
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Jan 30, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

309: Four Seasons of Business with Shannon Crow



Just like in nature, we go through different seasons in our business and in life. Each season is characterized by different rhythms and needs, and no one season lasts forever. How can we embrace these changing seasons and get the most out of each season instead of fighting it?


In this episode, Shannon Crow shares more about the four different seasons you may encounter in your business. She explains what you may be feeling in winter, spring, summer, and fall/autumn, as well as how you can adapt your business activities to match the seasons. Shannon also reminds us that your season in business may be impacted by things outside your control and that other people may be in different seasons from you. Tune in to find out how to work with the seasons and find balance in your business.


Key Takeaways:

[2:18] Shannon introduces her topic for this episode - the four seasons of business.

[2:29] Shannon gives a shout out to sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[5:34] What season of life or business are you in now? This may not align with the seasons of nature or the seasons of the people around you, and may be impacted by things outside your control.

[8:09] As there are four seasons in nature, there are also four seasons in business.

[8:23] Shannon outlines some of the things that you might experience in a winter season of your business.

[11:54] Avoid looking at other people who may be in a different season in their business and comparing yourself to them.

[13:42] What can a spring season bring for your business?

[16:28] Shannon shares how she is using OfferingTree in her business.

[18:13] Summer is the season of growth and thriving in your business.

[22:22] Fall is the season of harvest. It is also a time to clean up and get ready for the next growing season.

[24:41] Fall is also a great time to save up.

[26:01] What have you noticed about the seasons of business or life that you're experiencing or have experienced?

[27:35] Connect with Shannon in real time in the Pelvic Health Professionals membership site.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Seasons always change and there's a way to embrace it and get the most out of it instead of fighting against it."


"Winter is an amazing time to evaluate what's working, to check in on what's draining you, and let go of what is no longer a good fit."


"[Spring] is all about possibility and potential new growth."


"Fall is also a great time to save up."


Jan 23, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

308: Time to Rest and Refuel with Shannon Crow



As yoga teachers, we all know that we cannot pour from an empty cup. We cannot give to others or connect with others, nor do our most creative and meaningful work when we're feeling exhausted, drained, and depleted. That’s why it’s important to take time to rest and refuel when things feel tough and overwhelming.


In this episode, Shannon Crow shares some of her strategies for finding time to rest and recharge every day and why rest is so important for us. However, rest isn’t just about sleeping and there are different kinds of rest we need. Shannon invites you to consider: What would it look like for you today if rest and refuel time was your top priority?


Key Takeaways:

[1:16] Shannon introduces the topic for this episode - taking time to rest and refuel.

[1:41] Shannon shares an update from sponsor, OfferingTree.

[4:32] What can you do in this moment that would bring you ease and comfort as you listen?

[5:52] Check in with yourself to see what emotions are here for you at this moment.

[7:13] Shannon shares why noticing your emotions is a key part of resting and refueling.

[9:47] Shannon shares a little about her own journey in finding time to rest and refuel.

[15:23] Yoga teachers and entrepreneurs often ask Shannon how she's gotten to a place where she's been podcasting for almost 6 years and working for herself for 18 years.

[15:23] We can often have our inner critic kick in. It is important to notice when this happens.

[16:30] When she's going through a tough time, Shannon asks herself two questions. 1) How am I feeling?, 2) What baby steps can I take to bring more ease and comfort in this tough moment?

[18:56] We can find ways to fit rest and restoration into our daily lives.

[21:29] What would that look like for you today if rest and refuel time was your top priority?

[24:00] Shannon shares what's upcoming on the podcast.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

“What could you do in this moment that would bring you ease and comfort?”


“Acknowledge those feelings, it's okay to not be okay.” - Tess Jewell-Larson


“We can't just depend on sleep to restore us.”


“What would that look like for you today if rest and refuel time was your top priority?”

Jan 16, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

307: Taking Diet-Culture Out of Ayurveda with Diane Finlayson 



One of the harmful messages that we get in the broader health and wellness industry and in the yoga world is arounddiet culture. How does it show up in Ayurveda as well, and what can we do about it? Diane Finlayson shares her insights.


