
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Dec 28, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

200: Practice, Parenting & Perfectionism with Judith Hanson Lasater & Lizzie Lasater



We’re celebrating 200 episodes of the Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast! On this episode, mother-daughter duo, Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater, share more about their yoga journey, parenting, and running a yoga business. 


Judith, Ph.d. and physical therapist, is a well known figure in the yoga world, and one of the leading yoga teachers in the US. She has been teaching yoga for 50 years, helped found a nationally-known yoga teacher training program in San Francisco, CA, which has trained thousands of teachers since 1975, and collaborated with other yoga teachers to start the Yoga Journal magazine. Judith has authored 10 books, including her latest: Yoga Myths -  What You Need to Learn and Unlearn for a Safe and Healthy Yoga Practice, and specializes in restorative yoga. 


Judith has three children, and one of them is Lizzie Lasater, who is a mother of twins, and also a yoga teacher in her own right. Lizzie learned yoga from her mother, and now teaches restorative yoga teacher training globally via her virtual platform. In addition to sharing her work through live online events, curated digital trainings and her Sunday Savasana Series newsletter, Lizzie also has a heartfelt spirit jewelry collection. Together, Judith and Lizzie share a variety of courses such as Living Your Yoga, Yoga Myths, Savasana Intensive and more on their combined online platform -


In this interview, Lizzie shares her insights about what it was like growing up with a yoga teacher for a Mom, and how that has influenced her in journey of teaching yoga and running a yoga business. Judith and Lizzie discuss “being enlightened”, how yoga translates into their daily lives, and holding boundaries. They also talk about their own personal experiences with parenting, and why we all struggle with the idea of perfectionism and not being able to be “perfect parents”.


This is an incredible interview about how yoga relates to parenting, perfectionism and your own practice - from the unique perspective of a mother-daughter team.


Key Takeaways:

[10:29] Shannon introduces her guests for this episode - Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater.

[12:38] For Judith, what does it feel like to have been teaching yoga for 50 years, and what does she see in the yoga world now?

[15:51] Lizzie shares a bit about how growing up with yoga all around influenced her to become a yoga teacher.

[17:55] Did Judith's children ever rebel and move away from yoga? She shares how she held space for her children apart from yoga.

[21:22] Lizzie talks about what it was like to grow up with a yoga teacher as a parent, the feelings she encountered as a teenager, and how that has influenced her own parenting style.

[25:36] What is it like for Judith and Lizzie to work together as yoga teachers now?

[31:06] Judith shares her perspectives on the idea of "becoming more enlightened" through the practice of yoga.

[36:12] Lizzie reflects on her working relationship with her mother and the boundaries she holds with each of the roles she has with Judith.

[37:40] Judith explains how setting and holding boundaries spills into the teaching of yoga and personal relationships.

[42:48] It is important to remember not to hold ourselves up to the standards of the yamas and the niyamas, or some sort of perfection.

[47:53] Do parents now face more pressure to be perfect?

[50:45] Shannon, Lizzie and Judith reflect on what it's like to parent their children.

[55:12] How much of Judith's experience in the yoga world has been translated into her latest book, Yoga Myths?

[57:01] What are Lizzie's thoughts on teaching yoga for a shorter time and reading Judith's book?

[01:00:25] Judith explains why cueing is not a practice she recommends, and what she suggests instead.

[1:03:23] How will moving yoga teacher training online impact the level of yoga?

[1:10:14] Lizzie shares some thoughts around impermanence, and Judith shares a short poem to end off.

[1:15:25] Find out more about Judith and Lizzie's work via their websites.

[1:17:19] What is your biggest takeaway that you will implement?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Sukhasana Chair.


Quotes from this episode:


"Yoga is a life-changing, soul-changing, body-changing practice, but its power is predicated upon choice and intention." - Judith Hanson Lasater


"What is the point of this practice on the mat, this pranayama, this meditation, if it has no effect in the world?" - Judith Hanson Lasater


"The most important question to begin with is not 'What am I going to teach?'. The most important question is 'What is going to be the relationship I have with my students?'." - Judith Hanson Lasater


"I'm finding that [parenting] is so much more full mind-body-spirit than any of the books I read led me to believe." - Lizzie Lasater


Dec 21, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

199: Creating Inclusive Yoga Spaces with Erin Ajayi



As yoga teachers, many of us have the intention of creating inclusive yoga spaces. However, we may not know what that looks like or feels like from the perspective of a BIPOC yoga student. Erin Ajayi joins Shannon in this episode to experience her own experience of being a yoga student of color (from the perspective of a Black woman).


Erin Ajayi is the Senior Director of Development at I Live Here I Give Here, a nonprofit organization with the mission to make Central Texas the most generous community in the nation. Erin is also a part-time yoga teacher who has taught in studio spaces, and college and university spaces. Erin came to yoga as a result of a running injury but since then, her relationship with yoga has evolved. Today, Erin teaches restorative yoga "to help her students show up to the moments in their lives."


Erin also opens up about some of the adverse personal experiences she has had within the yoga world and shares some deep insights about how mainstream yoga perpetuates exclusion, or even racism. She also has some suggestions on what inclusive practices studios and practitioners can adopt as alternatives, and how yoga teachers and studios can hold space and give voice to this marginalized group within our community.


Key Takeaways:

[6:02] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Erin Ajayi.

[7:37] What was Erin's yoga journey and how did she get into teaching yoga?

[10:20] How did Erin and her mom do yoga together?

[11:10] What is the work that Erin does now, and who does she do it for?

[12:51] How does Erin feel about the fact that the world is finally waking up to the idea of creating inclusive spaces for BIPOC?

[15:15] What are some of the things Erin wishes yoga teachers were more aware of?

[18:31] How can we be more inclusive in our greetings to our students to make everyone, across the board, feel welcome.

[20:28] Shannon and Erin discuss the defensiveness that yoga teachers may feel when confronted with anecdotes of BIPOC being othered.

[23:36] How can we invite more Black people and other vulnerable populations into our yoga classes?

[26:59] People are becoming more conscious of representation and the current global situation has opened up possibilities to connect with people of all different backgrounds, modalities, etc.

[29:15] How can we connect with people from marginalized groups in an authentic way?

[33:28] What are some other instances in which Erin felt uncomfortable as a Black yoga student?

[36:46] Shannon wonders if giving a discount to BIPOC would help draw them in to events or festivals or studios.

[40:21] There is no quick fix to this situation. Erin shares some strategies for yoga teachers to create more inclusive spaces.

[43:19] Erin has some other suggestions of things that yoga teachers and studios can consider.

[46:12] Erin shares some final thoughts around creating inclusive spaces for yoga students. 

[49:32] Check out the resources Erin recommended to Shannon in her original email in the links below.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:


"With yoga teachers, that relationship that they're building with students is really important." - Erin


"I know the importance of representation in advertising and in literature." - Erin


"If you're having trouble attracting a diverse student population, there's an opportunity to do the deeper reflection and start to think - where can I have representation in other areas?" - Erin


"Don't start with the assumption that Black people or people of color need a discount to attend your yoga class." - Erin


Dec 14, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

198: Share Your Yoga Specialty with Megan Mulrine [Consultation Call]



Specialization is an ongoing process, and times of change and uncertainty can be just the push you need to niche down and specialize in something that really lights you up. 


Megan Mulrine is the founder of Yogatrotter and a yoga instructor who has trained more than 600 yoga teachers in 200 and 300hr YTT programs in Bali. Through her years of practicing and teaching yoga, and discovering more about Buddist meditation, Hindu philosophy and the history of yoga, Megan discovered her passion for Hindu mythology as it relates to Yoga. She has studied Hindu epics like the Mahabarata and the Ramayana) and shares these stories with her classes to deepen their understanding of the history, legends and culture contained within the yoga asanas.


When travel restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic forced Megan to close down her in-person Yoga Teacher Trainings, she quickly put up an online training. It sold well at first but has started to slow and Megan is now worried about being able to sustain her yoga business while supporting her team of teachers as much as possible.


In this consultation call, Shannon helps Megan peel back the layers of her business by digging into where her true passion lies and how she can specialize to share her passion with more people. Shannon also advises her on how to build a sustainable business that serves her audience, while also supporting her lifestyle and finances.


If you have been thinking about creating a more sustainable yoga business, and questioning whether specialization and niching down is the way to go in the midst of all the uncertainty, give this episode a listen.


Key Takeaways:

[5:44] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Megan Mulrine.

[7:15] What does Megan need most help with in her yoga business? She shares her biggest challenges as a result of the pandemic.

[8:58] Who is Megan's audience? When was she planning to host the next 200-hr training (if COVID hadn't happened)? Shannon digs into some of the details about Megan's offerings and her plan for her business.

[12:38] When Megan first switched to online courses, they were selling well but her numbers have dropped off since. Are people getting tired of being on their computers so much?

[15:29] Which specialty would Megan choose if money was not a consideration?

[17:29] As important as picking a specialty is making sure that people know about your specialty.

[20:01] Megan struggles with sharing what she does and her specialty with her audience. Shannon coaches her on how to phrase her offering.

[22:53] Shannon advises Megan on how best to repel people who would not be a fit for her offering but also attract people who would be interested.

