
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Mar 30, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

162: Fill Your Yoga Workshop with Mado Hesselink



Have you ever struggled to put on a yoga workshop? Maybe you’re hesitant to put on a yoga workshop because you’re worried about how to fill it. Perhaps you're excited to offer a workshop and just want to get started. Mado Hesselink, repeat guest on the podcast, is just the person with the insights on this topic.


Mado Hesselink has been teaching yoga since 2005, and training yoga teachers since 2010. She is the creator of Yoga Teacher Resource, and host of the Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast. Her focus is the places where business and yoga principles overlap, so that yoga teachers make a bigger impact with their teaching, and her mission is to help yoga teachers stay true to their values as they create their own definition of success. 


We may have toyed with the idea of teaching a yoga workshop, or attended a workshop ourselves that has inspired us to create our own, but it can be tricky to know when we're ready to teach a workshop. Mado shares more about the four categories of workshops and how to know if people are going to sign up for the workshop. Mado explains how to choose a workshop topic and title that will get people to sign up, her advice for yoga teachers scrambling to fill their workshops, and what we need to focus on to run a successful and effective workshop.


Workshops can be a fun and engaging way to connect with our students on a different level beyond just a yoga class - Mado has insights about how to make the most of it for everyone!


Key Takeaways:

[7:19] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Mado Hesselink.

[9:06] Why would yoga teachers even want to teach workshops?

[11:42] Depending on how you market the workshop, the perceived value can be a lot higher than a class that's more general and not marketed to a specific audience.

[13:31] Workshops helps deepen your connection with your most dedicated students.

[14:55] How can yoga teachers tell if they are ready to lead a workshop?

[17:25] What are some workshops that work really well? Mado highlights four that work really well - the Intro workshops, the 'Yoga +' workshops, the Deep Dives and the Experience / Celebration workshops.

[21:50] Shannon and Mado discuss which category Shannon's workshop falls into.

[22:36] How can we choose the topic for our workshops and determine what the title should be?

[26:54] How can we fill our yoga workshop and ensure that it works?

[30:12] What can you do if you take all the right steps and your workshop still doesn't fill?

[34:00] What are some other tips Mado has for yoga teachers trying to market their yoga workshop.

[39:19] Mado shares some tips for yoga teachers who are scrambling to fill their yoga workshops, and for people who want to call it quits after a 'failed' attempt.

[42:45] What does Mado have to say to yoga teachers who think that they 'really, really need to' fill a workshop?

[44:36] Mado shares more about her course for filling yoga workshops.

[46:21] Mado has a list of 100 yoga class themes and 100 yoga workshop ideas available.

[47:32] Mado leaves us with some final thoughts about workshops.

[48:52] What were your biggest takeaways? Shannon shares what has really impacted her from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity


Quotes from this episode:


"We need to really switch our mindset in this time. Instead of thinking 'can I offer this online?' to switching to 'how can I offer this online?'." - Shannon


"If you hit on a topic that really resonates with the people that you're trying to teach, it can end up being a lot more per hour." - Mado


"Depending on how you market the workshop, the perceived value can be a lot higher than a class that's more general and not marketed to a specific audience?" - Mado


"Not every single person who would benefit from your workshop, not every single person who fits into your target audience is going to be able to attend." - Mado


"You have to go back to who is this for, and where do they spend their time?" - Mado


Mar 23, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

 161: Get Your Yoga Online in 48 Hours with Jennie MacGoy



The situation with COVID-19, the novel coronavirus that is spreading quickly across the world, is rapidly changing. Many places are on complete lockdown, with many more people practicing social distancing in the interest of safeguarding their health and that of everyone around them. In this context, in-person yoga classes may not be feasible or safe for the moment.


Jennie MacGoy has taken her yoga business online in just 48 hours, and on this episode she shares her experience and the insights she has gained from it. Jennie is a Yoga and Functional Movement instructor and an Accessible Yoga ambassador who specializes in working with people who are dealing with chronic pain. She typically offers in-studio classes, but in light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, she made the decision to start offering all of her classes virtually.


Transitioning from in-person classes to 100% online classes is not easy, but Jennie has managed it in just 48 hours. She explains how she made the first decision to switch to virtual classes, some of the technology that she is using in her classes, and the logistics of running online yoga classes.


We all need to change and adapt to this new situation - this episode is a great introduction to how to make the switch from in-person to online classes. Be sure to also check out the other resources around how to manage the COVID-19 situation in the links below.


Key Takeaways:

[2:47] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Jennie MacGoy.

[5:52] Last week, Jennie sent out an email to her students saying they weren't going to be using any props. How did her students receive that, and how did Jennie manage her classes without props?

[10:05] Jennie's students weren't skipping the class because they were afraid. What made Jennie decide to move her classes online?

[12:55] How are Jennie's students' reacting to the Zoom classes?

[14:17] Jennie explains some of the tech behind running her classes virtually.

[20:48] How does attendance work for Jennie's classes?

[23:17] Schedulicity is waiving all fees for 3 months!

