
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Dec 30, 2017

045: Creating Content with Shannon Crow

Shannon is going solo today to share with you something that she is incredibly passionate about- content creation. Content creation includes Facebook and Instagram posts, newsletters and websites and even books. It allows your ideal client to get to know you and the services you offer.


As an entrepreneur, Shannon has learned much about content creation through trial and error. She understands how difficult to know where to start. As a yoga business consultant, she has worked with many yoga teachers looking to grow their businesses and has learned much about what has held them back. Shannon has found that many get stuck in the process of creating and/or sharing their content so if this sounds like you,  just know you are not alone.


Having worked with Shannon I can attest to her love of content creation and her knowledge of many social media platforms. Her intense curiosity keeps her informed of any emerging content platforms as well which lends itself to another passion of hers- sharing her knowledge with others. This episode is packed with information and inspiration to help you get started on creating your own content.


6:05 Content creation didn’t always come easily for Shannon- was often scrambling


6:55 Content creation became a Monday Morning Task


       What is content? It’s anything you are creating such as text, audio, or video or even a combination of the three. 2 examples of content:  1) A post on your Facebook page, perhaps you add an image 2) A book is an example of content created over a long period of time, even years.


8:25 When you feel stuck


Some of the common reasons you feel blocked:


  1. Not feeling like enough of an expert
  2. Everything has been done before
  3. New technology needed to share like a mic for creating a video
  4. Time for creating content- feeling like your schedule is packed planning classes, other part-time or full-time jobs and family
  5. New to this (teaching and/or marketing) and not sure where to begin
  6. Wanting things to be better or perfect before sharing - a lot of fear around creating videos and sharing images
  7. No defined niche- harder to create posts without a strong point-of-view, they may feel like they don’t reflect your work
  8. Afraid to put your opinions / photos / video / writing out there - a fear that what you share will be picked apart
  9. Not sure which platform is best - at a standstill with indecision, or attempting to post on as many as you can when starting with one and doing it well
  10. Looking for an immediate reaction from a post- posting an article you have been working on and barely anyone likes it or looks at it can be discouraging


14:55 Five Keys of Content Creation:


15:05 1. Consistency


Some examples of consistent content are a weekly podcast, Facebook posts that you can schedule, monthly or weekly newsletters. People count on it and are reminded of you and your offering. Make space for content creation- perhaps Monday Morning

16:40 2. What is the goal of your content?


Increase your email list? Get students to attend your class? Why are you sharing content? This key is often skipped, but it is the one that will give your content focus.


18:55 3. Quality content -- what content do you gravitate towards? I love useful information and actionable steps


21:20 Shawn’s 5 Content Tips


  1. Come up with a plan
  2. Don’t get stuck on one type of content
  3. Focus on quality over quantity
  4. Work with your interests and skills
  5. Add some randomness to your content


23:20  4a. Create Content


Writer’s block? Write down your ideas in one place - mind map, scribble, draw it out - you will be surprised when you are working paper to pen how the brain will come up with different ideas. Ask where and when you write best.


24:20 Ideas for Content


  1. Your offerings
  2. Your calendar / schedule
  3. Resources e.g. books, music, props, quotes, any content that you are taking in
  4. Holidays & themes e.g. candlelight winter solstice yoga
  5. Write authentically your experience as a student
  6. Your experience as a yoga teacher or your personal story, written or video form for example
  7. Self-care share
  8. Your space where you teach or practice
  9. Yoga e.g. poses, pranayama, meditation, mantra, mudra through video, audio, photos or info
  10. Recipes e.g. yogi tea
  11. Curate content that has resonated with you e.g. books, articles written by others


31:10 4b. Call to Action


Are you asking people to do something? If so is it all the time? Aim for 20% of the time
80 / 20 rule -Amanda Bond talked to us about this on TCYT 031: Facebook Marketing for Teachers. For every 5 posts on social media have 1 call to action so you’re not asking people to sign up for your class on every post and providing great content gives them a chance to get to know you


33:35 5. Schedule, Share and Repurpose Your Content


On your own platform or take an article on website and share on an online publication, make sure to check rules but can often share articles from other sites. Build up a bank- have the option of re-posting depending on the platform.


36:40 5 Keys to Content Creation re-cap


37:20 5 Day Content Creation Challenge


38:15 An actionable step you can take today to begin creating content


Write down 5 ideas for content creation and share one



The Connected Yoga Facebook Group Thread: "To those who are not full-time yoga instructors, what is your other job?"


The Connected Yoga Teacher 5-Day Content Creation Challenge


Define Your Yoga Niche: An Online Workshop for Yoga Teachers


Shawn Radcliffe's Website


Shannon's Yogi Tea Recipe


The Connected Teacher Facebook Group


Follow The Connected Teacher on Youtube


Book a Consultation Call with Shannon


Mama Nurture Teacher Training (RPYT)


Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity

Dec 23, 2017

Accounting for Yoga Teachers with Hannah Smolinski


In part 4 of our 4-part Money Mini-series, we get accounting advice from Hannah Smolinski. Hannah and Shannon discuss accounting software, the difference between a bookkeeper, accountant and CFO, which expenses are deductible and much more to help you feel confident about the money side of your business.


Hannah has had an entrepreneurial spirit since grade school when she set up her first business making friendship bracelets. She loved counting her money, coming up with business strategies and even considering supply and demand.


So, it was no surprise she ended up working with numbers. Hannah studied accounting in her undergraduate studies and moved on to receive her Masters in Accounting at the University of Washington, followed by her CPA licence. After working in her field as an auditor and a chief financial officer of a small business, she felt the need to help people build their businesses up. Hannah decided to start her own business; BrightenUp Financial, a company that specializes in small business accounting and finance management.


As a takeaway from the Money Mini-Series, we hope tackling your money-related issues seems less overwhelming. When broken down into small steps financial mastery is within your grasp.

7:00 Hannah's journey into accounting and small business financial consulting


11:10 Accounting software recommendations


14:00 Difference between accountant, bookkeeper and a CPA


15:30 When to hire a bookkeeper


17:45 Having a business bank account is a must


20:30 What expenses are tax deductible?


36:35 What statement gives us a good idea of how our business is doing? Look your profit and loss statement and the difference between profit and revenue.


38:55 You can increase your profit in 2 ways- increase revenue or decrease your expenses


39:55 Keeping track of taxes you owe- ask for help from bookkeeper or accountant, or use an Estimated Tax form so you don’t end up having to pay more taxes than you can afford at the end of the year


43:00 Monthly check-in for your business


44:20 Cost of goods sold


48:40 How to work with Hannah


49:25 Shannon’s closing thoughts


Expenses you can usually write-off on your taxes :


  • Yoga teacher training and other courses related to your business
  • books
  • music
  • props
  • marketing
  • software
  • office supplies
  • custom labour (cleaner, accountant) - if specific to business
  • meals & entertainment
  • insurance
  • rent


Check with your tax professional about:

  • home studio
  • utilities
  • mileage & fuel
  • auto expense
  • cell phone
  • computer - listed as a business asset
  • gifts - check limit




Accounting Software:







For the US: IRS Estimated Tax for Individual


Hannah's Website: BrightenUp Financial


Brighten Up Financial on Facebook


Resources from Brighten Up Financial -e-book, articles, links to helpful tools


Other Money Mini-Series Episodes:


041: Generating Profit with Natalie Eckdahl


042: Money Mindset with Geraldine Carter


043: Minimum Viable Income with Steph Crowder


The Connected Teacher Facebook Group


Follow The Connected Teacher on Youtube


Book a Consultation Call with Shannon


Mama Nurture Teacher Training (RPYT)

Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity

Dec 16, 2017

Have you thought about teaching yoga full-time but fear making ends meet? Steph Crowder, the Head of Member Success at has created actionable steps to make possible what may seem like an impossible goal.


