
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Jan 27, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

Ep 153: Licensing a Yoga Teacher Training with Aruna Kathy Humphrys & Claire Matthews



As our yoga business grows and expands, one of the things that we may consider offering is yoga teacher training programs. However, it can be challenging to create your own curriculum and and there are many different aspects to consider. Aruna Kathy Humphrys and Claire Matthews have some insights to share on this topic and their unique business model.

Aruna and Claire are the founders of Ambassador Yoga. They have created and licensed a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program that provides teachers with manuals and lesson plans to run their own YTTs in their own homes or studios. In addition to their work at Ambassador Yoga, Aruna and Claire both run their own yoga business. Aruna has been a certified yoga instructor since 1998, and is the Co-Founder, Director and Lead Teacher Trainer at Young Yoga Masters Registered Children’s Yoga School. Claire’s yoga journey began in 2002, and she is the Co-Founder and Director of Yoga Truly Studios where she teaches guided classes & restorative therapies.

Aruna and Claire share more about who can become a yoga teacher trainer, why you might want to register with Yoga Alliance and the requirements for that, and how licensing a training program works for them and the yoga teachers trainers they serve. They also have some advice on writing the curriculum for a yoga teacher training program and some resources around that..

If you have a yoga teacher training program, or have wondered what it takes to create a yoga teacher training - this episode will be a useful one.

Key Takeaways:

[8:14] Shannon introduces her guests for this episode - Aruna Kathy Humphrys & Claire Matthews.

[9:29] What is the work that Aruna and Claire do and who do they do it for?

[11:15] Claire runs her yoga teacher trainings on a different schedule than the usual system. She explains how it works.

[14:16] How did Claire and Aruna first meet and decide to put together a yoga teacher training?

[15:48] How does the licensing work in terms of other yoga teachers wanting to run their own yoga teacher trainings?

[18:10] How are yoga teachers screened for their suitability to run a yoga teacher training? Claire and Aruna discuss how the changes in the requirements of Yoga Alliance could impact the screening process.

[23:58] When yoga teachers buy the licensing program from Yoga Ambassador, how do they execute it?

[25:03] What are some things that Aruna and Claire learned when they first started licensing out their program?

[29:15] Aruna and Claire have had a few "Beautiful Mind" moments and share the experience of that.

[32:59] What were some things that were surprising to Aruna and Claire when delivering their teacher trainings?

[35:37] What is Claire and Aruna's advice to want to license their own teacher training programs?

[42:00] What are Claire and Aruna's thoughts on selling their manuals?

[43:32] How does the licensing work in terms of a yoga school's business name?

[46:28] How do Claire and Aruna deal with updating the manual?

[48:46] Claire and Aruna do a lot of the work behind the scenes for teacher trainers.

[50:34] What is Claire and Aruna's #1 tip about putting together a teacher training?

[54:03] There are plans for a 300-hr training in the works. Claire and Aruna share some of the considerations they have to deal with.

[57:10] Get in touch with Claire and Aruna via their website to find out more about their licensing program.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Yoga for Pelvic Health Teacher Training


Quotes from this episode:

"If you qualify with Yoga Alliance, then you would qualify with us." - Aruna


"They choose their price, they choose their schedule. What they do have to stick to is the trainer lesson plans, just making sure the right amount of time is spent in each educational category but how they deliver that is really up to them." - Claire


"I think the big learning was how to make the training experiential." - Aruna


"Use the thing to teach the thing." - Aruna


"Editing the manual - it is an ongoing process, also because there is always new information about yoga." - Aruna


Jan 20, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

Ep 152: Simplifying Facebook Ads with Claire Pelletreau



Facebook ads can be an incredibly powerful tool, if done well, but it can be tricky to navigate. What kinds of ads are effective? How can you target your audience effectively? How much should you spend on ads? Claire Pelletreau has the answers to these questions and more.

Claire is a Facebook and Instagram ads consultant, and host of the Get Paid Podcast where she asks tough money questions. By using a process of data gathering, analysis, strategy, and experimentation, Claire helps clients get real results from Facebook ads, and prides herself on simplifying the complex Facebook and Instagram advertising for her clients. She offers clients Done-For-You Ad Management and in-depth consultations, as well as FB ads courses and other resources for those looking to DIY their Facebook ads.