[26:13] Shannon and Jennie discuss how taking her yoga classes online is impacting her students, and her business.

[33:20] Where can you sign up for one of Jennie's classes?

[34:15] Shannon and Jennie brainstorm some ideas to create a sense of community in a virtual class.

[35:41] Is Jennie recording her virtual classes?

[37:25] Jennie shares some of the challenges she has faced in getting her yoga online.

[40:04] Shannon and Jennie share some of their thoughts around the evolving situation and how taking your yoga online may play out.

[42:19] Shannon reflects on this interview with Jennie, and the current situation.



Gratitude to our Sponsors Schedulicity, Yoga for Pelvic Health Teacher Training, and Yomassage


Quotes from this episode:

"How can I, in good conscience, continue to bring people together?"


"[My students] look forward to eventually all of us coming back together in person, but for now, it's fine."


"We have to go virtual." 


"I thought it was just much more important to jump in and start doing it."

Mar 16, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

160: Milestones of My Yoga Business with Shannon Crow



Where were you when you first began your business, and where are you now? Looking back on your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner is a great reflection exercise, and on this episode, Shannon shares her reflections and thoughts about her yoga business, and the milestones she reached along the way.


In doing this reflection exercise, Shannon goes to a time way back before the podcast was started. Even as a child, she had an entrepreneurial streak in her, and she shares some of the early lessons she learned from her first forays into entrepreneurship, as well as her first successes as a business owner running a garden market. She reveals how she eventually transitioned into becoming a yoga teacher, and subsequently a podcast host as well.


Shannon highlights some of the key milestones she reached (including some that she’s still working on!) along her business journey, including stepping into a business mindset, creating systems and processes, and even finding a niche and specializing. Shannon also reflects that none of it was ever a clear path, but everything has contributed to the business she has today.


This is an inside look into Shannon’s road map to creating her yoga business, but remember - everyone’s journey will be different. Special thanks to Isabel for asking this question that prompted the reflection!


Key Takeaways:

[2:51] Isabel asked: How do you know that your business has grown to certain levels or reached certain milestones? What are the different pieces that make your entire business, and how long did it take you to put them all together?

[3:35] Shannon's business journey began way before the podcast.

[6:14] Shannon gives a shout out to a few people.

[9:33] Take a moment to reflect on your own yoga journey. Where were you when you began, and where are you now?

[10:43] Shannon shares her backstory of how and why she became an entrepreneur, and her first business ventures.

[18:27] Shannon describes how she became a yoga teacher.

[21:04] Shannon's grandfather gave her some words of wisdom about saving, that have stuck with her.

[27:08] This episode is sponsored by YoMassage.

[28:19] The first milestone in Shannon's business is her business mindset.

[34:12] Another part of the business mindset is the money mindset.

[40:00] Milestone #2: Know your why.

[41:37] Milestone #3: Systems, processes and planning.

[43:07] For Shannon, accepting and asking for help was her fourth milestone.

[44:28] The last milestone is specializing and niche work.

[47:15] You're not alone in your journey as a yoga teacher and entrepreneur!



Gratitude to our Sponsors Schedulicity, Yoga for Pelvic Health Teacher Training, and Yomassage


Quotes from this episode:


"I had this lightbulb moment thinking, 'There are no other teachers in the world that can share yoga like I can'." - Shannon


"You are here to offer a type of yoga that no one else can." - Shannon


"It doesn’t matter what you make - it matters what you save." - Shannon


"Your message needs to be louder than all of the fears and roadblocks and learning that you need to do." - Shannon

Mar 15, 2020

I wanted to check in with all of you today and tell you about what we are working on to support you. There is a free masterclass to help you to take your yoga online. I also wanted to share why we are self-isolating now in our home.

Mar 9, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

159: Mindful Touch and Yoga with Tiffany Ryan & Katherine Parker



Do you incorporate touch into your yoga classes? Or do you enjoy touch in your classes but aren’t sure how to go about introducing it in your classes? Yomassage may be the answer you are looking for. This unique offering fills a niche in the health and wellness space, and seeks to combine the principles of yoga and yogic philosophy with the benefits of massage. 


Tiffany Ryan and Katherine Parker are co-founders of Yomassage, and they offer an innovative approach to wellness that combines yoga and massage therapy. Tiffany and Katherine come from very different backgrounds, but their paths crossed by chance and Yomassage was born. The classes they offered at the studio became so popular that they decided to offer trainings to other wellness professionals. Today, they offer a variety of Yomassage classes and trainings across the US to create affordable options for self-care through bodywork.


Tiffany and Katherine Parker join me to share more about how they came to discover this as their niche, how they serve their clients, and the benefits of Yomassage. They also highlight how yoga teachers can incorporate this area into their current yoga offerings to students and how mindful touch is different than a yoga teacher providing adjustments and assists.


If you’ve ever thought about incorporating more touch into your classes, or are interested in finding out more about how mindful touch can benefit your students, this episode is for you.


Key Takeaways:

[5:13] Shannon introduces her guests for this episode - Tiffany Ryan and Katherine Parker.