[26:40] Shannon shares some strategies with Megan on how to build her audience.

[30:22] Shannon gives a shout out to Schedulicity.

[32:05] Is there a "freebie" in your yoga business that you should be monetizing into a paid offering? Listen to Megan talk about her "freebie" that Shannon recommends repackaging into a paid offering.

[34:33] When you love what you're doing, showing up and doing the work for free can feel easy, but that doesn't mean we should. Megan and Shannon discuss a bit about her money mindset.

[36:41] Shannon shares some ideas for Megan to showcase her community and build deeper connections even virtually.

[39:54] Shannon recommends that Megan figure out her minimum viable income and how much she wants to make financially -- and why she should do that.

[44:32] What happens when yoga teachers fail to see the unique gifts that they have and share them with others?

[46:42] Shannon and Megan do some brainstorming around what her freebie should be and how she can put out a call to action more often to monetize.

[50:25] Megan offers her training in a rolling sign ups format, but isn't seeing a high number of completions. Would having a fixed start and end date add accountability and be more effective from a marketing perspective?

[1:00:06] Shannon and Megan discuss more ideas for her content to show up more in search engines.

[1:02:41] Find out more about Megan and her offerings via her website or Instagram.

[1:03:42] What were your key takeaways from this consultation call?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:


"You find the specialty and those people will find you." - Shannon


"The more niche you make your offering, and the more people hear about that niche, the more people will gravitate toward you." - Shannon


"When people don't pay, they don't show up." - Shannon


"I want our yoga teachers to be making loads of money, because they really support amazing things when they do." - Shannon


Dec 7, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

197: How to Keep Your Studio Open with Nicole Blackwood



In the middle of all the COVID-19 pandemic closures, one group of people in the yoga teacher community has been particularly affected - studio owners. On top of figuring out how to transition to virtual classes and serve their yoga students online, they also have to deal with the challenges that come with having a physical space. Nicole Blackwood is a yoga teacher and studio owner of Embody Yoga & Wellness, who has managed to keep her studio open this year despite the pandemic, and this episode is a replay of the live interview on how she managed to do it.


Nicole began teaching yoga in 2014, with a deep desire to teach yoga classes to those who felt like the practice may be out of their reach. Eventually, she opened her own boutique yoga studio in St. John's, Canada, to create a space that provides options for all bodies, and that allow people to experience the benefits of yoga regardless of age, physical condition, or experience level. Nicole focuses on offering a warm and intimate refuge for her students to focus on their wellbeing. Her studio offers a variety of yoga classes and her specialty is yoga to support fertility.


In this interview, Nicole really opens up about how she has managed to overcome the challenges of keeping her yoga studio open through the pandemic. She shares the story of how she realized she might need to close her yoga studio, and how setting a goal of the number of yoga students needed to stay open helped her reach her target. Nicole also talks about her marketing efforts in attracting studios, and how she has been managing her studio now that in-person classes are allowed but with certain restrictions in place.


If you have been toying with the idea of closing your studio, or even dropping one of your yoga classes, this episode is sure to be an inspiration for you.


Key Takeaways:

[6:58] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Nicole Blackwood.

[8:45] Where did Nicole's yoga journey begin?

[11:59] How did Nicole decide to open a yoga studio?

[15:18] When COVID hit, Nicole pivoted to move her studio online. However, she was eventually faced with the decision of whether to close the studio. Nicole shares more about that experience.

[18:37] What did the realization that she might have to close her yoga studio feel like to Nicole?

[20:48] What were some of the numbers that Nicole looked that to make the decision about closing her yoga studio?

[24:25] Nicole shares more about the business model for her studio, and how she arrived at the number of 124 students to break even.

[27:17] How did Nicole manage to attract 124 students to register? She reveals her marketing strategy to hit her goal in time for her deadline.

[34:26] Nicole had been emailing her mailing list once a month prior to this latest launch, but she had to drastically increase the number of times she emailed them to hit her numbers. Why did she feel so resistant to sending more emails?

[37:44] How has Nicole set up her yoga classes to take into consideration online and in-person classes?

[41:08] When will Nicole start marketing again for the sessions which start in the new year?

[43:19] What would Nicole do differently for the next round of sessions?

[44:20] Nicole shares more about some of her niche offerings.

[49:41] Nicole has some final thoughts around what it's like to run your own business.

[53:33] Where does Nicole store her videos?

[55:55] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways from this interview with Nicole.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:


"It wasn't until [Shannon] made me try and visualize what it would be like if I didn't have a studio, did I realize how much I didn't want to to lose this space." ~ Nicole


"I had to really realize - how many students do I need to be able to pay myself and break even as a studio?" ~ Nicole


"When you send an email, generally you see sales if there's a call to action that relates to sales." - Shannon


"It really makes a difference when we keep that connection going with our email list." - Shannon


Dec 4, 2020

You are invited to the Yoga Teacher Conf happening on December 14, 2020. Shannon Crow is one of the many presenters that will be there. Let's hang out online and talk about how you can create your dream yoga business.

Nov 30, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

196: 4 Steps to Attract Yoga Students with Steph Crowder



Attracting yoga students to our yoga classes is something we could all use help with. We are also coming up to one of the biggest times for yoga students to sign up for classes - January. This is when people make their New Year resolutions and want to "get back to their routine" or "take care of their emotional and physical wellness". That’s why it’s so important for us to put our offers out there in front of all these people, and having a simple process can help you get started - Steph Crowder (she/her) has an easy and actionable 4-step process to share.


Steph Crowder is the Founder & CEO of Courage & Clarity, LLC. She's a former Sales Training Director of a giant tech company who struck out on her own to become a sales coach & business strategist, helping thousands of entrepreneurs across all industries. In 2017, she launched the Courage & Clarity Podcast and grew her business to 6 figures in 9 months. Steph focuses on teaching her clients to sell with ease by building a “small but mighty” community who can’t wait to buy from them through courses, and webinars.


Steph is adept at taking a concept like getting more yoga students and breaking it down into easy, actionable steps that you can put into practice immediately. Steph walks us through the 4 steps that will help us to go from an idea for our yoga offer to new registrations and real students. She also explains the biggest mistake that business owners make that keep customers walking right past their offers, and gives us some of her tips to overcome that.


If you’re aiming to get more students into your yoga classes in 2021 (or even today!), this is the episode to listen to!


Key Takeaways:

[6:23] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Steph Crowder.

[8:12] What is the work that Steph does and who does she do it for?

[11:40] Steph's four steps are covered in greater detail in her mini-training, Same Day Sales.

[13:27] What is the big mistake many business owners make that keep customers walking past their offers?

[16:18] Steph addresses the fact that this process requires some vulnerability.

[17:39] Instead of thinking of it as validating your idea, think of this process as co-creating your offer.

[18:52] Step 1: Identify your idea. It doesn't have to be something complex or difficult!

[22:55] What comes naturally to you that people are always asking you about? 

[24:21] Step 2: Locate your leads. Steph has a dirty Internet secret about where your leads are coming from.

[28:05] Don't think about this step as pitching your network. Think about it as opening up conversations.

[31:33] Step 3: Co-create your offer. Approach this from a place of curiosity.

[35:11] Shannon shares a few examples of how co-creating an offer has (and creating offers in a vacuum hasn't) worked for her.

[37:54] Shannon and Steph discuss why you should focus on uncovering the pain or pleasure point you are addressing in your co-creation conversations.

[38:33] Someone's willingness or unwillingness to pay is a reflection of how well they understand the transformation.

[39:27] Step 4: Tweak and book. Steph shares an example of how she used this in her own business.

[44:24] Do it scared! You don't need to have a perfect offer before you put it out there.

[44:53] What should you do if you follow these steps and you offer doesn't get the traction you're looking for?

[46:42] What does Steph recommend if you're sending emails and posting on social media but still not seeing students sign up?

[50:01] Check out Steph's podcast, The Courage & Clarity Podcast, to learn more from her.

[50:16] Steph has some tips for you around selling.

[52:31] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this interview with Steph.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:


"The big mistake that most people make... is creating your offer in a vacuum." - Steph Crowder


"The core of the Same Day Sales Process is using real human beings, with real experiences, real problems, real desires to help you shape your offer." - Steph Crowder


"Every single person who's listening to this has innate talents and abilities that have been so ingrained in you, you totally don't realize they have value." - Steph Crowder


"Personal network is so overlooked!" - Steph Crowder


"Where are potential customers hiding in my everyday life that I'm not thinking about right now?" - Steph Crowder


"Once you open up the conversation, it is so much easier to get a customer, yes, but also to understand if they're not going to become a customer - why?" - Steph Crowder


Nov 23, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

195: LGBTQ Awareness for Yoga Teachers with Tristan Katz



We can all agree that we want our yoga classes to be safe places for everybody. However, one group of marginalized people who are often not taken into consideration is the LGBTQ community. The LGBTQ community has historically been persecuted and has experienced violence, at the provincial or state, national, institutional and personal levels, which makes it all the more important for us to create and maintain safe and inclusive spaces for them in our classes. How can we bring awareness about them to our yoga spaces, and create inclusive safe spaces for them? 


