
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Mar 29, 2021

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

213: Work Life Balance with Dawn Vason



Almost everybody struggles with work-life balance. We have so many things to do in our yoga business, our personal life, our community and more, in addition to dealing with a pandemic. We may find ourselves wondering if work-life balance is a myth and an unattainable goal. Should we even be striving for balance in our lives? Dawn Vason tells us we should, and how to achieve it in this podcast episode.


Dawn Vason is a mindset and manifestation coach and yoga teacher. After some personal challenges, Dawn turned to holistic study and discovered the power of healthy habits and plant based remedies. In order to share what she had learned with others, she created JaviWellness: Holistic Health and Plant Based Solutions. As a success and self-care coach at Holistically Whole: Wealth & Wellness Coaching for Women, Dawn empowers and equips women to balance life and business while practicing good self care. In addition to her business ventures, Dawn is also a mother of four children whom she homeschools.


Life can sometimes feel overwhelming, but Dawn has some practical tips around planning time for both life and work. She also shares her insights about how to build a business while raising a family, particularly in this time of working from home and homeschooling. Shannon and Dawn open up about dealing with parenting (or other) guilt, and explore what it takes to really balance work, your business, parenting, and all the different pieces that make up your life. Hint: Balance is not a destination, it’s a journey!


If you have been wondering how you can feel less worried, and more calm and organized in life, this episode is for you. 


Key Takeaways:

[10:40] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Dawn Vason.

[12:31] What is the work that Dawn does and who does she do it for?

[14:20] Dawn shares a little about her family and some of the challenges that have brought her to where she is today.

[15:42] Is it possible to find work-life balance?

[18:15] What are some of the things that have helped Dawn manage her life?

[24:20] Dawn elaborates on the idea of having systems over goals.

[27:42] Shannon and Dawn explore how we can use systems to reach our goals with the example of growing an email list.

[31:39] How can we use systems to find balance in our lives?

[41:25] A lot of us feel guilt around our actions and inactions. What are some of Dawn's tips to deal with that guilt?

[44:30] Shannon highlights how important mindfulness is for her in helping to ease the guilt. Dawn has some tips around self-talk that can help.

[48:48] Knowing what "enough" is can be super powerful, but we think we haven't done enough, it can hinder our progress. Dawn speaks to this.

[52:05] What are some small steps we can take to move toward creating a self-care routine?

[56:23] What helps Dawn come back to balance amidst juggling all the different parts of her life?

[58:49] Find out more about Dawn and the work that she does via her website and social media.

[1:00:38] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsors Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:


"I do believe that we always need to seek balance." - Dawn


"Balance is achievable, but it's a constant give-and-take for it." - Dawn


"It has to be systems over schedules and goals." - Dawn


"Allow yourself grace to find what works for you." - Dawn


"You are enough. Everything that you need is within you." - Dawn


"All of the things that we say we don't have time for - those are the things you need to make time for." - Dawn


Mar 22, 2021

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

212: Menopause Myths and Facts with Shirley Weir



A topic some people might not feel comfortable talking about is menopause, yet this is something that concerns not just people who menstruate (about half the world’s population!) Chances are, even people who don't menstruate live with or support people who do. However, a lot of menstruating people often start perimenopause and reach menopause with no idea about the changes their bodies are undergoing and how to deal with them. Shirley Weir, Menopause Chick, is ready to bust some of the common myths surrounding menopause and share the facts about this “taboo” topic.


Shirley Weir first began experiencing symptoms related to perimenopause more than 10 years ago, and was unable to find answers to her questions. Feeling confused, overwhelmed and alone, she realized other people must be struggling with the same issues, and launched to empower people to talk openly about perimenopause and menopause, to navigate midlife health information, and to connect to health professionals in this area. Since then, Shirley has spoken at conferences internationally, received awards for her work, and been featured widely in publications. She also authored MOKITA: How to Navigate Perimenopause with Confidence & Ease, which reached #1 on in women’s health. 