Diane Finlayson has been educating yoga teachers, therapists, ayurvedic and meditation facilitators for the past 20 years. Diane recently retired from her service at MUIH (Maryland University of Integrative Health) as the Department Chair for Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda. Prior to that, Diane had 3 yoga studios and ran YTT 200/300 Ayurveda trainings as well as meditation facilitator trainings for 15 years. Diane also serves the recovery community in her private practice.


Diane explains what Ayurveda is and how colonization has affected Ayurveda. She highlights the differences in practice between North America and India, and the scope of practice of different practitioners in the industry and what to be aware of before working with someone in Ayurveda. Diane also shares more about the ways in which diet culture can show up, what she does when she sees it online, and how people interested in adopting Ayurvedic practices can learn and integrate them in their lives more safely.


Key Takeaways:

[3:14] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Diane Finlayson.

[7:29] What does Diane do and who does she do it for?

[8:06] How does Diane feel about all the changes in her life at this time, especially around retirement?

[9:29] What is Ayurveda? Diane shares a little about the history of Ayurveda and the impact colonization had on it.

[14:28] Diane explains how Ayurveda is shared and consumed in North America.

[16:05] The scope of practice in Ayurveda around talking to people about food is really blurred. Diane explains how you can be aware of what you're getting into and how to check the credentials of a practitioner.

[19:41] Diane highlights some of the different levels of practitioners you might encounter and what they might offer.

[22:23] What is orthorexia?

[27:08] What are some things Diane wishes yoga teachers knew about orthorexia?

[30:06] Shannon pops in to share some news about OfferingTree.

[33:19] What are Diane's thoughts about how we talk about the food that we're putting into our own bodies?

[37:55] What was it like for Diane deciding which of her teacher's recommendations to follow?

[41:01] Whether you're teaching yoga or sharing Ayurveda, how can you encourage agency with our students?

[44:58] Shannon reflects that in a lot of our relationships as yoga teachers or Ayurveda practitioners, the other person may be looking for you to tell them what to do.

[45:43] Rather than approaching with an attitude of understanding and certainty, try keeping curiosity at the forefront.

[47:01] Where does Diane recommend going to learn more about Ayurveda?

[49:46] What is something that has really impacted Diane or the people she works with?

[53:14] Connect with Diane on social media to continue this conversation.

[53:55] What does Diane do when she sees harmful comments or perspectives shared online?

[56:31] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this episode.

[58:50] Please leave the podcast a review on iTunes!

[60:03] Hang out with Shannon in real-time online in the Pelvic Health Professionals membership.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Diet culture has already put so many rules and weirdness in place on individuals that [orthorexia] is just one more flavor of eating disorder that can take hold."


"When a person can be curious and mindful about their lived experience, they can, in my opinion, better care for themselves because they have a deeper connection to self."


"It's about understanding how this digestive system we have operates and being able to support it in doing its job."


"I think people create a lot of more suffering for themselves than they need."

Jan 9, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

306: Is There More Room for Online Yoga? with Sadie Nardini



If you have ever had the thought that “everyone is teaching yoga online, why should I add to the mix?” or felt like “someone else has already done what I want to do, why should I even bother”, you are not alone. Sadie Nardini answers the question that many yoga teachers are asking these days - is there more room for online yoga?


Sadie Nardini is the founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga®, an anatomy-enhanced yoga style, and The Yoga Shred®, a joint-safer HIIT + Yoga fitness style, designed to help people get stronger more safely, without wasting time or energy. She is a top online yoga and fitness course creator with a thriving online subscription studio: The Fit & Fierce Club. She translates her years of technical knowledge into success tools that are easy to understand and implement. Sadie is also the lead singer of the rock band Sadie & The Tribe.


As someone who was teaching yoga online long before the pandemic started, Sadie has a lot of experience in the online space. She shares her opinions about whether there is really room in the yoga world for more online yoga especially now that a lot of yoga teachers and studios have moved online because of the pandemic. Spoiler alert - there’s PLENTY of room for everyone. Sadie also explains why it’s so important to show up as yourself, regardless of how you look or how young or flexible you are (or aren’t) and how this can make your marketing online unique. She shares tips on how to tap into your creativity, how to stay consistent in your marketing, and more!