Fizzle is a community for creatives, makers and entrepreneurs. Steph began as a member and loved the platform so much she envisioned a role for herself within the company. She applied for a small job and worked her way up to her full-time position.


Steph also hosts the Courage and Clarity Podcast and co-hosts The Fizzle Show which allows her to share her passion for helping entrepreneurs reach their potential in an otherwise often solitary pursuit.


Steph shares with us the importance of calculating your Minimal Viable Income (or MVI) which is the minimum you need to make, per month, to make ends meet. If while building your business you can earn this number there’s a good chance you can transition from your primary job to teaching yoga full-time.


When Steph isn’t helping people pursue their business goals, she’s hanging out with her husband and one-year-old-daughter, sipping wine and decorating her new home in Louisville, Kentucky.

7:40 How Steph got started on her entrepreneurial journey


11:55 What is Minimal Viable Income?


14:15 Your MVI is highly individualized and is dictated by numerous variables


18:50 When can I teach yoga full time?


20:00 The power of having a number for your Minimal Viable Income


20:35 Actionable steps to determine your Minimal Viable Income:


1 Fixed and Variable Expenses- determining the difference between your fixed expenses like rent, mortgage, car insurance, etc. and variable expenses that are based on habits like entertainment, clothes, groceries


23:00 2 Trimming the Fat- looking at the numbers and where you can reduce,  challenging yourself on the expenses


25:35 3 Getting Creative- go further and ask yourself the question like: do you need 2 cars, can you change your living situation, etc. - means to an end, changes aren’t forever


29:15 4 Do the Math


  1. Do you have a cushion of savings
  2. Business archetypes -different ways you can bring in income
  3. Making a game plan to get the work you need to reach your MVI


34:15 4 strategies to consider if you need to hit your MVI quickly:


  1. Consider 1:1 work
  2. Hit your networks hard
  3. Always ask for referrals
  4. Consider a second source of income


40:30 Does the MVI apply to those working full-time teaching yoga and feel like they’re not making ends meet?


43:20 How to contact Steph


44:30 Shannon’s closing thoughts




Steph’s email:


The Fizzle Website


Steph's Website: Courage and Clarity- Fizzle to sign up for 5-week free trial


Free PDF from Steph: How to Afford an Entrepreneurial Lifestyle: A Comprehensive Guide to  Minimum Viable Income


Courage and Clarity Podcast


Courage and Clarity on Facebook


Steph on Instagram


The Connected Teacher Facebook Group


Follow The Connected Teacher on Youtube


Book a Consultation Call with Shannon


Mama Nurture Teacher Training (RPYT)

Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity

Dec 9, 2017

042: Money Mindset with Geraldine Carter

Money Mini-Series Part 2 of 4


On part 2 of our 4-part Money Mindset Mini-series, Business Coach Geraldine Carter, founder of Focused Business Coaching, asks you to reflect to uncover your “money story”. Your money story comprises of messages you were given about money growing up, the emotions that arise when working through your finances, your comfort level around setting rates and much more.


Your story can manifest itself as money hang-ups such as avoiding financial matters, being paralyzed by anxiety when making business decisions, or believing that you’re unworthy of being paid for your services.


Geraldine Carter thrives on supporting entrepreneurs who are driven to make a positive change in the world while making a living. Geraldine has had first-hand experience as the co-founder of Climate Ride a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that organizes life-changing charitable events to raise awareness and support sustainability, active transportation, and environmental causes.


After travelling extensively and noticing the effect climate change has had on so many beautiful places around the world, Geraldine and her friend decided to create cycling events that bring awareness to climate change while raising money for charitable organizations. Climate Ride has grown to support 15 events around the world and is set to donate $750,000 to environmental and sustainable non-profits.


Geraldine breaks down the most important steps and tools needed to create a viable business. She emphasizes that it can be done simply so you are spending less time doing the books and more time doing what you love.

6:10 Geraldine’s relationship to yoga


8:30 Where do we begin addressing our money mindset hangups?


9:00 Notice your behaviours (often avoidance techniques) around money to find your “money story”


11:10 When it’s a good idea to hire someone to take care of your business finances


12:05 What should we be tracking when it comes to our bookkeeping? E.g. income, expenses, rates as they go up, how much it costs to put together workshops, etc.


12:55 Keep track of your time and energy- track how much energy you expend on various activities per hour- like creating workshops, teaching classes (including planning and travel time) to discover which activities have the highest value


15:45 Anxiety bubble around money is very common, it’s temporary and will decrease as you learn and use money management tools


16:20 How can you make your business more profitable? -start keeping track, being in service and being profitable- not either or. “You can be in service AND profitable. In fact, the more profitable you are the more you can be of service.”


18:00 How often should we be tracking our transactions?


19:20 Shannon shares her money mindset hangup and how she’s working on it


21:25 Almost everyone Geraldine has helped move through their anxiety around money has found that avoidance was much more painful than tackling the issue.


22:10 What keeps people from working dealing with their finances and how it interferes with your business growth


24:00 Setting your rates as a yoga teacher


25:50 Being conscious of giving free classes or lesser rates- is it a good idea?


28:20 Healthier ways to help those in need such as fundraising for karma passes, one-off scholarships, payment plans


30:15 Geraldine’s favourite tracking programs depending on volume: Excel (good for businesses starting out), Freshbooks, Quickbooks


32:15 Geraldine uses Apple Pages in PDF for invoicing “The simpler the better”  Other options: Wave, Harvest, Quickbooks and many tracking programs also have an invoicing feature


33:00 MVP (Minimum Viable Product)- keep the bookkeeping and administration as simple as possible, you want to spend the least amount of time on this aspect, your service is what’s most important


35:00 Best way to help people with money mindset- programs (group or one-on-one) to help you stick with the process and breakthrough


36:00 Geraldine’s online and in-person course- next session in February 2018


36:25 How Geraldine got into this line of work


37:20 Geraldine’s work with Climate Ride was mentioned in Seth Godin’s Ted Talk


41:30 Shannon’s closing thoughts



Geraldine's Web page- Focused Business Coaching


Course: Ditch Your Money Hang-ups with Geraldine Carter


Geraldine on Facebook


Focused Business Coaching on Facebook


Geraldine on LinkedIn


Geraldine on Google+


Climate Ride Website


YouTube Video: Ted Talk: The Tribes We Lead- Seth Godin

The Connected Teacher Facebook Group


Follow The Connected Teacher on Youtube


Book a Consultation Call with Shannon


Mama Nurture Teacher Training (RPYT)

Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity

Dec 2, 2017

Natalie Eckdahl, MBA, has been a guide, supporter and cheerleader for Shannon on her journey to create The Connected Yoga Teacher podcast.  Shannon hired Natalie for her services as a business coach, feeling she could use some expert advice along with an accountability partner. This helped Shannon immensely when taking on her vision to build a platform for yoga teachers.


Natalie is a business coach, professional facilitator, keynote speaker and host of the Biz Chix Podcast which iTunes featured as a top New Business Podcast in March 2014. She has over 20 years of business experience and works with female entrepreneurs to build their businesses through money mindset and social media strategies, all while recognizing her clients’ family and individual goals.


This year Natalie successfully created and ran a Biz Chix Live Event, a 3-day Leadership Training for Women Entrepreneurs and has another set to run next November 2018.


If you struggle with charging for your services as a yoga teacher you are not alone. On this episode Natalie and Shannon discuss the importance of finding your niche, defining your services a charity, hobby or business and charging clients for your services accordingly with confidence.  Also covered is the concept of “passive” and “active” income along with the pros and cons of both business styles and many more nuggets of wisdom.

