The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast
332: 5 Pillars of Powerful Teaching with Sheri Fisher & Lori Holden
Yoga teachers are often seeking ways to feel more comfortable, confident, and effective in their work teaching and as yoga professionals. Sheri Fisher and Lori Holden share the five pillars of powerful teaching to help us become better yoga teachers and professionals.
Sheri is an experienced yoga teacher who helps yoga teachers build confidence to bridge the gap between their Yoga Teacher Training and teaching extraordinary classes with ease and grace. Through professional coaching and group facilitation, she helps executives build their leadership bench, promote teamwork, and develop strategic plans to meet their organization’s mission. Lori has been practicing yoga since 2007 and is a connoisseur of truly inspiring yoga teachers. Lori is an adoption coach and expert in the complexities of adoption. She applies the principles of yoga in parenting her own two young adults (one with special needs), a lifelong journey that requires balance, flexibility, strength, and stability, and helps others to do the same.
Sheri and Lori share more about their new book Standing Room Only: How to be THAT Yoga Teacher, The 5 Pillars of Powerful Teaching from the Root to Rise Yoga Teaching Method. The book focuses on how to connect with your authentic inner teacher through Communication, Character, Connection, Commitment, and Consideration and Sheri and Lori share more about each of these pillars.
Two lucky podcast listeners will also get to win a copy of the book, so be sure to listen till the end to find out how to enter the draw!
Key Takeaways:
[2:14] Shannon introduces her guests for this episode - Sheri Fisher and Lori Holden.
[6:43] What is the work that Sheri does and who does she do it for?
[8:08] What does Lori do and who does she do it for?
[9:41] Does being a powerful teacher have to do with your personality and who you are as a person, or is it something that can be changed? What is some pushback Sheri has encountered on that?
[11:01] How does Lori see these five elements apply to other aspects of life beyond yoga teaching?
[14:14] The first pillar of powerful teaching is communication. How can yoga teachers improve our communication?
[17:13] It is so important to have compassion for yourself when you make mistakes, because that is how we learn.
[18:57] The second pillar of powerful teaching is character. How does this show up?
[23:57] The third pillar of powerful teaching is connection and it is like the heart of the five pillars. Sheri explains more.
[25:57] As someone who attends yoga classes, Lori shares her perspective on the importance of connection.
[27:35] What are some tips Lori and Sheri have for bringing people back for the practice?
[28:27] Shannon pops in to share a phone conversation she had this week.
[32:27] The fourth pillar of powerful teaching is commitment.
[35:57] Part of the commitment piece is also your commitment to marketing and selling your services as a yoga teacher.
[41:17] The last pillar of powerful teaching is consideration.
[45:59] What is some feedback Lori and Sheri have received about the book and were there any surprises for them in doing the research for it?
[49:24] Get your copy of the book via the website
[50:10] Enter the draw to win one of two copies of the book!
[51:17] Learn more and connect with Sheri and Lori via their websites and social media pages.
[52:42] Shannon shares some of her big takeaways from this conversation with Lori and Sheri.
Standing Room Only: How to be THAT Yoga Teacher, by Sheri Fisher with Lori Holden
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast Episode 326: Teach Yoga with Confidence with Shannon Crow
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast Episode 058: Confidence and Self-Promotion with Julie Zuzak
Boat the Bruce (Cruises in the Bruce Peninsula with Captain Colton)
Gratitude to our Sponsor, OfferingTree.
Quotes from this episode:
"We all come with our own gifts and our own experiences and then ... it's up to us with how we pull all that together and express that as yoga teachers." - Sheri
"Am I showing up with my own confidence, with my own gifts, with my own awareness? That's when you become that yoga teacher. And that's what's magnetic." - Lori
"Character is the one that’s taking the class beyond just an exercise class and creating a yoga experience." - Sheri
"Our teaching becomes an expression of who we are and where we are on our yoga journey." - Sheri
"It's not sales, it's being helpful." - Sheri