Tristan Katz (they/them) has some insights to give us a better understanding of the LGBTQ community, based on their personal lived experience and their work in the space of equity-inclusion. 


Tristan is a business and marketing coach-consultant, web and graphic designer based in Portland, OR. Part of Tristan’s intention in their work is to support teachers, practitioners, studios, and spiritual communities seeking to facilitate safer, braver spaces. To this end, Tristan is currently studying with experts in the field to expand their equity-inclusion facilitation and education offerings, in addition to teaching workshops and trainings centered around queer identity and LGBTQ+ awareness with an anti-oppression and intersectional lens.


Conversations around creating such inclusive spaces for people in the LGBTQ commmunity can be uncomfortable, and we may not always know how to approach this topic. Tristan speaks openly and honestly to share more about the experiences people in this community have, and how we can do better. They give us a breakdown of common terms, cues and language; what we as yoga teachers can do to be more aware and inclusive in our classes, and what to do when we mess up, which is something that will inevitably happen.


For anyone looking to learn more about how to create more inclusive spaces in their yoga classes, this episode is a must-listen.


Key Takeaways:

[10:18] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Tristan Katz.

[12:28] Where did Tristan's yoga journey begin and how did it lead them to the work that they do now?

[18:28] Tristan defines some terms they have used as well as appropriate language to use to create inclusive spaces.

[25:26] What is Tristan's response to yoga teachers who may be worried that introducing pronouns in their yoga classes may cause their students discomfort?

[29:45] Tristan explains a little more about trans identity and the gender binary.

[31:51] When asking for someone's pronouns, avoid saying "preferred pronouns". Tristan shares why.

[34:20] Shannon and Tristan discuss how to approach people who have multiple pronouns e.g. she/ they.

[38:52] Grammar is not an issue when using they/them pronouns for individuals! It is an argument that is rooted in transphobia. 

[40:49] Some cues and language in yoga classes tend to be gendered. How does Tristan help yoga teachers navigate this?

[44:31] Tristan shares how they consciously and intentionally focus on acknowledging that everyone's experiences are different and being sensitive to that.

[46:34] How do niches that focus exclusively on one particular gender feel to non-binary people?

[51:02] If you offer inclusivity trainings, or have taken one that you appreciated, please share it in the comments.

[52:02] What are Tristan's thoughts on how to express ourselves such that everyone feels included and safe?

[57:01] Societal systems and structures impact all of us differently, depending on our identities, but that doesn't mean we can't all be part of different movements to dismantle these toxic structures.

[59:17] Shannon shares some of her experiences with creating inclusive spaces in the world.

[1:01:21] Apart from their work with equity-inclusion, Tristan is also a digital strategist who supports yoga teachers in their businesses.

[1:03:18] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this interview with Tristan.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity.



Quotes from this episode:


"We all make assumptions based on appearances, but we can't know the truth of somebody's life experience or identity based on appearances." - Tristan


"There is this level of toxicity that's in dominant culture that we often can bring into this yoga space unconsciously or consciously." - Tristan


"When we're witnessing others' discomfort around that conversation, it's an opportunity for us to model and educate and inform." - Tristan


"Gender is a much more nuanced conversation than we've all been taught." - Tristan


"We can't just make these vast assumptions and generalizations. We're potentially putting people into sympathetic arousal when we do." - Tristan


"Anytime you gender something, you're excluding some people in the room, you're potentially triggering other people in the room." - Tristan


Nov 16, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

194: Bladder 101 for Yoga Teachers



An issue that may be embarrassing and isolating, but which nonetheless affects 300 million people worldwide, including many of our yoga students is urinary incontinence. While this is a common issue that many people struggle with, it is not normal and it is not something you just have to live with.


In working with many students who deal with urinary incontinence, Shannon has found that yoga can be so beneficial. Yoga helps not just through its connection to the nervous system, movement and breath, but by also creating awareness and education around how the bladder actually works, understanding our pelvic floor, and ensuring our pelvic health.


Shannon shares more about the three types of incontinence, some of the misconceptions around incontinence, as well as the ways in which yoga can help address incontinence. She also has some tips on giving your yoga students osme basic information about the bladder. If you or your students are struggling with urinary incontinence, this episode is a great introduction, with many resources linked below.


Key Takeaways:

[1:56] Urinary incontinence affects 300 million people worldwide, but it is not normal.

[2:41] Yoga can be beneficial for people dealing with urinary incontinence in many ways.

[6:25] Shannon gives a shout out to Schedulicity and a reviewer!

[8:45] There are three categories of urinary incontinence - stress incontinence, urge incontinence and mixed incontinence.

[11:57] What is the role of the nervous system in incontinence and how can yoga help?

[13:03] Shannon addresses the misconception that Kegels is the answer to all urinary incontinence.

[14:57] If you decide to start talking about the bladder in one of your yoga classes, Shannon recommends having the contact details of pelvic health PTs in your area to share with your students.

[15:34] Alignment and posture can also play a part in addressing bladder issues.

[18:08] Yoga practice also works on strengthening, and this can be helpful for people dealing with urinary incontinence.

[19:00] As yoga teachers, something we bring to our yoga students that can help them with their bladder health is awareness.

[21:38] There are so many benefits that you are already sharing with your yoga students to help them with their urinary incontinence without you realizing it.

[24:09] If you are dealing with urinary incontinence, you are not alone.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals



Quotes from this episode:


"Our nerves and our spine, and the nerve that radiate from the spine have a real connection with the bladder." - Shannon


"Oftentimes, the misconception is that if you're experiencing urinary incontinence, the answer is Kegels." - Shannon


"Another important thing that we bring to our yoga students that can help them with their bladder health is awareness." - Shannon


Nov 9, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

193: Pelvic Symmetry Sequence with Shannon Crow



Pelvic girdle pain is extremely common, affecting one in 5 pregnant people, and can continue postpartum. In this episode, Shannon shares a pelvic symmetry sequence she learned years ago to address the pelvic girdle pain from her pregnancies. Adapted from Cecile Rost, PT and Dr. Sinead Dufour, Physiotherapist, Shannon has shared this sequence with hundreds of people who say it makes a huge difference. 


Besides helping alleviate pelvic girdle pain, this sequence is useful in helping keep the pelvis in symmetrical alignment, to treat low back pain, or when you are having issues with your sciatica or sacroiliac joints. Whether you are looking for relief from your own pelvic girdle pain or you would like to share this sequence with students dealing with this issue, this sequence can be a valuable addition to your arsenal.


Key Takeaways:

[3:32] Shannon discovered this pelvic symmetry sequence to alleviate the pelvic girdle pain she was having.

[5:08] If you are dealing with any pelvic girdle pain, it is beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional specialized in it.

[5:52] Special thanks to Cecile Rost, Dr. Sinead Dufour, and Sue Pearson.

[6:38] Hundreds of yoga students have said that this pelvic symmetry sequence has made a huge difference in their lives.

[8:50] Shannon gives a shoutout to Schedulicity and a reviewer.

[10:52] Shannon leads the pelvic symmetry sequence.

[18:52] Shannon recommends trying this flow three times through.

[19:18] If you try this sequence out or share it with someone, do let Shannon know by tagging her, or share your feedback about the sequence.

[20:51] Shannon shares something else she has noticed about this sequence.



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals



Quotes from this episode:


"If you are dealing with any pelvic girdle pain, I cannot say enough how beneficial it is to go and see a PT." - Shannon


"I have shared this sequence with hundreds of yoga students who say this has made a huge difference in their lives." - Shannon


"We know that pelvic girdle pain is extremely common." - Shannon

Nov 2, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

192: Everyone Has a Pelvic Floor with Shannon Crow



Was the pelvic floor ever covered in any of your yoga teacher training, anatomy courses, or if you have had children, as a part of pre- and post-natal education? Yet, the pelvis is one of the most important parts of our bodies, and also a very misunderstood and often neglected part of the body. 


People often relate pelvic health and function to women, childbearing, or other similar functions, but the truth is, whether you are male, female, non-binary or any other gender, you have a pelvic floor! As with any other body part, it is important for us to know what this part of our body does for us, and how we can protect and ensure it is healthy and working well. In fact, pelvic health is very much related to how the body moves, and so many things that our everyday bodies are dealing with are also related to pelvic health.


How does this impact us as yoga teachers and yoga practitioners? Shannon shares more about the five superpowers of the pelvic floor and helps us understand its importance in our movement, and general well-being. She also highlights some of the common pelvic health issues you may encounter, as well as how yoga can help.


Whether you’re passionate about all things pelvic health like Shannon, or just talking about your pelvic makes you uncomfortable, this episode is a great place to start learning about a body part we all have - the pelvic floor.


Key Takeaways:

[1:42] The pelvis is an important part of our bodies but is often misunderstood, or neglected.

[4:35] Pelvic health is related to many other issues we may be having in our bodies.

[7:18] Shannon gives a shoutout to a reviewer and to Schedulicity.

[10:26] Have you learned about the pelvic floor in YTTs, anatomy classes, or pre- and post-natal education?

[14:03] How does language influence our perception of pelvic health?

[15:32] What are the 5 superpowers of the pelvic floor? Stabilize, Support, Sexual, Sphincteric, Sump Pump.