06:10 Is your business a charity, a hobby or a business- all are valid  but intention should be clear


10:05 Feeling conflicted about charging yoga students for a spiritual, healing practice


11:10 Offerings you don’t have to charge for (articles, podcasts, etc.) are great but don’t need to do that in order to justify charging clients- your competence justifies charging for your services


12:10 Take a moment to revisit childhood messages about money, confront them, do you still agree with messages? Maybe agreeing with them without conscious thought and it may be shaping your business


13:40 Challenging the idea of “passive income” (online videos, books, etc.) as a gold mine versus what Natalie calls  “active income” (consultation work, teaching yoga classes, etc.)


21:05 The fear around finding your yoga niche and the benefits of doing so


23:50 Shannon’s niching down process


24:45 Creating a niche isn’t about excluding others


25:45 Natalie’s niching down process


28:50 Adjusting your brand to your newfound niche- Natalie calls our worry around this “The Spotlight Effect”


33:00 It’s okay not to serve everyone, specializing helps attract clients


35:30 Naming and marketing your classes to attract the clients you are seeking to serve


39:15 Niching down allows your network (friends and family, business associates, etc.) know who they can refer to you


39:55 Natalie’s top money mindset advice for small business owners- open a business bank account, get a bookkeeper, and more to build confidence as a business owner


45:05 How to get connect with Natalie


46:50 Shannon’s closing thoughts



Natalie's Biz Chix Website


Podcast: Biz Chix 216: Small Business Reality- Is this a Business, Hobby or Charity?


Podcast: The Connected Yoga Teacher 005: Setting and Achieving Big Goals with Natalie Eckdahl


Podcast: Biz Chix 293: Where Are They Now? Updates with Christina Nicholson, Shannon Crow, Lilah Higgins, Julie Hefner, and Tara Lynn Foster


The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group


Follow The Connected Teacher on Youtube


Book a Consultation Call with Shannon


Mama Nurture Teacher Training (RPYT)

Nov 25, 2017

Patricia Fasciotti - Grow Your Audience with a 5-Day Challenge

On today’s unique episode Patricia Fasciotti shares her experience with a unique marketing strategy. The discussion transitions into a  consultation call with Shannon as she advises Patricia on how to move forward with social media marketing.


Patricia is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Yoga instructor, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Nutrition Coach all under the name The Wellness Concierge.


Patricia wants to expand her online offerings as she has found this teaching format a great fit for her life. Patricia is a mother of 2 kids and is looking for a work-life balance that will allow her the financial freedom to spend more time with her children.


Patricia’s multi-faceted approach to wellness is a gift to her clients and in order for her to reach those who could benefit from her services Patricia decided to offer a free 5-day Wellness Challenge to current and potential clients.


Patricia outlines to Shannon how she approached this marketing strategy and the benefits of offering this challenge and what she learned from it.


Patricia is a down-to-earth, warm personality who openly shares what has (and hasn’t) worked for her in this process. Shannon, through consultation, helps Patricia move through the fear of marketing herself further on social media platforms.

4:10 How Patricia got into yoga


08:00 Patricia’s online class membership- The Yoga Suite


09:35 The 5-day Wellness Challenge- a free offering that can be used to showcase your work to an audience


10:20 How her 5-day Challenge works


12:00 How Patricia prepared and marketed her 5 Day Challenge


14:45 Caution around creating Facebook ads


17:45 Patricia outlines Day 1 of Challenge and using Facebook Live


20:00 Patricia’s first Facebook Live video experience


21:50 Last day of 5 day Challenge- a time to celebrate and build excitement for an upcoming offering, offering prizes


24:30 Benefits of having a Facebook group page


**Consultation Call**


27:30 Patricia asks about her social media presence and marketing strategies moving forward


28:50 Shannon asks Patricia what feedback she’s gotten from her clients


30:10 Shannon asks if Patricia’s “Big Why” of her yoga offerings match with her clients’  “Big Why”


31:40 If there is fear behind your hesitation to build your online presence with advice to move through the fear


36:30 Shannon guides Patricia through fine-tuning her online yoga offerings


37:20 Advice on deciding on number of clients to take on- limit on group numbers allows for more individualized attention and raising price for membership is valid, builds loyalty


40:20 Look at your niche, ideal student and where your offerings have gained traction in the past


45:00 Setting goals around getting new clients


45:45 Recognizing and rewarding clients that are most engaged


48:15  Sharing your business offerings on your personal Facebook page


49:05 One-minute videos, the importance of relatability in videos


50:30 Setting a goal for putting videos on Youtube


52:55 Closing thoughts with Shannon



Patricia's Website- The Wellness Concierge


Patricia's Free Body Balanced 7-day Challenge


The Concierge Lounge Group on Facebook


The Yoga Suite- online membership program




Patricia's Instagram


Mondays With Margo on Youtube


TCYT Podcast 031: Facebook Marketing with Amanda Bond


The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group


Follow The Connected Teacher on Youtube

Nov 18, 2017



Today’s episode is unique in that instead of one featured guest we have seven!  Shannon reached out looking to answer a question asked on The Connected Teacher Facebook Group: What advice would you give your new teacher self?


Thoughtful and beautiful reflections were recorded by 7 yoga teachers who passed them on to Shannon so she could share with all of you while reflecting on her own experiences as a yoga teacher fresh out of yoga teacher training. What would you tell your new teacher self?


3:15 Betsy Brockett


4:45 Jamie Grollman


6:25 Kristina Kelly


9:25 Catherina Espinoza


10:55 Amanda Kingsmith


13:15 Lisa Zaehringer


15:30 Allie Bright


17:40 Shannon shares other advice from The Connected Yoga Teachers Facebook Group




To get in touch with featured yoga teachers:


Betsy Brockett

Betsy's Website

Betsy's Instagram


Jamie Grollman

Jamie's Website


Kristina Kelly

Kristina's Website- Get Moving Fitness

Balanced Breath Studio Facebook Page


Catherina Espinoza

Catherina's Website- Tu Espacio Yoga

Tu Espacio Yoga on Facebook


Amanda Kingsmith

Amanda's Website- M.B.Om (Mastering the Business of Yoga)

Mastering the Business of Yoga Instagram


Lisa Zeahringer

Lisa's Website- Synchronicity Wellness

Lisa on Facebook - Synchronicity Wellness


Allie Bright

Allie's Website- Bright Java

Bright Java on Instagram


The Connected Teacher Facebook Group


MamaNurture Yoga Teacher Training (RPYT)


Shannon's Consultation Services


Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Nov 11, 2017

Trina Altman took a Kripalu yoga class at Brown University and became intrigued by the practice. She became a yoga teacher in 2008 igniting her desire to research anatomy and movement.


The culmination of the knowledge she obtained has allowed her be a multi-disciplinary teacher; borrowing from many kinds of movement practices. Trina is very much focused on balancing her practice and teaching to include strength training along with stretching.


Trina’s passion for movement has led her to create Pilates Deconstructed®, an innovative interdisciplinary approach that fosters an embodied understanding of Pilates and its relationship to modern movement science.


Along with her 500-hour yoga teacher training, she is a STOTT Pilates® certified instructor, leads teacher training in Yoga Tune Up®, the Roll Model® Method and Rx Series for Equinox locally and Internationally.


Trina has presented at Kripalu and multiple conferences such as the Yoga Alliance Leadership Conference. She teaches online classes which can be found on her website as well as in person in Los Angeles at Equinox  and The Moving Joint.


Trina’s teaching fosters body cognition and self-discovery that is firmly grounded in anatomical awareness. She builds bridges between the mystical and pragmatic and specializes in helping others to access their body’s tissues and their heart’s purpose.

