.


Key Takeaways:

[9:25] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Alicia Berruti.

[11:58] What does Alicia do and who does she do it for?

[13:36] How did Alicia start helping people get comfortable with being on video?

[15:31] What did Alicia's journey of loving her own body and feeling comfortable in her own skin?

[20:50] Alicia shares about the power of gratitude in her own life and changing how she sees her body.

[21:30] Feeling confident is a process, and it's something we have to work on constantly.

[25:43] Video is effective because it gives people an opportunity to get to know, like and trust you.

[29:44] Think about what the world would have missed out on if Oprah had waited to be comfortable in her body to get get in front of the camera.

[31:13] What is Alicia's response to some common reasons people have for not doing video?

[39:11] Shannon and Alicia discuss why we should be sharing on video because of the value we bring.

[43:06] What is BombBomb?

[49:08] Video can help convey tonality, which is often lacking in our emails and text messages!

[52:22] Shannon sometimes replies to people on Instagram and Facebook messenger on video, and it makes such a difference.

[54:46] There is a 14-day free trial of BombBomb available for you to check out how it could work in your business.

[1:01:36] Find out more about BombBomb on the website, or get connected with Alicia on Instagram.

[1:04:26] What do you think about a live video challenge? Share your thoughts with Shannon!




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Time Blocking 101 with Renee Clair - Code: TCYT


Quotes from this episode:

"The #1 thing that keeps people from doing video is this uncomfortability with being on camera." - Alicia


"Video is effective and video works because it gives people an opportunity to build 'know, like and trust' with you." - Alicia


"People can connect with human and flawed better than they can connect with perfect and polished." - Alicia


"We're just better face-to-face." - Alicia