[18:08] Having a strong core four is important for movement and healthy living. What are some issues that can come up as a result of the core four not working together in synergy?

[21:50] How common is it to encounter someone in our yoga classes experiencing issues related to pelvic health?

[25:04] Pelvic health issues often need to be addressed by a team of professionals working together.

[26:08] Shannon shares a short practice to become more connected with your pelvic floor.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals



Quotes from this episode:


"So many things that our everyday bodies are dealing with also relate to pelvic health." - Shannon


"It's really important to think about the pelvic floor in terms of being able to engage, but also being able to release and relax and let go." - Shannon


"Having a strong core is so important for moving and healthy living." - Shannon


"When we're looking at holding tension in something like the pelvic floor, in a group of muscles anywhere in the body, yoga is an amazing way to release tension." - Shannon


Oct 26, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

191: Self-Care Tips to Fuel Your Business with Shunta Grant



With everything that’s been going on this year, life can feel quite overwhelming. It can be easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you need to “do it all” or you may be wondering "How can I ever get all of this done?". You may be setting some unrealistic expectations and put additional (unnecessary) pressure on yourself. This is exactly when you need to be taking time for self-care, just when it seems to be at the bottom of the priority list. Shunta Grant, an expert in helping women live life (and build businesses) on the OTHER side of busy, is on the podcast to explain why.


Shunta Grant is the Creator of the Best Today™ Brand, owner of Because of Zoe Designs, and host of the Business, Life & Joy podcast. She helps women clarify their needs and desires, and guides them toward their vision for the future with simple, actionable steps. Her unique frameworks have transformed hundreds of women from busy and overworked, to proactive, focused and intentional business owners, leaders and team members.


Having a routine for self-care and your business, can help to deal with some of the overwhelm, stress and tension you may be experiencing in these times. Shunta talks to us about why it’s so important to prioritize self-care especially when it feels like things are out of control, and shares some of her tips, tricks and strategies to create and stick to realistic routines that will help you achieve the life you want to live.


Key Takeaways:

[7:47] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Shunta Grant.

[9:53] What does Shunta do and who does she do it for?

[10:42] Shunta runs multiple businesses in addition to managing her two children at home, all in 3 days of work a week.

[11:48] Where should people start if they're feeling like something in their routine needs to change?

[13:43] What can we do when something goes wrong and throws our entire routine off?

[16:11] Shunta and Shannon talk through an example of a hypothetical situation where someone feels their mornings are crazy and that throws off their whole day.

[18:40] How does Shunta take time for herself even when she has young children?

[19:55] Set an intention for your morning and for the day ahead.

[20:40] How does Shunta deal with things happening unexpectedly?

[22:27] How does Shunta set up routines with her business, work and other commitments?

[24:25] How often does Shunta set goals for her business and personal life?

[25:53] What does Shunta hear from her audience in terms of how the Best Today Guide and Right Now Routine have helped them?

[30:43] What are some of Shunta's tips to trim some of the extra things out of her business?

[32:28] Shunta shares some strategies on how you can stick to your routines.

[35:38] Sundays are a good day to preview the week and get ready for things that are upcoming.

[39:22] What are some of the routines that Shunta maintains in her personal life?

[42:03] How important is a daily routine and what helps us to stick to those routines?

[44:29] Shunta has some tips and tricks for setting a routine that works.

[47:21] Find out more about the Right Now Routine and the Best Today Guide at the website.

[48:05] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals



Quotes from this episode:


"There's a reason why you are experiencing everything you are experiencing, both good and the not-good." - Shunta Grant


"Let's identify the stuff that you don't like and let's cut out the thing that keeps causing it to continuously happen." - Shunta Grant


"Creativity comes from rest and play." - Shunta Grant


"Everybody needs routine and structure. It's not just for people with children, it's not just for married people, it's not just for people in the city, it's not just for people in the suburbs. It's for everyone who desires to have this peace and calm in their lives." - Shunta Grant


"A little bit of proactivity will add the peace and the time you're looking for." - Shunta Grant


"It's really training your brain to think about what you actually need to get done, and get out of the habit of just doing stuff." - Shunta Grant   

Oct 19, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

190: How to Create Guided Meditations with Kelly Smith



In most typical or mainstream yoga class settings, an aspect of yoga that doesn’t get too much attention is meditation. Many of us have encountered students complaining that they don't have time to meditate, or people who really struggle with laying still and quieting their minds - perhaps that’s even something you have struggled with. There’s where guided meditations can be helpful, and Kelly Smith has some tips and insights for us on the topic.


Kelly Smith is a meditation teacher, yoga teacher trainer, and the founder of Yoga For You, a location independent yoga and meditation school. She also hosts the Mindful in Minutes podcast, where she shares her personal guided meditations. By focusing on the less physical yoga practices like meditation, yoga nidra, restorative yoga and mindful flows, Kelly helps people find their true selves and begin living the joyful life they deserve through mentorship, private sessions, teacher trainings and online courses.


Kelly shares some of the benefits of meditation, and highlights some of the differences between guided imagery, guided meditations and Savasana. She has tips on how to write guided meditations, and the nitty gritty details of how to record a meditation and share it online. Kelly also tackles some of the common misconceptions around meditation, and why it’s so important to meet your students where they are in their meditation journey.


If you’ve been wondering how to get students interested in meditation, how to create your own guided meditation practice, or how to get those meditations online, this interview with Kelly is a great starting point.


Key Takeaways:

[8:07] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Kelly Smith.

[9:33] Where did Kelly's journey with yoga begin?

[12:53] What are three things Kelly would highlight to people that want to skip out on Savasana?

[15:09] Shannon and Kelly discuss why it's so important to meet students where they're at when it comes to meditation.

[17:38] How long do you need to meditate to get the benefits of meditation?

[20:11] What does Kelly offer now in terms of meditation?

[21:37] What is the difference between some of the common forms of mediation like guided meditation, guided imagery and Savasana?

[26:19] Where can we start if we decide to write our own guided meditations? What are some steps to follow?

[27:55] Kelly walks through an example of what writing your own guided meditation could look like.

[33:44] What has Kelly learned along the way in creating and writing meditations?

[39:48] Kelly recommends keeping a big document as your Idea Parking Lot, and a separate document to record descriptive words and images.

[42:09] How can you record and share guided meditations or guided Savasanas for your students to take home?

[44:20] Find out more about Kelly's work at her website.

[46:13] Shannon shares her key takeaways for this episode.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Pelvic Health Professionals



Quotes from this episode:


"No one ever educated me on the benefits or why we do Savasana." - Kelly


"There's this common misconception that meditation is kind of like doing nothing. If that's what people think, then we haven't done our job in educating our students." - Kelly


"The science shows us that anywhere from 8 to 12 minutes a day is enough to get the neurological and physiological benefits of meditation." - Kelly


"We start by writing the guided meditation by thinking about how the story that we're telling is going to end." - Kelly

Oct 12, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

189: Your Movement Science is Racist with Jesal Parikh



Racism, cultural appropriation, inclusivity and privilege - these are topics that may make us uncomfortable, but these are conversations that are all the more important to have. Jesal Parikh recently hosted a workshop entitled “Your Movement Science is Racist”, and in this episode, she explains how racism, appropriation and privilege shows up in movement science and other areas of the yoga and wellness industry.


Jesal Parikh is a yoga teacher, movement educator, author and co-host of the Yoga is Dead podcast. As an Indian-American yoga teacher who has experienced racism and discrimination in the yoga industry, Jesal strives to disrupt the current oppressive systems in yoga to make way for new paradigms and for diverse leadership in the industry. Through her personal brand, Yogawalla NYC, Jesal provides individual and group yoga as well as movement education and mentorship while working on creative solutions for equity in yoga. She also recently launched Yoga Teachers of Color, a grassroots movement that celebrates the diversity of the BIPOC community and advocates for more inclusivity, equity, and representation.


We often think of the data behind science as objective and unbiased, but as Jesal highlights in this interview, that is not the case. She shares her own experiences as a person from a marginalized community in the yoga industry, and explains why the benchmark or ideals may not reflect reality nor be relevant or applicable to people of different genetic or environmental backgrounds. Jesal also provides insights about creating safe and inclusive yoga spaces and how best to hold the yoga industry to a higher standard when it comes to representation and diversity.


This is a great discussion for anyone who is interested in inclusivity, equity, and representation within the yoga and wellness space, and for those who want to learn more and challenge their assumptions.


Key Takeaways:

[6:43] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Jesal Parikh.

[8:52] What does Jesal do and who does she do it for?

[10:53] What inspired Jesal to start her work in this space?

[14:00] Why is the yoga industry so "messed up"?

[15:23] Jesal and Shannon discuss how they receive hate mail for the work that they do.

[17:55] What were some of the key areas of discussion in the workshop that Jesal led titled "Your Movement Science is Racist"?

[20:03] Jesal highlights some examples of health standards that do not take into account diversity across genetics, environment and other factors.

[24:04] Shannon and Jesal discuss how even anatomy can be different among different populations.

[27:07] We need to question what is unsafe about certain movements and our own biases in saying certain things, instead of making assumptions about all bodies.

[00:29:23] Jesal emphasizes the point of asking for feedback.