9:25 Where Trina’s yoga journey began


11:45 How Trina began to consider the injuries that can be sustained while practising yoga


14:55 Importance of strength training


16:35 The danger of believing yoga is a fix-all


19:00 What does Trina’s balanced personal practice look like?


22:45 Trina’s concern about risk-prone movement in classes she’s attended


23:00 Trina’s experience with group classes (and taking a break from them)


25:25 Group class paradigm- pros and cons


27:20 What can teachers do in their own personal practice to build strength


29:40 How Trina teaches yoga (and how she takes from many different movement modalities)


32:10 What is the Feldenkrais method?


36:15 Trina’s online teaching offerings


38:30 How do we prevent injuries to our students?


40:10 Pilates- “the missing link”


44:05 Where you can find Trina in the upcoming months


44:20 Trina’s closing advice on preventing injury when teaching


47:25 “There is no one answer”


48:30 Group vs. private classes when it comes to yoga injuries


49:35 Four Principles of Teaching Movement: T.R.U.E.


T- total embodiment

R- regress to progress

U- understand underlayer

E- creating an Environment of Safety


57:20 Shannon’s closing thoughts



Website: Trina Altman- Pilates Deconstructed® & Yoga Deconstructed® Embodied Anatomy Biomechanics


Trina Altman's Youtube Channel


Trina's Instagram


Trina's Yoga and Pilates Facebook Page


Mettaversity Course: Realigning Yoga: New Directions in Yoga Anatomy and Movement Research with Trina Altman


Yoga Deconstructed® Courses with Trina Altman

Feldenkrais Method Wikipedia Article


Interoception Wikipedia Article


Proprioception Wikipedia Article

New York Times Article: How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body by William J. Broad


Book: The Science of Yoga: The Risks and Rewards by William J. Broad


Relevant TCYT Episodes:


Podcast: 007: Breath and Pelvic Health with Trista Zinn


Podcast: 32: Strengthen Your Yoga Practice with Kathryn Bruni-Young

The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Page


Trevor Parks Yoga Playlists (can view if a member of The Connected Yoga Teacher FB Page)

Nov 4, 2017

Not #CrushingIt is Okay


Rachel East is a Certified Professional Coach and co-founder of Clarity on Fire with her business partner and best friend Kristen Walker.


Clarity on Fire Coaching was created based on Rachel and Kristen’s experiences with mind-numbing, unfulfilling work and their unwillingness to accept the status quo.


The coaching is geared towards millennials “who know what they don’t want but don’t know what they’d rather be doing”, which was how they felt coming out of college.


Rachel majored in Communications and Public Relations because she knew it was where she would flourish. When she graduated she gladly took a job she was offered as it was tough time economically (after the 2008 recession), and there was a lot of fear surrounding employment.


Rachel found her position as an Events and Promotions Co-ordinator wasn’t ultimately something she cared deeply about. In figuring out what she did want led her to pursue life coaching.  It encompassed many of her passions including self-development and therapy.


The Passion Profile Quiz that Clarity on Fire developed helps uncover your passion (the content) as well as how it can be expressed in your ideal working environment (the context).


Rachel coaches a lot of self-defined perfectionists that are feeling burnt out. There is a mindset in society that we need to be busy to be worthy. Almost everyone struggles with this notion which is why Rachel’s message is so important.


Have no fear if you like your free time, don’t want to build an empire, aren’t a huge fan of social media, or, as Rachel puts it, you don’t want to be a #girlboss or ‘crush it’. There are many ways to approach being a successful entrepreneur.


Rachel’s wrote her blog post Confession: I Have No Desire to be a #girlboss out of frustration when she was feeling burnt out. There was a strong response from people from various professional backgrounds.  She knew that she had hit on something that many felt but few articulated as it isn’t a prevalent societal attitude. Rachel and those who responded to her post discussed defining success and passion for yourself and adhering to your values to discover a working environment that will lead to personal fulfilment.


12:10 Rachel’s professional journey leading her to Clarity on FIre


15:25 Question from Julia, a member of The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group about passion and fulfilment


19:50 Quality vs. Quantity- how focusing on numbers can negatively impact your business and outlook


21:05 Re-defining what success means to you


23:55 Authenticity has a bigger impact than presenting an airbrushed image


24:55 Rachel’s blog post Confession: I Have No Desire to be a #girlboss and how it resonated with so many


28:15 How strong boundaries give you freedom as an entrepreneur


29:30 Business is one aspect of your life, avoid co-dependence. Our job and ourselves are two separate things.


33:15 How Rachel defines passion


35:15 Looking at your job as a journey, not a destination. The danger of grasping too tightly, resisting evolving, growing, or even pursuing a different career path.


39:00 Knowing the difference between the ‘fertile void’ and being afraid of putting yourself out there- fear vs. intuition.


43:05 The Passion Profile Quiz


44:40 Understanding your time and money values

52:05 Setting limits in your business to suit your personality




Clarity On Fire Website


The Passion Profile Quiz


Blog Post: Confession: I Have No Desire to be a #girlboss by Rachel East


Instagram White on Rice


The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group


The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast  030: Rituals to Start and End Your Day with Puja Madan

Oct 28, 2017

Shannon is very excited to have her friend Shai Plonski on the podcast who also happens to be her very first Thai Yoga Massage teacher.

Shannon and Shai know from experience that Thai Massage can enhance a yoga teacher’s
offerings in a multitude of ways such as building a stronger bond with their students, strengthening their hands-on assists, and providing new workshop and revenue opportunities.

Nowadays Shai is the best-selling author of Compassionate Touch: Giving Massage for Optimal Health, Thriving Relationships & Spiritual Awakening. But back in 2001, Shai came to realize that he was not content to work behind a desk and felt a calling to do something more meaningful, connected to Spirit, and with his hands.

Working for a carnival for the summer to earn money for university had Shai working at a booth making wax molds of people’s hands. He has carried the feeling of this experience with him,
having found the connection and trust he had to establish within seconds profound. The power of touch has been a major theme in Shai’s life ever since.

Another seed was planted when Shai travelled to Asia. He was intrigued by the practice and was eventually exposed to Thai Massage when volunteering at the Omega Institute.  A teacher
invited him to sit in on her class and he saw that the practice blended so many principles that mattered to him like connection, compassion, yoga, and the healing power of touch.

Shai’s passion for sharing the practice with others over the past 15 years has led him to teach at some of the largest yoga centers in Toronto and around the world including upcoming courses at
the Kripalu Center and 1440 Multiversity.

He has also authored or co-authored 15 manuals and books on the practice of Thai massage, trained over 3300 practitioners and 100 teachers in this healing art and is the founder of the Still Light Centre.


[9:40] Shai's journey into Thai Yoga Massage


[15:05] Shai’s first exposure to Thai Massage through a workshop


[16:20] What makes Thai Yoga Massage unique?


[16:50] 3 Principles of Thai Yoga Massage


[17:25] Shai's brand new book - Compassionate Touch


[19:20] How Thai Yoga Massage can compliment your yoga business


[21:30] Metta - loving kindness and compassion


[23:55] Complementary to Yin, gentle and restorative yoga classes and yoga retreats


[27:05] Meditative nature of Thai Yoga Massage


[28:00] Still Light Centre teaching style


[30:50] How to learn Thai Yoga Massage


[37:50] How Shai got his name


[41:30] Bringing Thai Massage into your home


[43:35] Massage is a norm in some cultures and families



Still Light Centre

Compassionate Touch: Giving Massage for Optimal Health, Thriving Relationships & Spiritual Awakening  by Shai Plonski

Gentle Yoga with Thai Massage Assists  at Tone Studio, Owen Sound, Ontario

The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group

Gratitude to Our Sponsor -- Schedulicity

Oct 21, 2017

The prospect of yoga teacher training in a warm climate in the middle of winter sounds amazing to most of us. Maxine Iharosy thought so too when she was offered a spot in the Shakti Initiation: All Women’s Leadership Training. She was lit up by the possibility.