In this deep-dive interview about Facebook ads, Claire shares her expertise on how to use Facebook ads to target a location specific audience, the difference between doing ads yourself and hiring someone, and why video ads may be the most effective type of ads for yoga teachers. 

This episode is perfect for everyone, from someone who’s been dabbling in FB ads and wants to make the most of their ad dollars to the beginner who wants to know how to use paid advertising to boost their business.

Key Takeaways:

[7:09] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Claire Pelletreau.

[10:19] Claire makes a case for why Facebook ads are not just a good way to get new clients, but also to get back time.

[13:25] Claire walks through the process of re-targeting visitors to your website.

[16:09] Why are there dips and peaks in terms of site traffic and conversions and leads?

[18:18] How can yoga teachers get started with Facebook ads?

[21:42] Claire and Shannon discuss what a video ad would look like with an example.

[26:26] What are some of Claire's tips for what makes a good video ad?

[29:10] What are some of Shannon's hesitations when it comes to putting out Facebook ads? Claire addresses some of her concerns.

[32:32] Does Claire recommend doing ads for freebies?

[33:58] Claire and Shannon dive into how Shannon's podcast makes her money, and how to track different lead magnets from podcast episodes.

[39:57] What is Claire's recommendation for a video ad strategy?

[43:05] What should your budget be for Facebook ads, and how do you choose your audience?

[47:05] Claire highlights some of the things that Facebook doesn't allow in ads.

[49:28] Step 1: Get a tracking pixel on your website!

[50:23] What are some of Claire's offerings to help people with Facebook ads?

[55:04] Shannon shares her one action step from this interview. What's yours?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Yoga for Pelvic Health Teacher Training


Quotes from this episode:

"It's so funny how a bigger investment just makes us think that something's going to be better." - Claire


"You're working really hard to get in front of people, then let Facebook and Instagram ads repeatedly put you in front of them." - Claire


"One of the best ways to really spend a small budget is by putting video ads in front of brand new audiences." - Claire


"I think video is probably THE tactic to do for 1:1s in particular." - Claire


"If you're struggling to get people to buy to begin with, Facebook ads is not going to fix that." - Claire


"Identify the objections, and then create content that helps people get over them." - Claire

Jan 13, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

151: Male Pelvic Health & Yoga with Dr. Susie Gronski



Pelvic health is a recurring topic on this podcast, but most of the time, it is about pelvic health in general or particular to female-bodied people. However, pelvic health is something important to male-bodied people too, so on this episode Dr. Susie Gronski sheds some light on male pelvic health and the issues surrounding that.


Dr. Susie Gronski describes herself as “the physiotherapist for your privates”. She is a licensed doctor of physical therapy, board certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner, and a certified health coach. On her podcast In Your Pants, Dr. Susie approaches the topic of pain, pelvic health, and sexuality with open and transparent conversations. Apart from providing 1:1 hands-on consultations with her patients to teach them how to be the expert in treating their pelvic pain, Dr. Susie is also a Registered Yoga Teacher, and brings that aspect into her work.


What are some of the concerns that male-bodied people have regarding their pelvic health, and how can yoga or PT help? In this interview, Dr. Susie addresses a variety of topics - from pelvic pain, to urinary issues, from how pelvic health relates to sexual function, to myths around pelvic health. 


If you know someone who is male-bodied, or are a male-bodied person yourself - this episode has great information that will be beneficial in understanding more about male pelvic health.


Key Takeaways:

[6:55] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Dr. Susie Gronski.

[7:53] What is the work that Dr. Susie does and who does she do it for?

[8:38] What has the challenge been as a female-bodied person addressing male body part issues?

[12:58] Be aware of the language and terms you use around the topic of pelvic health!

[14:27] What are some of the main issues that male-bodied people face with regard to pelvic health?

[19:10] Dr. Susie shares an anecdote of a patient she is working with.

[22:15] Pain is a very personal experience that varies greatly from person to person, and particularly with men, there is a lot of stigma around how they should act or seek help.

[23:50] Lower back pain can also be related to pelvic health. Dr. Susie explains how.

[26:29] How does the male pelvic floor function differently from the female pelvic floor?

[30:50] What is the relationship between between pelvic pain and stressful images or experiences?