Did you know that menopause is only one day? Shirley shares the difference between perimenopause and menopause, and what is “normal” or common and what’s not during perimenopause leading up to menopause. She also shares useful information when to talk to your doctor, and about how to educate yourself in case your healthcare team isn't up to date with research in perimenopause. Shirley and Shannon discuss how yoga can be helpful in bringing relief to people experiencing symptoms and some of the things to be aware around perimenopause and menopause as yoga teachers.


Key Takeaways:

[8:05] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Shirley Weir.

[9:30] A note on gender-neutral language in this topic, and why this topic is not just for women.

[11:36] How did Shirley get into the work of highlighting information around menopause?

[15:43] Shirley shares a lot of great information about menopause in her Facebook Group.

[18:07] What is menopause? What is perimenopause?

[24:09] When does perimenopause start?

[26:39] Shirley touches on the topic of hot flashes and the symptoms during perimenopause, and how we as a society deal with them.

[30:40] We can't blame the medical system for the lack of information around perimenopause and menopause.

[31:45] What are some of the myths around perimenopause and menopause that yoga teachers need to be aware of?

[35:30] The message that women are often told is that this will get better with time. Shirley challenges this message.

[40:47] When it comes to perimenopause and menopause, your healthcare professional may not always have all the answers.

[45:27] Shirley shares some other things to note that could empower yoga teachers in working with perimenopausal people.

[49:04] Do changes in hormones play a part in our happiness?

[50:27] What does Shirley say to support people who are struggling in this phase of life?

[55:01] Learn more about Shirley's work on social media and her Facebook group.

[55:29] Shirley shares more about her book, MOKITA.

[59:10] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsors Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:


"Menopause is one day. It's the 12th month anniversary of your final period." ~ Shirley Weir


"Stress significantly impacts female hormones." ~ Shirley Weir


"Perimenopause and menopause are not medical conditions. They're phases of life." ~ Shirley Weir


"There's a lot of innuendo around women's health that we are meant to suffer." ~ Shirley Weir

Mar 15, 2021

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

211: How to Draw Yoga Stick Figures with Eva-Lotta Lamm



As a yoga teacher, how do you plan your classes? When it comes to planning the actual sequences, poses, and themes, do you go with the flow with little or no planning, or have a mental plan, or refer to detailed notes? In this episode, Eva-Lotta Lamm shares another technique you can use to plan yoga classes - drawing out yoga sequences. The best part is you don’t have to be good at drawing or have artistic talents; you only need to be able to draw stick figures!


Eva-Lotta Lamm is an independent Designer, Visual Thinking Expert and Trainer and yoga teacher. She helps companies to visualise complex problems to see things from new perspectives, and teaches teams and individuals to be more visual in their thinking, communication and collaboration. Eva-Lotta’s illustrations have been published in several books, and she is also the author of Yoganotes – Sketching Yoga Stick Figures. Eva-Lotta used sketching and visual notes extensively during her own yoga teacher training in India, and eventually, combined her love for yoga and her profession as a designer to create products that help yoga practitioners and yoga teachers to learn, structure and teach yoga with visual tools.


Eva-Lotta shares more about the unique system for drawing yoga stick figures she created, and breaks down how she teaches other people to draw their own yoga stick figures and adapt them to their own needs. Shannon and Eva-Lotta also discuss the benefits of sketching, as well as why drawing and visual tools can be a great addition to your toolkit as a yoga teacher. Eva-Lotta even shares how she self-published a book on yoga.


Listen to the end of the episode to find out how you can participate in a giveaway of Eva-Lotta’s personalized books for two listeners!


Key Takeaways:

[10:00] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Eva-Lotta Lamm.

[12:24] What does Eva-Lotta do and who does she do it for?

[14:07] Eva-Lotta shares more about her work in helping people visualize complex problems to see them from a new perspective.

[16:34] How does Eva-Lotta teach yoga teachers to use drawings in planning their yoga sequences?

[18:00] Eva-Lotta shares some of her tips and tricks for drawing out complex yoga sequences with stick figures.