However, taking stock of her finances led her to feel she had to decline the offer.

One of the program’s teachers told her not to give up on the opportunity and mentioned that other students in the past have used crowdfunding in order to attend. At first, Maxine felt there was no way she would feel comfortable asking others for money but through the guidance of Robin ( her mentor in this process), she realized that attending this program could benefit her AND her community.

Maxine realized that through leadership training, teachings, and insight into another part of the world, what would benefit her could benefit her others. She would be asking for a gift (financial help), and in exchange would bring back renewed energy and passion for teaching and insight into another culture.

Maxine is a wonderfully community-minded, spiritually connected being with a passion for travel, the outdoors, and teaching yoga that connects her life experiences, readings and storytelling to the practice. 

As her role as the Tone Studio manager comes to a close, her focus will be shifting towards more personal offerings for classes, private sessions and workshops with the vision of bringing some of her greatest passions together- nature, community and yoga with Inner Wilderness Yoga.

Maxine also serves as an administrator and teacher for the Sarana Institute, which is committed to bringing mindful and self-compassion training to others. This summer Maxine was part of the team that offered The Young Adult Program to Sarana Springs in Chatsworth, Ontario. The program gave young adults (aged 18-30) the chance to connect with nature, mindfulness, and learn leadership skills.

Maxine is so grateful for all those who supported her through the crowdfunding process. It increased her awareness of the interconnectedness between student and teacher and teacher and community and wholeheartedly recommends this process if you are willing to be vulnerable and do the hard emotional, physical, and spiritual work.


7:00 The beginning of Maxine’s crowdfunding journey


9:10 The giving and receiving aspect of Maxine’s experience- the teacher/student balance


10:55 What allowed Maxine to ask for help- the mindset she adopted in order to ask, confronting self-doubt and pride and looking to where the root of those feelings are coming from


12:30 Asking herself:  Who am I to ask for money? How will my training benefit others? Acknowledgment that yoga isn’t as validated as other health-related professions in society or even sometimes in the mind of the teacher.


14:00 Practical aspects Maxine’s crowdfunding process


16:25 The gifts Maxine offered her contributors based on the amount of the donation


17:25 How Maxine emotionally processed the donations


19:00 Did Maxine have a backup plan if her goal wasn’t met- the power of intention and belief


20:25 How she felt when she met her goal- fears and questions and the most difficult point of her journey to Bali


23:00 Processing (still) the financial and emotional support she received


23:30 The hard prep work for attending the Women’s Leadership Training and the work while attending the training


24:35 Feedback from supporters when Maxine returned home


26:15 How it built relationships with her supporters and students outside of her yoga classes


27:00 The clarity crowdfunding and training brought to her life and her feelings of responsibility to the community


28:25 The ‘hats’ Maxine wears in her work life


29:35 Maxine’s teaching style


30:30 Sarana Institute Young Adult Program


31:20 Vision for her personal yoga offerings with Inner Wilderness  


33:20 Advice to those considering crowdfunding


35:55 Keeping in touch with your contributors


38:00 Shannon’s closing thoughts





Maxine's Indigogo Campaign Platform


Shakti Initiation: All Women’s Leadership Training


Maxine’s Website: Inner WIlderness Yoga


Sarana Institute


Sarana's Young Adult Program


Blog Post: "Comparison of Crowdfunding Websites" by


Gratitude to Our Sponsor -- Schedulicity

Oct 14, 2017

Have you struggled with the business side of yoga? Most yoga teachers do, fearing that selling themselves is ‘icky’ or maybe not in line with the principles of yoga.


Amanda Kingsmith works with yoga teachers to break through these financial blocks. As a yoga teacher with a business studies background, she is the perfect coach for those struggling with their money mindsets, business terminology, and seeing the worth of their services.


Amanda is an enthusiastic world traveller who is keen on avoiding the tough Alberta winters. She has travelled to over 50 countries and 6 continents. From her first yoga teacher training in Bali, she was hooked. When she began teaching she struggled to shape her yoga business to make a living (despite her business background) and wondered if maybe others were struggling too.


This led Amanda to create the M.B.OM (Mastering the Business of Yoga) podcast, which has 60 + episodes to its name. She decided she would ask those whose businesses she admired her many questions. Instead of asking them out for coffee, she decided to produce a podcast and share the wisdom she gleaned with others.


Amanda also coaches yoga teachers in business matters and writes with a passion. Check out some of her writing on M.B.OM and on her own website.


9:15 Amanda’s yoga journey


11:25 Mastering the Business of Yoga (M.B.OM) Podcast


14:40 Struggles Amanda hears most often


14:55 Letting go of what you think you “should” do


15:20 Being intentional with your business and what you want from your YTT, what do you want out of this yoga career, try many things but at the end of the day do what feels right and makes you happy


16:40 Meditate, journal or reflect in a way that works for you. Consider the many paths there are to choose from, some that may have never been travelled.


17:20 Do you need yoga to be a business?


18:40 Mixing business with yoga; an often uncomfortable aspect for yoga teachers.  Do you consider what you do a business? Work on reframing your perspective on selling your services in order to move away from unsavoury sales stereotypes


20:00 “Sales funnel”- putting yourself out there and what you have to offer (newsletters, social media, etc.) in a way that is low pressure and encourages your clients to access your services


23:05 Reframing business terms for the yoga industry, learning what they mean and how they can help you run your business with an understanding that you can work in the yoga industry using ethical business practices and that honours karmic and yogic principles


24:15 How can yoga teachers work towards a healthy money mindset? How to work as a full-time yoga teacher, for example, and live a comfortable way and feel good about making income from yoga.


26:15 Being afraid to charge enough money for your classes can leave you feeling burnt out and resentful.


28:55 What are the most powerful marketing tools for yoga teachers?




           -social media


-business cards (carry your card and perhaps others for referrals)

-speaking/ networking


44:15 What does Amanda wish she knew as a new yoga teacher? What is imposter syndrome? The danger of comparing yourself to others.


46:35 How to work with Amanda




M.B.OM Website


Amanda's Personal Website


The World Wanderers Podcast


Courage and Clarity with Steph Podcast


The Yoga Lounge Website


TCYT 021: Refine Your Core Message with Carol Cox


The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group


Gratitude to Our Sponsor -- Schedulicity

Oct 7, 2017

Shannon met Dr. Sinead Dufour at a pelvic health workshop for yoga teachers as part of the MamaNurture prenatal yoga teacher training. It was through Sinead that Shannon discovered she had Diastasis. Shannon talks about how some of the yoga poses done after she gave birth were contributing to her condition.

Diastasis is not widely understood in prenatal and postnatal health. It has been falsely understood as the separation of the abdominal muscles (it is even implied in the name) when it is actually the overstraining or damaging of the linea alba tissue.

It was after giving birth to her twins that Sinead discovered significant gaps and misconceptions in the health care system and fitness community that left women without the tools needed to take care of the pelvic health. She felt strongly that she needed to be part of the solution.

Sinead has been a practising physiotherapist for about 15 years, with a PhD in Primary Health Care. Her extensive studies also include training in obstetrics and urogynecology. She is a professor in the Health and Science department at McMaster University and is the Director of Pelvic Health at The Womb.  

Among this episode’s points of discussion are: the role the linea alba plays in Diastasis, Dr. Sinead Dufour’s  leadership in up-and-coming research on DRA to establish common practice principles, and what can be done to prevent this condition.


8:55 Sinead's journey to becoming a leading Pelvic Health expert

10:50 What is Diastasis? A common misconception about Diastasis.