[30:51] Jesal explains how yoga is curated has a big impact on who feels welcome and who doesn't.

[33:04] How do we make sure that our spaces are safe and welcoming for everyone?

[37:30] We need to begin asking the questions about who is centered in the workshops or trainings or panels we attend to ensure that marginalized and underestimated populations are included.

[41:50] Shannon reflects on how willing we are to take a stand in a way that is going to upset a lot of people and take away opportunities from ourselves.

[46:06] There are some yoga teachers who are really reluctant to talk about these uncomfortable issues surrounding yoga. Jesal urges us to consider what it means to have "positive and constructive" conversations and who they are positive and constructive for.

[49:46] Jesal shares why bringing science into yoga and rebranding it into something new and amazing can be so harmful. 

[52:45] What is Jesal's stance on incorporating other elements into yoga vs teaching the "pure" form of yoga?

[55:55] In many fields, from science to medicine to fashion, the data does not reflect the general population and cannot be used as a standard for everybody.

[58:59] When we think about creating safe spaces, we need to be honest about what we don't have the capacity to cater to.

[1:03:24] Check out the resources Jesal has curated (link below) to learn more about this topic.

[1:07:07] Find out more about Jesal and the work that she does via her Instagram page and website.

[1:07:40] Join the conversation - how is racism showing up in your movement science and in yoga and wellness spaces?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and 2021 Planning Party.


Quotes from this episode:


"We have no accountability in this industry." - Jesal


"Oftentimes, we like to assume in the science realm that the data itself is somehow objective, but it's not." - Jesal


"If you were to look at those 'common ground' things, we bring more of the other limbs of yoga into the practice." - Jesal


"For most things, in fitness and in yoga, the target audience is white folk. That's the target audience, that's who's in mind when people are creating these products." - Jesal


"There is a double standard when we do the same thing we are seen differently, and yet again the profit potential for white folk is exponential, vs being a person of color or being South Asian." - Jesal

Oct 5, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

188: Effective Yoga Cues with Libby Hinsley



Something that almost every yoga teacher has to do when leading a class is give cues to guide our students in the movements, breath practices and meditations. These cues can be both visual and verbal, and either online or in person. But how effective are our cues, and what are the cues that are really not helpful for our students? Libby Hinsley sheds some light on how to cue effectively in a yoga class.


Libby Hinsley is a licensed Physical Therapist and a Certified Yoga Therapist who currently runs a private PT practice which integrates Yoga and Manual Therapy. Libby is also passionate about educating yoga teachers about anatomy, and is developing a new project called Anatomy Bites! with Mado Hesselink under the umbrella of Yoga Teacher Resource. Through this platform, Libby aims to give yoga teachers clarity, guidance and support for learning anatomy in a monthly membership format.


Giving yoga cues effectively really comes down to thinking about the intention behind our cues. Libby explains how understanding the reason for each movement and the intended effect can help you give the right cues. Shannon and Libby also discuss cueing for safety, the importance of cueing for beginners or those who are new to yoga, and how anatomy can inform your cueing. Libby shares her insights about “right and wrong” in cueing, and what can happen when you use cues that you do not understand.


If you’ve ever struggled with how to give your students cues in class, or have cued something that produced a completely different effect and want to know how to avoid that in the future, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[6:05] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Libby Hinsley.

[7:48] What does Libby do and who does she do it for?

[9:21] What excites Libby about talking about cueing for yoga teachers?

[13:01] The assumption in giving cues is often that this is the cue to ensure students' safety. Libby unpacks this assumption and how it translates into the cues we give.

[15:19] A common cue in a yoga class is not letting the knee go past the ankle. Libby explains why that's not necessarily a cue for safety.

[18:29] Libby shares why she prefers movement to static postures and how that helps to build strength in different parts of the body.

[20:29] Shannon and Libby discuss tree pose and the positioning of the foot in relation to the knee.

[21:35] Libby brings up the cueing of the shoulders that may not necessarily be useful in ensuring safety.

[24:10] How should we cue the shoulders when moving into poses? Libby explains how understanding anatomy can help address underlying issues that may be present.

[27:15] How helpful is it to understand different conditions that may be present (e.g. kyphosis or lordosis) as yoga teachers and where do we draw the line in suggesting things that may be helpful vs. giving a diagnosis?

[31:56] Shannon and Libby explore why yoga teachers need to release the pressure on themselves to know everything in every other discipline related to yoga.

[35:05] What are some cues Libby wishes didn't exist?

[36:13] For new practitioners of yoga, they need some guidance about what shape they should be in, and cues can be a good starting point for that. However, we should not throw out the freedom to have some exploration of different approaches.

[38:48] Libby highlights some of the things to take note of when cueing shoulder position.

[41:44] Using simple cues and saying less (not over-cueing) is better!

[44:21] What are some helpful things to think about when planning cueing for new teachers?

[48:38] Libby shares one of the cues she likes to use, particularly in response to the question "where am I supposed to feel this?".

[50:37] Libby has a second download about safety - be sure to get it from the links below.

[51:02] What is Anatomy Bites?

[52:38] Libby leaves us with some final thoughts and advice about cueing.

[53:59] Shannon and Libby discuss safety and frailty in yoga.

[55:05] What are the cues you love and which have not served you well? Join the conversation!




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Planning Party with Amanda McKinney.


Quotes from this episode:


"A lot of people are just stuck in a habitual, verbal cue pattern and they don't actually have an understanding about what is underneath that cue." - Libby 


"It's really, really important that we understand why we're saying the things that we say, especially when they're more prescriptive." - Libby


"We're not really trying to get everything in a certain correct way, we're trying to get it correct for our particular body." - Libby


"Cues that are most effective are very, very simple." - Libby


"Yoga wants us to know ourselves, so that we can be our best selves." - Libby


Sep 28, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

187: How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training with Cecily Milne



The first big step that we often take in our journey to become yoga teachers is our Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), and in many ways, much of how we teach is influenced by our YTT experiences. However, not all YTTs are created equal, and some are better than others. Cecily Milne published the blogpost “10 ways to make your yoga teacher training suck less”, and has some pointers on what makes a good YTT.


Cecily Milne is the Founder of Yoga Detour™, which began as a 200HR program, but has evolved since then. Today, Cecily focuses on education within the yoga and movement teaching community, and hopes to provide other professionals in this space with the resources she wishes she had access to as a teacher and business owner. She offers online learning courses as well as in-person training to support others and help them grow as yoga teachers and movement educators.


What sets a great YTT apart from the rest? Shannon and Cecily dig into why many teacher training programs today fail to set trainees up for success, and the top lessons Cecily learned from running her own 200hr TT. Cecily also highlights the importance of diversity and representation teacher trainings, teaching skills and evaluations, and the business aspect of running YTTs. Ultimately, choosing a YTT is all about finding the right fit between the student and the school.


Whether you are brand new to yoga and are thinking about a YTT, or if you are wondering how to put an amazing YTT together, this episode is full of valuable insights.


Key Takeaways:

[4:53] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Cecily Milne.

[6:41] What does Cecily do and who does she do it for?

[8:33] How did Cecily get started with yoga?

[10:19] What was Cecily's first 200-hour yoga teacher training like?

[12:20] What inspired Cecily to write her article "10 ways to make your yoga teacher training suck less"

[14:05] What are some of the most important things to consider when choosing a yoga teacher training?

[17:16] Shannon and Cecily discuss how to make yoga teacher trainings more representative and inclusive.

[21:18] What are some questions we should be asking when considering a yoga potential teacher training?

[23:41] How can we bring up the topic of race and representation in a yoga teacher training?

[25:00] Cecily highlights some other questions to ask when considering a yoga teacher training, particularly around the business aspects of being a yoga teacher.

[32:36] As much as those taking the training programs, those offering the training programs need to ask themselves why they are providing that program and who it is for.

[33:48] Shannon and Cecily discuss where being a part of Yoga Alliance ties in with yoga teacher trainings.

[35:29] Accountability should be a big part of a yoga teacher training. Cecily shares how she helps teachers with learning to teach.

[39:42] Cecily has had some great success with getting her students record themselves teaching.

[41:40] How can teachers deal with the privacy aspect and getting consent from their students to record?

[43:10] It is important for students to know what their needs and priorities are in choosing a yoga teacher training, and to find a school that caters to that and is a good fit.

[44:08] Shannon recommends that you talk to previous graduates from the yoga school or training program you are considering.

[45:06] Get in touch with Cecily via her website to find out more about her work and the training she offers.

[46:47] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"The program helped me see that there was actually real value to becoming a yoga teacher, and for me that was being able to help people make the most of their experience in their bodies." - Cecily


"I see fewer and fewer programs actually asking people to teach, and asking people to teach and get evaluated for it." - Cecily


"We have to just get more creative with how we structure our programs and how we include different members of faculty." - Cecily

Sep 21, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

186: How to Get Booked as a Podcast Guest [Part 2] with Kelly Glover



Getting booked as a podcast guest is something that can be part of your marketing strategy and growing your business. But pitching to be on a podcast is not as simple as sending an email and hoping for the best. Industry expert Kelly Glover has loads of tips to share from her experience in this area.