[20:20] What other tools does Eva-Lotta use to guide her plans for yoga sequences?

[22:25] Eva-Lotta's drawings have noses to show direction! She shares how detailed her drawings can get.

[24:34] What are some pointers Eva-Lotta has for yoga teachers who want to get started drawing sequences?

[30:04] How did Eva-Lotta find her niche in teaching yoga teachers to draw stick figures?

[34:13] What is Eva-Lotta's work in the yoga world now?

[38:13] Eva-Lotta is excited about what else can come from the intersection of her work with design and drawing and yoga.

[40:34] How did Eva-Lotta self-publish her book?

[45:13] Check out Eva-Lotta's book on her website.

[47:53] Shannon and Eva-Lotta are doing a giveaway!

[49:29] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsors Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:

"I teach yoga teachers to draw so that they can plan their sequences even when they don't have any artistic talent or they think they can't draw at all." - Eva-Lotta


"If you look at sketching as a communication and thinking tool, then I like to compare it to learning how to write." - Eva-Lotta


"My goal is to teach people how to draw like writing so that they can write their own stories and their own flows and whatever their creativity wants to express." - Eva-Lotta


"Images and words are like best friends. ... They both have different strengths and weaknesses, and you want to use them in combination because then they are truly wonderful together." - Eva-Lotta


Mar 8, 2021

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

210: The Future of Yoga with Amber Karnes



The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down, and the yoga industry has changed dramatically. Studios have closed, some permanently, classes and YTTs are online, and for many of us in-person classes and trainings are not possible. All of these changes have a lot of yoga teachers asking - What does the future look like for yoga? And what does that mean for yoga teachers? Amber Karnes shares some insights.


Amber Karnes is the Founder of  Body Positive Yoga and the creator of the Body Positive Clubhouse. She is a big proponent of the Health At Every Size approach to wellness, focusing on joyful movement, intuitive eating, and self-care. Amber is also the co-creator of the Yoga for All Teacher Training with Dianne Bondy, and she also leads trainings for Accessible Yoga. In her work, Amber is dedicated diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, and helping empower people live life without shame or apology.


With yoga classes and teacher trainings being moved online, what will happen when the pandemic ends, and people can be together in person again? Amber shares her thoughts on how being online has shifted expectations around yoga, and talks more about how this shift has made yoga more accessible for some people. She also highlights some of the barriers that marginalized populations may face at an in-person studio. Shannona and Amber discuss what online classes are lacking and how we can address those shortcomings, as well as what yoga teachers can do to create community in online yoga classes.


If you are looking for insights and perspectives on how to navigate the current situation, as well as explore ideas around what it really means to teach yoga, this interview is sure to inspire you and give you tools to move forward in a productive and meaningful way.


Key Takeaways:

[3:41] COVID-19 has changed the way we share yoga. This episode explores what the future holds for yoga and yoga teachers.

[6:48] Shannon gives a shout out to sponsor Schedulicity and reads a review from a listener. Have you left a review yet?

[10:05] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Amber Karnes.

[11:43] Shannon does a check-in with Amber.

[13:43] What is helping Amber get through the upheaval in the world these days?

[16:54] What is the future of being a yoga teacher?

[23:42] Yoga has become more accessible to people because it is now being shared online. Amber shares more about the accessibility of yoga, fitness and movement practices in this time.

[32:15] How has moving yoga online impacted some groups of people like children and less tech-savvy seniors?

[35:54] What are Amber's thoughts around new yoga teachers getting certified to teach yoga online and going on to teach classes online, and only working in the online space?

[38:00] We have an opportunity to reset the expectations around what a yoga class looks like, and to really examine what it means to teach Yoga.

[43:59] There are thoughtful ways to change and tweak how we teach yoga to give the responsibility back to the student to listen to their bodies.

[47:49] Teaching yoga online can feel lacking in community. How can we create connections and community online in creative ways?

[53:48] Amber shares some thoughts around what could really help yoga teachers right now.

[59:51] Shannon reflects on how important it is to center yourself around your "why".

[1:00:35] Will Amber ever run for office?