Diastasis or Diastasis Recti Abdominus (DRA)

12:25 Linea alba’s role in pregnancy and Diastasis

15:30 New study by top 22 Diastasis experts in Canada in order to establish practice principles experts can agree on

18:10 Delphi Process with 3 phases setting the practice principles

20:45 Diastasis related to manometric pressure system

manometric pressure system- the pressure system modulated by the core four, inclusive of the linea alba and the glottis (think the concept of intra-abdominal pressure)


19:10 Dr. Sinead’s research study

20:10 What experts are saying: what is Diastasis and how should we manage it?

23:00 Prenatal - how can we prevent Diastasis?

  1. Avoid exercises that concentrically engage the superficial abdominal muscles such as crunches and sit-ups
  2. Emphasis on facilitating optimal co-activation of the deep inner unit
  3. Ensuring the core 4 are working together: pelvic floor, diaphragm, transversus abdominis and multifidus
  4. Working synergistically
  5. Promoting effective, tension free diaphragmatic breathing
  6. More focus on diaphragmatic breath with ease -- less extended belly breathing and more rib cage breath
  7. Emphasizing postures that reduce excessive strained intra-abdominal pressure
  8. Avoid plank pose while pregnant or straining on the toilet,(especially with breath holding).

25:15 Importance of continuous breath

28:45 Encouraging students, not to breath hold (and why they may be doing so)

31:00 Empowering language - What can students do instead of what can't it do

32:15 Listen to the body - pain or struggling in a pose

33:05 Intrapartum (during childbirth) considerations

  1. Continuous breath - no Valsalva breath
  2. Avoiding a back lying position when possible

37:35 Prenatal yoga teachers are the ones who can advocate, inform and empower those who are susceptible to diastasis or other pelvic health issues

38:25 When to refer a yoga student to a pelvic floor physiotherapist

40:00 Postpartum (4th trimester) - "critical healing period"

  1. Abstain from exercises that concentrically engage the superficial abdominal       muscles
  2. Promote exercises that are not the same action as a crunch
  3. Every body is unique and so each person needs something different
  4. Watch for doming or invagination at linea alba during exercise

5.Optimal load transfer at linea alba

45:25 Later diastasis- watch out for doming or invagination (reverse doming)

46:10 Front loading poses: bird dog, plank - when can we do these?

47:30 Any incontinence issues - because Diastasis is a pelvic floor dysfunction


48:50 How yoga can help with the internal pressure system and nervous system


49:55 Autonomic nervous system tension affects the connective and visceral tissue


50:45 Benefits of a yin yoga style


51:40 Fertility yoga series at The Womb


52:50 Increased inter-recti distance is normal in pregnancy


53:45 Diastasis has nothing to do with the inter-recti distance (the width between the rectus abdominis muscles)


57:20 How to test for Diastasis at home


58:40 How a yoga teacher can help assess linea alba during a pelvic floor contraction


1:00:25 Another Diastasis assessment- digital pelvic floor contraction (highlights how integrated the linea alba is with the pelvic floor)


1:01:25 Yoga teachers are in a great position to get ahead of the curve to spread new information discovered through research (before it will be widely taught)


1:05:50 Inter-recti distance as an assessment needs to be thrown out- as people get better and more functional the distance can actually increase proving that inter-recti is meaningless


1:06:55 The general preface statement that will be published in their research document


1:08:50 Preface statement for assessment of DRA


1:10:10 How to work with Dr. Sinead Dufour





The Womb


Find a Canadian Pelvic Health Specialist


Mama Nurture


Relevant TCYT Episodes:

007: Breath and Pelvic Health with Trisha Zinn

008: Core Breath and Pelvic Health with Kim Vopni

009: Kegals, Mula Banda and Pelvic Health with Shelly Prosko


The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group


Gratitude to Our Sponsor -- Schedulicity


Sep 30, 2017

Kathryn Bruni-Young is a mover, educator and creator. She grew up studying yoga with her mother (Diane Bruni) which organically shifted into teaching yoga classes and workshops together.


Kathryn Bruni-Young has been a yoga and movement teacher for the last 10 years.  She suffered from repetitive strain injuries and turned to physiotherapists, personal trainers and other experts from other movement disciplines to create her own teaching style.


Inspired by all she gained from her strength training education. Kathryn founded the Mindful Strength Center, (formerly known as the Cornwall Yoga Studio). Mindful Strength blends strength, mobility and mindfulness. Kathryn leads teacher training, online courses, and workshops throughout Canada and Europe.


Kathryn is being drawn to the world of Trauma Training and has been influenced by those doing research in this field. She is truly a woman with many facets who is excited to share all she has learned to enrich the lives of others.


7:45 Kathryn's Yoga Journey


10:00 Benefits of strength training


12:05 Balance of flexibility and strength training


15:15 Do we need to go to the gym? “Sensory sensitivity”


17:55 Examples of strength training at home


19:00 How to modify push-ups


20:15 Does Kathryn still call herself a yoga teacher?


22:05 Rotator cuff injury


25:30 Kathryn's library of IG posts


26:50 Strength training for repetitive strain-totally different movement


28:25 Muscles and fascia and their response to load


28:55 Variety of strength training options


29:45 How should a yoga teacher start incorporating strength training into their lives?


31:20 How to find a strengthening mentor, even as a kickstart to your training


31:50 Working on your own using YouTube videos, books starting with simple movements


32:45 Working with various professionals (physios, trainers, etc.) even a couple of times to get the ball rolling, get some basic information


33:25 Importance of having variety in strength training so it is well-rounded and balanced so you’re not doing repetitive movement in this area


33:55 Practice movement on your own before incorporating it into your classes


35:00 How to work with Kathryn- new online courses available


37:40 Kathryn's mindful strength class layout


41:55 How to add strengthening to a more traditional yoga class


44:45 What she calls her classes and how her students reacted to the introduction of strength training into her yoga classes- key slowly building strength into the class


50:10 Your unique yoga offering cannot be replicated


51:05 Her first certified training with Ito Portal -not beginner friendly but lots of great insight


52:00 Trauma training (somatic experiencing) in the strength building field-


53:20 Kathryn's Yoga Teacher Training offerings and an Online Mindful Teacher Training is in the works!



Kathryn's Website


Kathryn on Instagram


Yoga Journal Article: The Future of Yoga: 15 Millennial Yoga Teachers to Watch


Trauma Healing Training founded by Peter Levine


Trauma Center at Justice Resort Institute founded by Bessel Van Der Kolt

Life coach - Barb Elias


Personal trainer - Miranda Smit


Gratitude to our sponsor Schedulicity

Sep 23, 2017

Amanda Bond, “Bond” as she is known, is an expert when it comes to Facebook ads. With a fiery, authentic spirit she guides her clients so they can get the most of this marketing tool. Always an entrepreneur at heart, she started her career as a social media manager and has taken on such positions as the VP of marketing for The Toronto Yoga Conference and Show.

Bond chose to take the wealth of knowledge she gained in her over 12 years of experience in corporate sales and marketing to focus on ad marketing creating her business The Ad Strategist.

Bond’s down-to-earth manner simplifies the sometimes overwhelming task of marketing yourself on Facebook. In this episode she breaks down the elements of creating an ad and shares such wisdom as:  money doesn’t necessarily mean more results, the difference between your personal and business Facebook page (it’s an important distinction), and the recommended percentage of sales based posts to non-sales based posts that focus on your message.  

5:20 Amanda's journey

7:10 Connection to Toronto Yoga Show

8:40 What to do before spending anything on Facebook ads

11:45 Sharing yourself vs. selling yourself-  sharing what you do, what journey you’re on, who you are

12:50 What percentage of posts should have a call to action (sales) and what percentage should be about sharing your message? How telling stories about your clients and directing your services to a specific client can bring more sales

17:20 Difference between personal Facebook profile and yoga business page? What you can include on each page without signalling to Facebook you are selling yourself on your personal page.