Kelly Glover is the CEO of The Talent Squad, a podcast booking and publicity agency. With almost two decades working in media under her belt, Kelly helps her clients get from pitched to published to get more clients and build their brand through podcasting. She works with clients in-person in Newcastle, Sydney, Los Angeles, & New York, and does both 1:1 personal brand strategy as well as podcast pitching, and business model coaching.


Pitching to be on a podcast starts with understanding why you should even be trying to get on podcasts. Kelly explains how niching down and having a specific area of expertise can help find podcasts that would be a good fit, and how to decline being a guest on a podcast that doesn’t align with your brand while maintaining a positive relationship with the host. She shares more about how to find the shows your target audience is listening to, and how to write an effective pitch.


If you’ve been thinking about showcasing your expertise by being a guest on some podcasts or wondering how to get featured on your favorite podcasts, give this episode a listen.


Key Takeaways:

[7:04] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Kelly Glover.

[8:35] What does Kelly do and how did she get started in this industry?

[10:34] Why should you even go on a podcast?

[15:23] What's the next step once you've decided you want to be a guest on a podcast?

[16:41] It's best to niche down and speak only on topics you know really well. Kelly shares how you can figure out what those topics should be.

[20:53] When looking for a show to pitch, you need to find a topic that has not already been covered on the podcast.

[23:09] Shannon shares her experience about the pitches she has received - what works and what doesn't.

[26:27] How can we vet the podcasts we're pitching to?

[31:01] It is important to know the audience of the podcast as well, and it's okay to reject some offers to be a guest on a podcast! Kelly explains how you can turn down offers while maintaining that relationship.

[32:57] When should you be doing your own pitches or hire an agency?

[35:38] What are Kelly's thoughts on including a lead magnet when you're a guest on a podcast?

[39:20] What are some other tips Kelly has about pitching podcasts?

[42:27] How much time does Kelly spend listening to podcasts and which are her favorite ones?

[44:16] What are some of Shannon's top podcasts?

[47:22] Get in touch with Kelly via her website for some resources or to work with her.

[48:18] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"Being on a podcast is awareness. It also gives you expert status." - Kelly


"It's about knowing the audience, and what value you're delivering that audience, because podcasts are a way for you to teach the audience." - Kelly


"You don't ever want anyone to feel like they fell for something. You want them to be rewarded." - Kelly


"When you, as a yoga teacher, are looking for a show to pitch, you're also competing against the back catalog." - Kelly


"What benefit are you giving my audience, and what will they learn by the end of the episode that they didn't know in the beginning, and why are you the person to teach my audience that?" - Kelly

Sep 14, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

185: How to Get Booked as a Podcast Guest [Part 1] with Shannon Crow



Being a guest on a podcast is a great way to showcase your offering or expertise, while connecting with more of your ideal client. But with podcasters getting hundreds (or thousands) of pitches, how can you stand out from the crowd and get booked as a podcast guest? Seasoned podcasters Amanda Kingsmith, Mado Hesselink, and Amanda McKinney join Shannon to share their tips and insights to get yourself on some podcasts.


Amanda Kingsmith is the host of MBOm: Mastering the Business of Yoga, World Wanderers and Matcha Mornings. Mado Hesselink hosts Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast, and Amanda McKinney who hosts Marketing Yoga with Confidence. Together with Shannon, these ladies have a wealth of experience to help you navigate getting booked on a podcast.


They share their best suggestions to take your podcast pitch to the next level, what topics you should be talking about, and even which podcasts you should be reaching out to. Tune in to find out more about how to be a great guest on the podcast after you get booked, how to promote the episode when it goes live, and more.


If you have ever wanted to be on a podcast but didn’t know how or where to start, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[1:51] When did you start listening to podcasts? Shannon shares how she got into podcasting, and some of the benefits she has seen from it

[3:01] Amanda McKinney explains why one of the bonuses of being on podcasts is connecting with the podcast host.

[4:45] Shannon has a gift for you!

[8:12] Want a shout-out on the podcast? Leave Shannon a review!

[9:47] Think about the podcasts you love listening to, and what draws you to them. The first step to pitching a podcast is listening to them to make sure you have something to offer the listeners and that it's a good fit for you.

[10:25] Mado has some tips on where to start with your search for a suitable podcast.

[11:12] Once you find some podcasts, make a list of these podcasts.

[11:57] What topic will you be speaking about as a guest?

[16:05] What are some ideas to stand out when making a pitch to be a podcast guest?

[18:09] You can easily pitch to be on a podcast on your own! Amanda Kingsmith has some tips.

[19:59] How should you prepare for the interview on a podcast?

[22:07] Avoid being a boring guest - Amanda Kingsmith shares how.

[24:07] Marketing the episode will serve your business and the podcast host! How can you market and share your episode?

[28:36] Mado gives us a summary of how to get booked as a podcast guest.

[29:41] Shannon shares some final thoughts on getting on a podcast.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"A huge benefit of being on a podcast is the connection to the host and to other people." - Amanda McKinney


"There are three sides to this connection - the host, the guest and most important, the listeners." - Shannon Crow


"You don't need to hire a booking company. As Amanda Kingsmith said, she prefers a personal pitch. Often, I do as well, and I know it's the same for many podcasters." - Shannon Crow


"With your space, it is really essential that you're in a quiet place with good WiFi." - Amanda Kingsmith

Sep 7, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

184: Is Yoga Cultural Appropriation with Shailla Vaidya



It is common knowledge that yoga originated from India, and has been practiced in India and South Asia for millennia. It is only recently that yoga has gained popularity in the Western world. Over time, people within the yoga space have adapted it to cater to different needs and trends, and today, there are many different forms of yoga that exist which can be very removed from the original practice of yoga as it was intended. This leads to the complex question - Is yoga cultural appropriation?


Dr. Shailla Vaidya joins Shannon as someone who is of South Asian descent and was raised in the yoga tradition to share her perspectives. Dr. Shailla Vaidya is a Physician and Yoga Therapist, who practices Mind-Body Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. Shailla teaches medically-informed therapeutic yoga to yoga therapists internationally, and offers a variety of programs that combine the science of Western Medicine with the Eastern Mind-Body practice of Yoga.


In this eye-opening and straight-from-the-heart conversation, Shailla really opens up about her own personal experiences of what it was like to grow up in the culture of yoga and then to step into a Westen yoga class. She also talks about what we can do to honor the tradition of yoga and share it in a way that is respectful of its heritage and history, and the culture it comes from, while acknowledging the challenges that come with it


Being respectful, culturally sensitive and appropriate is something we all constantly need to learn and work on. This interview is a great starting point to think about some of the issues around yoga and cultural appropriation. 


Key Takeaways:

[7:16] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Dr. Shailla Vaidya.

[8:32] Shannon and Shailla share some context about the situation at the time of recording.

[11:51] Shailla shares a bit about her background.

[18:59] How does Shailla combine yoga and medicine?

[24:55] Where did Shailla's journey begin with the understanding of cultural appropriation with regard to yoga?

[29:38] Shailla shares the experience of when she really felt the pain of cultural appropriation in yoga.

[34:02] Colonization is a part of India's history, and there is trauma carried by people of this heritage and culture, as a result of that.

[36:55] Shailla defines cultural appropriation.

[38:38] Shannon and Shailla discuss why she felt like an imposter in a yoga class and at yoga conferences.

[41:55] What does Shailla wish yoga teachers knew? Shailla shares some of the practices that exist in the Western yoga community that are inappropriate.

[48:45] Un-learning things we have always done can be difficult, but it is something that we need to do. Shannon shares her experience of trying to un-learn saying 'namaste' at the end of a yoga class. We need to always be questioning and learning.

[52:49] It is also important to recognize when we're profiting off somebody or someone's culture.

[56:07] Shannon and Shailla discuss some ideas on how we can be a part of the solution.

[1:01:02] Who should we be seeking to learn from?

[1:07:25] How can we respect and honor the traditions of yoga as we bring it into our lives?

[1:12:13] Shailla shares some of her struggles around how people practice yoga in Western cultures.

[1:18:24] All of us need to do the work as we learn what's okay and what's not okay.

[1:20:22] What are some questions coming up for you after listening to this interview?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"It is such an important turning point that we really have to stop and ask ourselves, 'What is the way forward"." - Dr. Shailla


"I've been doing yoga my whole life, it's not something I learned to do or came across - it's something that's a part of my culture." - Dr. Shailla


"How is it okay that you can use these symbols, when I was repeatedly bullied and shamed and put down for my culture? How is it okay that you can do this as a white person, and make money off of it?" - Dr. Shailla


"I was happy that other people are enjoying other cultures, that they're appreciating other cultures, and yet, I'm still struggling with 'Is this appropriation?', or why am I feeling this pain?" - Dr. Shailla


"You have to understand the history and the culture of India, because you're teaching something that is based in and from Indian culture, and you have to understand what was done to these people." - Dr. Shailla


"If we're really open, and if we really want to appreciate another culture, it actually means starting to get comfortable with that other culture." - Dr. Shailla


Aug 31, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

183: How to Plan a Productive Week with Shawn Radcliffe



As a yoga business owner, there are so many things to do that we may feel overwhelmed by our to-do lists, and left wondering how to get everything done and where to start. That’s where productivity comes in, and no matter where you are in your yoga teacher journey, we could all use some tips around improving our productivity. Shawn Radcliffe has some tips on how to use a 15-minute planner to get organized and plan a productive week.