[35:47] What are the benefits of going to see your pelvic health PT or going to yoga class for some of these issues?

[40:33] It is important to not always be focused on engaging the pelvic floor muscles but to maintain some balance to optimize function.

[45:52] How can we encourage men to attend a pelvic health class or a yoga class?

[47:50] When should men see a pelvic health PT for any issues they're experiencing?

[53:53] Dr. Susie recommends that people should see a PT who specializes in male pelvic health, and she explains why.

[56:19] What are some resources Dr. Susie recommends to find a male pelvic health specialist?

[58:13] What is Dr. Susie's podcast about?

[58:38] What is the biggest myth or misconception men have about their pelvic health?

[1:01:59] What are Dr. Susie's thoughts on hernias and exercise in male bodies?

[1:05:53] What were your key takeaways from this episode?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals


Quotes from this episode:


"There's a lot of isolation and stigmatization and taboo around helping male-bodies."


"The prostate has been blamed for a lot of male pain issues, but if you look at the research and the literature, the stats are about 95-97% of them have no correlation to an infection at all."


"Part of my role is to help them to be aware of that protective response, and question whether or not that's necessary for them in that moment."


"Sexual health issues, they often are intertwined with psychological or psychogenic components as well."

Jan 6, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

150: Start a Membership Site with Amanda McKinney



Have you been thinking about starting a membership site? Perhaps you’ve heard of membership sites and you’re wondering how you can start one as a yoga teacher. Shannon and Amanda McKinney both started their own membership sites in 2019 and dive into what it takes to start and run a successful membership site.


Amanda is a marketing coach for yoga teachers with a membership site, Marketing Yoga with Confidence, which focuses on helping yoga teachers to market themselves and their businesses authentically, without slimy, sales-y marketing. Shannon’s membership site, Pelvic Health Professionals, provides pelvic health advocates including physiotherapists, yoga teachers, fitness professionals and more, with updated information surrounding pelvic health.


Starting a membership site is not something either of them had considered, but eventually they did. They share their journey of why they started their membership sites, and what they have learned along the process. Amanda and Shannon also discuss some of the finer details of running a membership site, from doing launches, the technology and methods for content creation, and how to get started.


If you are wondering how this can be used by yoga teachers wanting to focus on more online offerings, or you’ve wanted to learn more about the inner workings of starting and running a membership site, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[5:28] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Amanda McKinney.

[7:19] What is Amanda's membership site and what got her started on that?

[11:56] Amanda was familiar with the technology for her membership site when she launched, but didn't have any of the content ready.

[13:16] Amanda and Shannon had the idea for a membership site at the same time. Shannon shares her journey of starting her membership site.

[15:45] Both Amanda and Shannon initially opened their membership sites and let their founding members guide the direction for the content.

[17:48] What is a membership site and how does it apply to yoga teachers?

[20:30] A yoga membership site has been called an "online yoga studio". Does this mean that students will no longer be going to classes?

[23:12] What are some of the different decisions Shannon and Amanda have made in creating content? They share some of their techniques and methods for conveying content.

[27:43] Shannon and Amanda discuss their platforms for their membership sites.

[29:26] Let's talk tech. What are some of the tech that Amanda and Shannon use?

[35:06] One of the things to manage is people feeling like they're getting left behind with the amount of content available on membership sites. Be careful with that!

[37:10] Another option is making your own customized platform for your membership site, but be sure not to go off on a tangent or invest too much before you need to.

[40:44] What's the best way to gather information from ideal clients?

[44:29] Be open to the possibilities of what your idea could become!

[49:31] Churn (people leaving) is a natural part of running a membership site. Do not become heartbroken or discouraged!

[54:12] Both Amanda and Shannon open and close the doors to their membership sites at certain times. Why have they chosen to go this route?

[1:00:57] Share your ideas for membership sites for yoga teachers or your own membership site in the comments!




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals


Quotes from this episode:


"Listen to what your audience says." - Amanda


"The idea that my audience was asking for it was reason enough for me to figure it out." - Amanda


"If anyone's thinking about creating a membership site, in and of itself, think about who you want in there. ... At the beginning, it is really important to have quality." - Amanda


"I really try and help yoga teachers understand the power of online classes, because yes, it's different, but it's so impactful." - Amanda


"Use what you have, and figure out what you need." - Amanda