19:20 How do you get people to like your Facebook page? Consistency and refinement of your message as you go will attract loyal followers.

21:05 Bond’s first Facebook ad expenditure

21:40 Keep in mind we are not our businesses, that we don’t become that product or service.

23:15 First step when we are ready to advertise on Facebook and why boosting is not THE answer and referring to the Facebook marketing platform “Facebook Blueprint”

25:00 3 Cs Framework that Amanda and her team use

  1. CONNECT - how do you get people to know, like, and trust your brand
  2. CONVERT - asking for a micro-commitment (subscribe to email list example, newsletter,subscribe to podcast, etc.) - enters them into sales process, they give up something of value- like time, their email which allows you to see them more often, they will see you in a storytelling capacity and it will enable you to guide them toward a purchase
  3. CLOSE - "close the sale" - where they become a customer by purchasing a service or product

27:35 Overcoming the objections that our customers have when they buy from you

28:20 What are the benefits your audience will miss out on if you are not selling your product or service?

32:20 Meet your audience at the beginner level

33:35 What stories are powerful to share the benefits of yoga e.g. transformation stories, encourage them to be a curious beginner, don’t have to be perfect

34:35 Being vulnerable and relatable - show up as yourself, encourages them to be human because you present yourself that way, put yourself out there consistently not constantly, “a messy journey of consistent action”

36:05 Facebook live is scary! Remember that you have a piece of knowledge, a nugget of wisdom to share with others, being fearful prevents you from sharing knowledge with those who would benefit

37:50 What Amanda would do with Facebook if she was a full-time yoga teacher:

  1. Journal publicly about life, journey, as messy as it is
  2. Look to improve what I know about the tech side and business side (even a few minutes every day)
  3. Create connection with those you admire, reach out to them, “be a sponge” to discover your own voice

39:30 How to work with Amanda- changing gears to work with those getting started in their businesses that don’t necessarily have a big ad budget


Bond’s Website: The Ad Strategist

The Ad Strategist on Facebook

Facebook Blueprint

The Toronto Yoga Conference and Show

The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group

The Connected Yoga Teacher YouTube channel

Sep 16, 2017

Puja Madan was living in India on a 12+ year ritual journey with yoga and meditation when in 2009, she felt intense abdominal pain while attending a yoga class. Following up with a doctor, she discovered that she had a large fibroid tumour. Puja says this was her “aha moment”. Her medical issue was a catalyst for change as Puja determined her work life was less than fulfilling.  Feeling drawn to another path, she moved from India to the US. She went from using her MBA to work for tech startups to creating her own coaching business.

With warmth and humour, Puja shares her vision to teach women in leadership positions.  She wants women to know that they hold value beyond what they accomplish in a tangible form. Puja wants women to stop measuring themselves against the expectations of society in order to nurture and appreciate their complex selves. Puja believes that beginning and end of day rituals can be a powerful means of honouring your many facets.

As Puja says on her Puja's Wild Radiant Woman Website: "I spark the unseen potential and feminine power of visionary women to be the change agents the world so desperately needs.” She believes strongly in a balance of yin and yang energy in leadership positions and is pleased to see the old values and systems designed for men are evolving to incorporate feminine values such as mindfulness and collaboration.

Puja is currently living in Orlando, Florida, holding in-person retreats and playshops. She also coaches women from around the world via Skype and does talks, inspiring many. Additionally, she is the bestselling co-author of Unleash Your Inner Magnificence and 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul and the author of articles in several publications such as MindBodyGreen, The Huffington Post, and ElephantJournal.

8:10 Puja's yoga story

11:10 Embracing a new value system as entrepreneurs based on mindfulness, collaboration, and self-care

15:30 Rituals and mindfulness while you grow your business- personal energy and boundaries are deeply rooted in

17:00 Start of day self-care ritual

Every being is made of 4 rooms: step into your 4 Rooms each day to at least air them

  1. Physical e.g. smoothies, quick workout
  2. Mental e.g. gratitude, thinking about priorities
  3. Emotional  e.g. text a friend, connecting one person to another
  4. Spiritual e.g. meditate, nature, pets, connected to something bigger than you

Setting intentions for the day: a word or phrase that guides you that you can return to

19:15 Daily word / intention / mantra, Puja likes to do it right after meditation, awareness to it and

Today's top priorities- top 3 things and do these first

22:30 If you feel like you don't have time to fit in self-care- where are you leaking energy non-revenue generating activities, 23 minutes to come back in zone, it is possible to re-organize your business and personal priorities to create more time

25:10 How a personal practice can impact our relationships - at home and at work

26:55 End of day rituals:

  1. Clear the desk
  2. Make a list to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments
  3. Meditation for closure of day
  4. Set intention for tomorrow

Reducing forms of clutter- emails, computer desktop, etc.

34:05 How to connect with Puja

34:55 Middle of workday - regular check-ins: Are you feeling grounded? Holding onto any stress?

35:25 Running a yoga business with the entrepreneur mindset, seperate mindset from teaching yoga.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” -Ghandi


Gratitude to Our Sponsor Schedulicity

Puja's Wild Radiant Woman Website

Puja on Facebook

Puja on Instagram

Puja on Twitter

To purchase Puja’s books: Unleash Your Inner Magnificence and 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul

The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group

Sep 9, 2017

Today’s episode is a consultation call with Trevor Parks, who is a yoga teacher from Covington, Georgia. He teaches classes that are inspired by his Ashtanga teacher training and weaves philosophical themes, pranayama, meditation, chanting and music through his classes.

Trevor’s introduction to yoga did little to inspire his now deep connection to the practice.  He was deterred by the very aspects that he now embodies such as abstract spiritual thought and poetic language. In time, Trevor returned to yoga when looking for answers about himself and the world around him.

Trevor shares that yoga is everything to him. He is either studying yoga philosophy, sequences, or doing his own practice.

After over 7 years practicing and over 3 years teaching, Trevor is at the point where he’d like put himself out into cyberspace in order to attract students compatible with his teachings and has asked Shannon to help him with his ‘About Me’ page for his website.

Trevor has so much he wants to say and needs some help putting all his thoughts into words that will connect with his potential students.

Shannon discusses:

  • imagining your ideal yoga student and directing your message towards them
  • allowing yourself to be vulnerable and authentic in telling your story and what led you to yoga
  • giving potential clients a really good sense of what to expect in your classes, including language that you use in your classes
  • creating a unique tagline that draws others in form of a sentence or even just a few words
  • limiting the write-up to a few paragraphs
  • including testimonials and how to ask for them from your students
  • if there is more you want to say but don’t want to overwhelm your “About Me” page you can always include it in a blog post on your page



Episode 21 of TCYT: Refine Your Core Message with Carol Cox

Book that inspired Trevor to pursue yoga: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

Trevor on Instagram

Set up a consultation call with Shannon

Would you like to create or update your ABOUT ME page?
Click here to receive Shannon's worksheets.

Gratitude to our sponsor Schedulicity

Sep 2, 2017

Dr. Ariele Foster, based in Washington DC, has been teaching yoga for 16 years. She was inspired by her grandmother Lilo Foster, who taught yoga until the age of 87. Lilo was one of the few Jewish survivors in Germany from World War II and became re-acquainted with the healing power of yoga after her immigration to the US.

Ariele, finding herself enamored with anatomy, became interested in physical therapy after a profound experience as a physical therapy patient. She studied hard to become a doctor of Physical Therapy, becoming a licensed physical therapist in 2011.