Shawn Radcliffe is a health and science journalist based in Ontario, Canada. His work has appeared in a variety of print and digital publications. Shawn has also been teaching yoga since 2009, and offers students a dynamic mix of Hatha yoga and viniyoga, with a special focus on helping people develop mindfulness.


With just 15 minutes a week, Shawn has mastered the art of staying on top  of his professional and personal life. He shares how he first discovered the 15-minute planner, and breaks down how he uses it to keep track of and prioritize all his projects, tasks and activities. He also has some other tips around planning a productive week and working effectively.


If you’ve been wondering how to make better use of your time or how to keep track of all the projects you have going on, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[5:33] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Shawn Radcliffe.

[6:41] What does Shawn do and who does he do it for?

[8:43] When did Shawn start using the 15-minute planner?

[11:43] How do you start with the 15-minute planner? The first step is setting aside 15 minutes to plan, every week.

[13:17] Shawn explains the concept of the 15-minute planner using the rocks, pebbles, sand analogy.

[14:53] Step 2 is to do a brain dump.

[17:54] Why is it so important to make a list of things to get done, instead of just doing them?

[19:45] What happens after the brain dump? Shawn and Shannon discuss putting the "rocks" into the planner.

[24:25] How do you choose the "pebbles"?

[27:45] The next step is to put these activities into your calendar.

[33:00] Shawn explains what happens to the "sand".

[34:59] What has Shawn learned along the way that he would like to share?

[36:53] What is Shawn's strategy for dealing with things that just pop up suddenly?

[38:24] Shannon shares about the difference between her brain dump and her “idea parking lot”.

[39:13] Shawn highlights how different planning methods work similarly, and things to keep in mind when planning.

[42:17] What are some things Shawn has been able to accomplish using the 15-minute planner method?

[44:16] Get in touch with Shawn via his website, or on Twitter. 




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"A lot of times we get so fixated on our to-do lists that we just do things as they come up, and a lot of things that we're doing are busywork - they're small things that aren't really driving our business forward." - Shawn


"Sometimes we don't know what we need to get done, or don't know what we've already agreed to do." - Shawn


"When you just start working, you're not always working effectively." - Shawn


"Being busy feels good, but it's not always effective." - Shawn


"What do I need to do to make my business grow, and survive, and thrive?" - Shawn


Aug 24, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

182: Yin Yoga vs Restorative Yoga with Nyk Danu



Slower styles of yoga such as Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga are becoming more popular as people are seeking balance in their hectic, fast-paced and stressful lives. However, while Yin and Restorative yoga are often used interchangeably, and may even seem similar externally, there are many differences between the two. Yin Yoga expert (and a member of The Connected Yoga Teacher Team) Nyk Danu shares more about these two types of yoga.


Nyk Danu has been teaching yoga for 15 years, and is a Yin Yoga expert and teacher trainer. She is also a Yoga Therapist who helps people with back pain, particularly those she describes as “yoga misfits” - people who don’t feel at home in mainstream Yoga circles. As a teacher trainer, Nyk also offers Yin Yoga modules as a complement to existing teacher training programs and 1:1 Yin Yoga apprenticeships for teachers. She is also currently in the planning stages of an online Yin Yoga Teacher training.


Despite appearing similar, these two practices differ greatly. Nyk shares more about the origins of each of these styles of yoga and the intention behind them, as well as some of the key differences in the length of poses, counter poses, and use of props. Nyk also has some great insights about the internal perspective - physiologically, emotionally, and how each type of yoga impacts the nervous system.


If you are considering taking specialized training on Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga, or are wondering who each type of yoga is suitable for, or just want to deepen your understanding about these two practices, this episode is perfect for you.


Key Takeaways:

[4:16] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Nyk Danu

[6:19] What does Nyk do and who does she do it for?

[7:34] Nyk shares where her definitions and frameworks for Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga come from.

[9:26] Nyk explains how yin-yang theory ties into Yin Yoga.

[11:32] What is Yin Yoga? What is Restorative Yoga? What is the difference between them?

[16:48] Nyk gives an example of how a post could be done in Yin vs Restorative yoga.

[19:22] What are the intentions of each type of yoga practice?

[21:25] Nyk explains more about the resonance or echo of a pose in your body, which is unique to Yin, and about the meditative elements of Yin Yoga.

[24:39] Who would Nyk recommend Yin Yoga to?

[29:48] Different teachers have different approaches to Yin Yoga.

[32:19] What are the differences in the emotional landscape between Yin vs Restorative Yoga?

[34:15] How long are poses held in Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga?

[35:31] What is the usual duration of classes for these practices of yoga?

[38:34] How long are Nyk's Yin Yoga classes?

[39:46] Nyk explains how she guides students through her Yin Yoga classes.

[41:17] Which practice has more talking through each pose?

[44:04] Does Nyk use music in her Yin classes?

[48:55] Get in touch with Nyk via her website, or on social media.

[50:50] Nyk has a special gift for you, Connected Yoga Teachers!



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"Part of understanding Yin Yoga is having a good understanding of yin-yang theory." - Nyk


"When I look at the biggest difference between the two, it's a matter of degrees, and intention." -Nyk


"One of the primary differences between Yin and Restorative, is that in a Yin practice, we are trying to feel sensation. In a Restorative practice, we're not." - Nyk


"It is the intention behind the pose and what the person is feeling in the pose that would determine 'is this Yin, or is this Restorative'." - Nyk


Aug 17, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

181: Grow an Online Yoga Business with Nikki Naab-Levy



In recent times, many of us have had to make the leap to shift our businesses online. Whether it's creating the foundation to sell online classes or courses, or figuring out what to share on social media or the videos to put up on YouTube, most of us could do with a little help. Nikki Naab-Levy has some insights on how we can leverage the online space in our yoga business to bring yoga to more people and grow our businesses at the same time. 


Nikki Naab-Levy is a Pilates teacher and certified functional strength coach with over 10 years of experience helping clients build strength and overcome injury. Apart from her work with fitness and movement, Nikki also provides business consulting and copy writing services for movement teachers, particularly yoga and pilates teachers, to help them build their businesses and get better at marketing. Nikki Naab-Levy runs her movement-based business almost 100% online, and she has some great insights about what it takes to transition your yoga business to the virtual world.


If you are asking, “How can I stand out online when we’re all teaching the same thing?”, “What should I post on social media?” and “How can I get past the fear of putting myself out there?” - Nikki has some answers for you. Shannon and Nikki also discuss figuring out which online products to offer or which workshops will sell best, and the technology needed to run a successful yoga business online. (Hint: you don’t need fancy tech to be successful!)


Key Takeaways:

[6:34] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Nikki Naab-Levy.

[7:43] What does Nikki do and who does she do it?

[11:42] What was Nikki's journey in taking her business online?

[15:09] Nikki's strategy is to build relationships with people over a long period of time. She explains how she has done this authentically over time.

[17:48] Nikki's other strategy was to get into Facebook groups and help people.

[20:30] Building relationships with potential clients is like dating!

[21:35] Why is email marketing more powerful than social media?

[24:33] Getting your business online is a lot of trial-and-error to figure out what works.

[25:25] Why does Nikki feel more confused now than she did four years ago?

[28:50] What are some things that Nikki knows now that she wishes she had known from the beginning?

[30:30] Part of Nikki's branding is ... fishnets! How did she come up with that idea?

[35:30] If Nikki could choose only one platform for video, what would it be?

[38:13] What content should you start with to begin building your audience?

[43:40] Nikki has some final bits of advice for someone looking to move their business online.

[47:44] Follow Nikki online via her website, and check her out on social media.

[50:23] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways. What were yours?




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"If people can't understand what you're saying, then they don't understand how to use the information or how you can help them." - Nikki


"I very quickly realized I need a network to be successful." - Nikki


"The best way you can get on someone's radar in a positive way is to show up and be helpful." - Nikki


"Instagram isn't where my money is. Email is." - Nikki

Aug 10, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

180: Sticky Note Secret for More Students with Shannon Crow



Do you have a new event, training or yoga offering and are wondering how to fill it? Perhaps you’re trying to get more students into your classes or sign up new 1:1 private students. You’re in luck because Shannon has a secret method to get more students - the sticky note secret.


Shannon shares her sticky note secret to getting new students and outlines the different steps to ask yourself along the way. She encourages you to set a minimum number and maximum number to fill your yoga offering as well as challenges you to think about your ideal class size. How do sticky notes come into the picture? Tune in to find out how you can use the humble sticky note (or even a piece of paper!) to get more students and fill your yoga offerings.


Key Takeaways:

[1:32] Shannon has a secret to getting more students to sign up for your yoga offering.

[3:00] The first step is to think about the minimum number of people you would like to have in your yoga offering.

[5:04] You also need to consider the maximum number of people you would be comfortable teaching.

[6:59] Setting a minimum and maximum number to fill your yoga offering helps you get closer to your goal.

[7:50] Shannon gives Schedulicity a shout out!

[9:20] If money were not a factor, what would your ideal class size be?

[10:02] Shannon addresses some of the road blocks that people encounter.