[7:32] What is Yomassage and how did Tiffany and Katherine create it? Tiffany shares a bit about her journey that led to Yomassage.

[11:27] Where did Katherine's yoga journey begin, and how did her work tie in with touch and massage?

[14:34] Katherine shares more about the trainings on Yomassage that they offer massage therapists and yoga teachers.

[15:12] There has been a lot of discussion in the yoga world about why it might be better not to incorporate touch into classes. What are Tiffany's thoughts on this?

[20:06] How does Katherine, as the studio owner, safeguard the interests of students coming in with regards to who wants touch and who doesn't?

[23:27] What is the process when students sign up for a Yomassage class?

[26:15] The training for mindful touch provides teachers with a framework for what is acceptable and what isn't.

[28:31] A word from our sponsor - Yomassage.

[29:43] What are some of the the recommendations, do's and don'ts for Yomassage?

[31:28] For a yoga teacher who would like to incorporate touch into their classes, what would be the best way to go about it?

[35:15] People need 10-15 minutes of touch daily, and Yomassage classes aims to provide this. How are the classes organized to do this?

[39:15] Katherine shares some of the details about the Yomassage and mindful touch classes.

[42:36] How much touch do people receive in a Yomassage session vs a mindful touch class?

[44:44] What are the training sessions like for Yomassage and mindful touch, for practitioners who want to include these as a part of their offering?

[48:17] Connect with Katherine and Tiffany via their social media pages to learn more about Yomassage.

[49:07] Shannon, Katherine and Tiffany discuss the importance of touch.

[51:28] Shannon shares her biggest takeaway from this interview.



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Yomassage


Quotes from this episode:


"The combination of the touch and the restorative yoga would be almost like receiving that savasana / feel-good touch throughout the whole class." - Katherine


"Touch is known and proven to help the body enter into the parasympathetic nervous system." - Tiffany


"Touch is so impactful, and it really can help people heal." - Tiffany


"It's really important to have this additional training that teaches you about touch, how to touch and to do it with consent." - Tiffany

Mar 2, 2020

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

158: Yoga Nidra with Kaya Mindlin



Something that is said to be as old as yoga itself, but which is less well-known and not as widely practiced is yoga nidra. Sometimes described as “yogic sleep”, yoga nidra can be a powerful healing technique. Kaya Mindlin, an expert on the topic of yoga nidra, shares more about this fascinating aspect of yoga on this interview.


Kaya Mindlin is a Yoga Therapist and Ayurvedic Practitioner with 18 years of experience teaching yoga and nine years of experience training and mentoring yoga teachers. She is the co-Founder and director of Emeryville Yoga Therapy Center, and has created multiple programs for yoga teachers. She is passionate about the soft, slow, inward-oriented side of yoga that holds the purpose of yoga at its heart. Today, Kaya teaches yoga teachers in-person and online, through training courses, mentoring and private sessions in yoga therapy and ayurveda.


What does yoga nidra offer that other practices may not? Why is it especially needed in our modern society? What kinds of things can come up for students during yoga nidra, and how can we as yoga teachers hold space for that? These are just a few of the topics Kaya shares more about. She also talks about the best positions for yoga nidra, what a good yoga nidra script should include, and even has some special resources for you.


This is an excellent episode for anyone curious about the practice and benefits of yoga nidra, both as a teacher of yoga and to use in your own practice.


Key Takeaways:

[6:55] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Kaya Mindlin.

[8:43] Where did Kaya's yoga journey begin?

[11:17] What is Kaya's specialty now, and how did she find her focus?

[12:35] Kaya explains the pronunciation of 'nidra' and why the pronunciation matters.

[15:50] What is yoga nidra?

[17:24] What happens when people fall asleep during yoga nidra?

[18:17] How do we know when we've reached the state of yoga nidra?

[21:29] When can we access the yoga nidra state?

[22:40] Why is yoga nidra so important?

[24:35] What are some of the other benefits of the yoga nidra state?

[29:15] What are some things we might experience in a state of yoga nidra?

[32:46] Where would Kaya recommend that yoga teachers try out yoga nidra?

[34:56] Kaya has some resources available on yoga nidra.

[35:41] Kaya shares more about her offerings both online and in person.

[40:39] A lot of problems we see in people in modern society are related to sleep.

[45:10] What does Kaya wish yoga teachers knew about yoga nidra?

[47:24] Find out more about Kaya and her work at her website.

[48:33] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this episode.



Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity and Toronto Yoga Conference April 2020


Quotes from this episode:


"Yoga nidra is an inner state. It is the deep sleep state with awareness retained."


"I train [yoga teachers] in techniques to open the doorway to that state, but there's no guarantee that it will happen, but whatever happens will be beneficial."


"We feel only ignorance, and simultaneously that ignorance is described as a mass of bliss."


"At a deep level, it's very appealing to us because we are starved for rest and relaxation, and we're really starved for sleep."


"Yoga nidra works at the subconscious level to resolve problematic patterns of thinking and habits, and it also goes all the way to the unconscious level."