Ariele has had many yoga teachers approach her about making the same transition- from yoga teacher to physical therapist which led her to create Yoga Anatomy Academy. As Ariele says “... [it] has been popular beyond my dreams. It’s really organically attracted so many students.” Yoga Anatomy Academy also provides anatomy courses for yoga teachers.

Ariele kindly shares with us her incredibly rich and informative 10 Principles of an Anatomy-Informed Yoga Practice (available as a PDF download,) which covers a range of considerations for yoga teachers such as; when to refer students to other professionals, re-thinking asanas and the importance of functional movement, and the balance between flexibility and movement.

This multi-tasking, multi-talented woman has founded a forum for discussion- Yoga for the Planet, inspired by her interest in environmental concerns,continues to teach yoga classes and also offers private sessions, workshops and courses, yoga retreats all while practicing as a physical therapist.


Note: Physiotherapists, Physical Therapists, ‘physios’- all the same profession. Different areas use different titles.


9:10 What sparked Ariele’s interest in anatomy

11:50 From teaching yoga to becoming a physical therapist

12:30 Advice to yoga teachers interested in becoming a physical therapist

16:30 The importance of referring your yoga students to a physical therapist when experiencing pain

21:00 Cost can be a hurdle when one is considering physical therapy- how to put that in perspective

23:30 Ariele’s position teaching anatomy to yoga teachers, belief that there needs to be a baseline of understanding

24:20 Principle 1 - Any Pose Can Harm. Any Pose Can Heal.

25:05 Principle 2 - Every Body is Unique.

25:45 Principle 3 - Think Critically “Don’t emphasize the alignment of the pose higher than the individual”

27:35 Cueing Warrior 1 using critical thinking

28:45 What is functional movement?

28:05 Principle 4 - Most Yoga Asana is Specialized, Not Functional Movement

30:55 Principle 5 - Flexibility is No Good Without Strength

33:25 Principle 6 - Variety is the Spice of Life

34:30 Principle 7 - Safe Strength Building Comes from Progressive Loading

37:25 Principle 8 - Listen to Your Body Works 50% of the Time

41:20 Principle 9 - Readily Refer Out

44:20 Principle 10 - Honor Both the Science and “Mystery”

45:35 How to study with Dr. Ariele Foster




Yoga Anatomy Academy

Yoga Anatomy Academy on Facebook

Yoga Anatomy Academy on Instagram

Ariele’s Personal Teaching Website: Sacred Source Teaching

Sacred Source Teaching on Facebook

Ariel’s Youtube Channel

PDF: 10 Principles of an Anatomy Informed Yoga Practice by Dr. Ariele Foster

Podcast: Heal Your Shoulder with Dr. Ariele Foster on the YogaBody Talk Show

Article: 7 Things to Ponder Before Going to Physical Therapy School: for yoga teachers, massage therapists and other holistic practitioners by Dr. Ariele Foster

Gratitude to our sponsor Schedulicity

Jul 22, 2017

Chrissie Wywrot has had 10 years of digital marketing and public relations experience that began with her work in the NFL. She grew up the South of Detroit in a small town and has always been passionate about sports.

Chrissie’s career path is an excellent example of finding your niche, a topic that has been interwoven into many of our episodes. After college, Chrissie pursued her passion for sports by working for the Detroit Lions in guest services. Having an interest in public relations inspired her to work her way to managing their website. Website development included a lot of writing, graphics, photography and social media.  

Niching down further, Chrissie left the world of sports in 2014 to focus on guiding service-based businesses toward utilizing social media in the most effective way. Chrissie, a self-proclaimed “social media nerd”, gets to focus on her favourite aspect of public relations. And, as a mother of 3, she appreciates being able to establish a more flexible work schedule by working for herself.

Chrissie emphasizes authenticity, passion, and depth as the key elements needed for a productive online presence.

Today Chrissie is going to give us insight into Linkedin, a professional networking site, used by employers and job seekers, where valuable connections can be made.

Chrissie’s journey into social media 6:20

Define your goal before deciding what social media tools best work for you 13:10

How to use LinkedIn as a social media tool 15:10

Using native content in LinkedIn and gearing your profile to your audience(s) 17:30

Definition of native content 18:40

The biggest mistakes you can make using LinkedIn 19:45

New and updated LinkedIn since purchase by Microsoft and Advantages of LinkedIn vs. Facebook  20:50

Importance of planning out your LinkedIn profile 21:50

Opportunities for yoga teachers in the corporate yoga niche 23:00

Using the sales navigator tool  24:00

Advice to reluctant social media users 25:10

What to expect when working with a social media expert, like Chrissie, to optimize your LinkedIn profile 26:10

Customize shared content toward your business 31:10

Leaving your LinkedIn profile open in all settings to best connect with others 32:45

Third party scheduling tool- Buffer 34:00

How many times a week should you check up on your LinkedIn profile 34:45

Being consistent in your engagement with potential clients 35:30

Specific advice to yoga teachers when engaging in social media “7 touch points” 35:15

Building relevant connections on LinkedIn and consider connecting using personal notes 38:00

Marketing yourself as a yoga teacher 39:45

Shannon’s closing thoughts 41:50

We’ve learned so much from Chrissie Wywrot in this episode including LinkedIn’s ability to gain more traction with your content than Facebook. If you don’t have a website it is a great alternative!

What LinkedIn action are you going to tackle this week? If LinkedIn isn’t your channel is there another platform you can look at? Consider writing an article which can really help bring people to your profile, and also consider scheduling time each week to work on your content.



Chrissie's Website

Chrissie on Twitter

Chrissie's Facebook Page

Chrissie's LinkedIn Page

Article: What to Do on LinkedIn When You Have Little Time for LinkedIn by Chrissie Wywrot

Buffer: Social Media Management Tool

The Connected Teacher Facebook Group

The Connected Yoga Teacher: Home page

Course: The Connected Yoga Teacher: Define Your Yoga Niche (September 2017)

Jul 15, 2017

Shannon welcomes Carol Cox, the founder of Speaking Your Brand and who we can safely say is an expert speaker.

Carol engages her audience through various mediums including her podcasts, University classes and as a tv political analyst.

Speaking Your Brand’s services are aimed at women in business who are looking to develop their brand. Carol explains that through authentic engagement and clarifying your purpose you can connect with those who will most benefit from your services.

She shares her insights into successful public speaking, which may be something you have never considered as a yoga teacher.

Carol discusses the benefits of public speaking and graciously provides us with PDF worksheets: Step-By-Step Framework to Persuade Your Audience to Action which take you through the process of preparing a talk. From “Find Your Why” to “Outline Your Persuasive Message” the steps will ensure you’re thoroughly prepared for your public speaking debut.

5:10 Carol’s relationship with yoga

6:35 Mindful practices that she engages before public speaking- it is normal to be nervous!

8:00 Clarifying your Core Message

15:00 Finding your Niche

20:00 Public speaking- often an untapped area in the yoga profession

22:50 Tools to craft a speech- your “signature talk”

24:25 How much self-promotion can or should be included in the talk?

26:50 Storytelling and engaging your audience on a personal level

29:30 Should there be a line between political and personal beliefs and your professional life?

33:45 Carol’s last words of wisdom

35:40 Shannon’s closing thoughts


Carol’s Website: Speaking Your Brand

PDF:  Step-By-Step Framework to Persuade Your Audience to Action by Carol Cox

Podcast: Speaking Your Brand or search and subscribe on iTunes

To help you write your own story arc:

PDF: The Hero’s Journey

The Hero's Journey Outline by Storytech Literary Consulting

Course: Define Your Yoga Niche Workshop with Shannon Crow

Join The Connected Teacher Facebook Group


“If your message is for everyone it really is for no one”- Carol Cox

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