[11:30] For those of you who prefer to teach 1:1 private yoga, Shannon has some advice about planning your week.

[13:41] Shannon explains how she uses sticky notes to keep track of filling her yoga offerings, but you could do the same thing with a piece of paper.

[17:44] Ask yourself: How can I fill these spots?

[19:57] The last step should be about getting people to sign up, not the first!

[20:28] Shannon does a quick recap of the steps of the "sticky note secret".

[21:32] Share your sticky note wall or spot-filling list with Shannon on social media!



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"We definitely want to take a look at the money side of things in this, but we also want to take a look at 'what does it feel like to show up and teach this number of people?'." - Shannon


"What is the feeling you want your yoga students to walk away with?" - Shannon


"You are going to get better at this, you are going to figure things out." - Shannon


"Ask yourself 'Can I think of anyone right now who's either told me that they're interested in this offering or who I just think is a great fit?'." - Shannon


"When you don't hear back from people, it is not 'no!'." - Shannon

Aug 3, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

179: Get Confident with Video with Alicia Berruti




Video is a really amazing tool, and particularly in this time where a lot of us are encountering a lot of physical distancing, video is the best way to really reach out and form connections with people. Yet, a lot of us struggle with video, and with being confident enough to put ourselves and our message out there. We shouldn’t be missing out on opportunities to use video because we lack confidence, so Alicia Berruti is her eto share with us her take on doing videos confidently.


Alicia Berruti is the National Speaker at BombBomb, a video enablement platform that helps people communicate face-to-face via video. They are focused on bringing back the human side of communication to the virtual world, by making it easy to record, send, and track videos, allowing you to be “in person” with those who matter most to your business at any given time. In her role at BombBomb, Alicia teaches and inspires people to use simple videos to ReHumanize business communication and get face-to-face with clients and prospects more often.


"I don't look good on video." "I can't figure out the technology for videos." "I get so nervous doing videos." If this sounds like you, you need to listen to this episode. Alicia and Shannon dive into overcoming fear around videos and gaining confidence to do them. Alicia also shares why video is an important communication tool, not just for social media, but to actually talk to people and build a deep connection with them. She talks about how we can move past some of the hang ups we may have around putting ourselves out there to show up on camera, and how we can get started with using videos more effectively and intentionally.


Key Takeaways:

[9:25] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Alicia Berruti.

[11:58] What does Alicia do and who does she do it for?

[13:36] How did Alicia start helping people get comfortable with being on video?

[15:31] What did Alicia's journey of loving her own body and feeling comfortable in her own skin?

[20:50] Alicia shares about the power of gratitude in her own life and changing how she sees her body.

[21:30] Feeling confident is a process, and it's something we have to work on constantly.

[25:43] Video is effective because it gives people an opportunity to get to know, like and trust you.

[29:44] Think about what the world would have missed out on if Oprah had waited to be comfortable in her body to get get in front of the camera.

[31:13] What is Alicia's response to some common reasons people have for not doing video?

[39:11] Shannon and Alicia discuss why we should be sharing on video because of the value we bring.

[43:06] What is BombBomb?

[49:08] Video can help convey tonality, which is often lacking in our emails and text messages!

[52:22] Shannon sometimes replies to people on Instagram and Facebook messenger on video, and it makes such a difference.

[54:46] There is a 14-day free trial of BombBomb available for you to check out how it could work in your business.

[1:01:36] Find out more about BombBomb on the website, or get connected with Alicia on Instagram.

[1:04:26] What do you think about a live video challenge? Share your thoughts with Shannon!




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Time Blocking 101 with Renee Clair - Code: TCYT


Quotes from this episode:

"The #1 thing that keeps people from doing video is this uncomfortability with being on camera." - Alicia


"Video is effective and video works because it gives people an opportunity to build 'know, like and trust' with you." - Alicia


"People can connect with human and flawed better than they can connect with perfect and polished." - Alicia


"We're just better face-to-face." - Alicia

Jul 27, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

178: Tired of Social Media? [Consultation Call] with Devon Pelto



Are you feeling frustrated with social media? If you've been posting on social media but not getting engagement, or you're spending so much time on social media and are wondering where else you can focus on to create connections - you are not alone. Devon Pelto was recently feeling the same and posted in The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook group, which led to this consultation call to dig into social media.


Devon Pelto found yoga, tarot and meditation in 2012 as a new mother in need of tranquility and balance. Through these practices, she discovered a new depth of healing from her own childhood trauma in addition to support and mental stability. Today, these practices guide her in her life and the way she shares yoga and life coaching. Devon focuses on self-care, mental/emotional health and community in her corporate and 1:1  yoga classes and life coaching sessions.


Social media has become a key way of connecting with others, particularly during this pandemic, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. Shannon and Devon dig into how she can connect with clients and potential students via email, alternative channels for building connections, and tapping into her network. It can also be a real challenge to teach niche yoga, and they work through some of the difficulties of sharing the benefit of your offering as a coach or wellness advocate.


Whether you’ve mastered social media for your yoga business or are looking for other ways to connect in this time, this episode with Devon Pelto will be really enlightening.


Key Takeaways:

[4:56] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Devon Pelto.

[8:10] Devon shared a post in The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook group about how to step away from social media but still be actively marketing to prospects and staying connected with current clients.

[11:35] What does Devon do? Shannon and Devon discuss the core elements of her messaging around her work.

[18:27] Do you have to be on social media?

[21:31] Devon is trying to do some email marketing. Shannon digs into how effective her email newsletters are in generating clients.

[24:38] Shannon shares about a test she did in her own business about email marketing vs social media.

[27:07] Tapping into your network and leveraging word-of-mouth can be an effective way to reach more people.

[31:38] Devon and Shannon discuss niching down in her business.

[34:15] Schedulicity has a tip for you!

[35:20] The pandemic has taken away the usual channels in which we connect with others. Shannon encourages Devon to explore other avenues that she could use instead.

[40:39] Shannon explains how she uses videos to connect with clients virtually.

[41:54] What are some other ways that in her community that Devon could connect with her ideal clients?

[44:57] Shannon brainstorms some ideas for Devon to get visibility for her business while getting paid.

[48:12] Devon has an upcoming event - Shannon helps her walk through how she can fill the event.

[54:30] Devon brings up some of her hesitations and misgivings with social media.

[1:00:39] Shannon and Devon talk about some other ways she can share her personality and knowledge with others.

[1:03:27] Get in touch with Devon to work with her via her website or email newsletter.

[1:04:32] Shannon shares her biggest takeaway from this consultation call with Devon.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:

"You do not have to be on social media every day." - Shannon


"People take emails more seriously." - Devon


"You can always try a niche on for a while." - Shannon


"That's exactly how I want to use social media - is having it there for the beautiful tool that it is, but not relying on it in any way at all. It's just an accessible way to connect." - Devon

Jul 20, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

177: How to Connect (aka Network) with Natalie Eckdahl



No matter where you are in your yoga teacher journey, one of the things we need to run a successful business is a good network of connections. Thankfully, networking doesn’t have  to be awkward, or boring, and Natalie Eckdahl has just the tips on how to manage networking online.


Natalie Eckdahl is the founder of BizChix, Inc, and a business strategist and coach. She is dedicated to helping high performing women build, grow, and scale their businesses while avoiding overwhelm. As the host of the BizChix Podcast, Natalie showcases the expertise of hundreds of industry experts, and shares actionable tips and strategies to help her listeners and clients grow their businesses.


We often jump straight to getting on social media to get in front of people or building our email list, but on this episode we're going right back to the basics of networking. Natalie explains why it’s so important to connect with others and grow our network, and how to make the whole process less awkward and more authentic. She also shares more about how to track whether our networking efforts are paying off, and how networking can work for you even virtually.


If you are struggling to get yoga students to your classes, workshops or trainings, this episode is sure to be a helpful resource.


Key Takeaways:

[5:54] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Natalie Eckdahl.

[7:39] What does Natalie do and who does she do it for?

[9:08] What is networking?

[13:03] How can we connect and network online?

[17:51] How can we ease the awkwardness and reduce the "weird" factor?

[21:05] This is a good time to start reaching out to your students to see how they are doing.

[22:30] How can we measure or track whether our networking efforts are paying off?

[26:37] Shannon and Natalie discuss how being in conversation with someone can help "make the sale".

[30:02] Natalie shares a little tip around mindset and being paid.

[31:31] It is important for us to hold boundaries during our networking sessions as well.

[35:10] Reframe the word 'networking' to connecting. How can you connect with people in your network? Natalie shares some of her tips and strategies, especially using video!

[41:09] Yoga teachers, people are looking for you - make it easy to be found, and make it easy for them to connect with you.

[43:05] Natalie highlights the importance of connecting with complementary service providers.

[0044:59] Shannon shares her biggest takeaway from this interview with Natalie.



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"What I see networking being is something that helps your network know what you're doing, and having visibility in your network." - Natalie


"If our network doesn't know what we do and who we do it for, then the people that they're connected to cannot work with us or find out about us." - Natalie


"We can seek to create community virtually." - Natalie


"Circle back with old clients. It's never too late to pull someone back in." - Natalie


"Video is one of the best ways to connect." - Natalie

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