[1:02:09] Find out more about Amber and her work via the links below.

[1:03:59] How does Amber deal with the pressure of having a large audience?

[1:06:33] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this interview.




Gratitude to our Sponsors Schedulicity and Sukhasana Chair (Code: TCYT10).


Quotes from this episode:


"I think a lot of folks are going to change the way that they are practicing yoga in community going forward." - Amber


"This moment is a unique opportunity for us to be imaginative, as both yoga practitioners and teachers of how we can reset some of the expectations around 'What is a yoga class?'." - Amber


"We can look at what the opportunities are coming out of this to create classrooms and teaching spaces and community spaces that are more equitable for all of us." - Amber


"When we approach [teaching online], we have to start to approach it as if it were a viable alternative and sometimes, a preferred alternative for some of our students." - Amber


"With accessibility, the question that I like to encourage teachers to ask is 'Where does the power live right now?'." - Amber


"Yoga is a personal practice that we do in community." - Amber


Mar 1, 2021

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

209: Online Yoga Teacher Training with Jivana Heyman



One of the things yoga teachers all around the world have had to navigate recently is the shift to sharing yoga online because of the coronavirus pandemic. A lot of yoga teacher trainings have also moved online, as well as conferences, seminars and other aspects of continuing education for yoga teachers. Like teaching yoga online, they come with their own set of challenges, and Jivana Heyman shares more about his experience moving everything online.


Jivana is the founder and director of Accessible Yoga, an international non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to yoga teachings. Jivana is also the co-founder of the Accessible Yoga Training School, and the author of Accessible Yoga: Poses and Practices for Every Body. As a yoga teacher, Jivana has specialized in teaching yoga to people with disabilities with an emphasis on community building and social engagement. 


As a result of the pandemic, Jivana had to move everything he was working on to an online format, including the entire Accessible Yoga Conference and his yoga teacher trainings. This was a big undertaking, and Jivana talks about how this transition went - what went well and what did not, how he managed the tech element of this transition, and most importantly, how he retained the quality of it all when he moved to the online format.


Key Takeaways:

[5:24] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Jivana Heyman.

[7:58] Jivana is working on his second book. What are some of his tips for yoga teachers trying to write a book or manual?

[9:48] In 2020, Jivana moved the Accessible Yoga Conference and his yoga teacher trainings online. Which offering did Jivana move online first?

[11:55] Would Jivana continue with offering trainings online if the pandemic ended tomorrow?

[14:03] How is Jivana dealing with missing interaction with people?

[16:16] What technology is Jivana using for the conference and his trainings online?

[18:23] How does Jivana deal with accountability and watching people teach when the training is online?

[22:52] Props are an important part of accessible yoga. How does Jivana deal with attendees having the props necessary?

[25:06] Has Jivana included aspects of how to teach online in the training?

[26:56] How has Jivana managed the sound and tech for all of the presenters and teacher trainers he has been dealing with in the conference and trainings? 

[29:08] Jivana speaks about the challenges of accessibility.

[32:29] Jivana shares how to caption for accessibility on images in social media.

[34:59] In terms of accessibility, being online has helped Jivana reach more people who could not attend in person events.

[38:32] Digital access can also be an issue when people don't have access to the internet, a computer or have the time to be online.

[40:45] What are Jivana's tip for using different props for students who can't get down to the floor?

[48:53] Jivana share a bit about the Accessible Yoga Community on Facebook.

[53:28] What is Jivana's new book about?

[56:59] Where can you find out more about Jivana and his work?

[59:45] Shannon shares her key takeaways from this interview.




Teaching Yoga Online Episodes:


Gratitude to our Sponsor Schedulicity.


Quotes from this episode:

"What I miss the most is that at the trainings, I got to watch people meet each other and form bonds and communities." - Jivana


"It's more tiring to teach online." - Jivana


"What's amazing about being online is that we have international groups all the time." - Jivana


"For our community, participating in online classes can actually be really beneficial." - Jivana


"Being online is more accessible generally." - Jivana