Key Takeaways:

[0:51] Shannon invites listeners to thank OfferingTree for sponsoring this podcast for a full year by creating a post on social media.

[3:28] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Sadie Nardini.

[8:46] Who is Sadie and what does she do?

[12:00] Sadie shares how she discovered her own style and uniqueness as a yoga teacher.

[14:46] As a surprise for Rebecca Sebastian (Ep. 304), Shannon invited her to join this call with Sadie.

[19:10] What would Sadie say to a yoga teacher who believes that there is no room for them to teach yoga online, especially since the pandemic?

[20:35] How can yoga teachers market themselves online without having to leverage their sad stories or trauma?

[25:28] How does Sadie plan her marketing so that she is consistently offering people value in some way?

[28:51] Sadie recently made a shift in the audience she was connecting with. What was that experience like?

[34:10] Shannon highlights the fact that people do want to learn from teachers who are older or have experienced pain or mobility issues because they bring that experience to their classes.

[36:40] There is a shift happening in the yoga industry as the first real generation of women yoga teachers are aging - how do they navigate continuing their careers?

[40:54] Shannon pops in to share a little about OfferingTree and how it has helped her run her business more efficiently.

[42:40] How can yoga teachers recognize their gifts and know that they have something unique and important to share online?

[45:39] Sadie shares some insights about how to practice yoga so that it doesn't have a negative impact on our bodies in the future.

[50:16] What tips does Sadie have for a yoga teacher who is just starting out and doesn't have the same level of support?

[55:42] What strategies does Sadie use to open the lines of communication with her audience online?

[58:28] What are some things that Sadie does to foster her creativity?

[62:35] You need to sit with yourself to get the inspiration and creativity from within.

[65:50] What are your biggest takeaways from this conversation with Sadie?




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"It was me realizing I wasn't being true to myself and just deciding to do something I wasn't seeing out there and I think that's where my success came from."


"Everyone has something unique to offer."


"If you don't go [online] you have a 100% chance of failure. And if you do go on there, the percentage is way less."


"It's deeply scary to change anything. Even if you know it might be for the best."


"If you're not in the business of serving other people and helping them, then go get a job that pays you better."


"Generating content from your passionate inner core is really important because it's just shinier energetically."


"When we get together, we rise together."


Jan 2, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

305: Kicked Out of Yoga [Part 2] with Chioma Njoku



Learning and unlearning is part of our journey as yoga teachers and as humans. In Episode 275, Shannon shared stories from people who had been kicked out of yoga class or made to feel unwelcome in yoga spaces. Chioma Njoku, podcast listener, shared a response to this episode, featured here.


Chioma is the owner and Chief Mindful Operator at the Mindful Bookkeeper. She is also the host of the Cheers to Your Prosperity podcast. Using the lessons she has learned from her own financial struggles, her professional experience as an accountant for over 18 years, and Financial Coach, Chioma helps entrepreneurs and small business owners keep more of their hard-earned money in the bank without sacrificing the things that make life enjoyable.


In her response, Chioma reflects on how she may have contributed to making her yoga classes feel unwelcoming to some people because of what and how she was taught. She also shares a personal experience where she was kicked out of a yoga class. It is brave and vulnerable and we can all learn a lot from this to do better as yoga teachers and make the yoga world a more welcoming space for everyone.


Key Takeaways:

[3:28] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Chioma Njoku.

[6:50] Chioma shares a response to the podcast episode about being kicked out of a yoga class.

[11:52] Shannon pops to share a resource that has helped her book her podcast interviews.

[13:54] Chioma shares the incident that got her kicked out of a yoga studio.

[18:06] Shannon invites you to share your thoughts about this topic or anything else in the yoga world.

[20:37] Shannon shares some ways you can connect with her and continue learning forward.



Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I understand that everything I just said in terms of what I was taught is foolish because your practice is your practice."


"Not many people are willing to speak to some of the unfortunate things of the industry, but in understanding some of the shadows of any industry, specifically this industry that's overall intended to be good, it helps those of us who do teach yoga."


"Sometimes we do have to take the negative feedback, the neutral feedback along with the positive feedback to really make this a much better situation."