
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Mar 25, 2024

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

368: Moving to a New City & Marketing with Jennie MacGoy



Have you recently moved or are you struggling to grow your yoga business? Have you been posting on social media and not seeing that time convert to students? Have you been thinking about switching your niche or taking a break? Jennie MacGoy has navigated a cross-country move and shares how she found success marketing her yoga business in a new city.


Jennie MacGoy opened her first yoga studio in Virginia in 2017 but moved to Southern California in 2021. Since making the move, Jennie has continued to teach gentle and chair yoga and movement to seniors in retirement communities, skilled nursing facilities, and memory care communities while also working 1:1 with older adults. Jennie strongly believes that older adults can live their best lives through physical activity, stress reduction, cognitive exercise, and social engagement and incorporates all of these into her yoga classes. 


In this episode, Jennie shares her challenging journey of rebuilding her yoga business from scratch in a new city and neighborhood. She openly talks about the struggles she faced, how she overcame them, and what really worked for her in terms of marketing her yoga business. Learn about pivoting in your yoga business and alternative options for marketing in this inspiring conversation with Jennie.


Key Takeaways:

[2:41] This episode is sponsored by OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[4:55] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Jennie MacGoy.

[8:37] What is the work that Jennie does and who does she do it for?

[10:24] What was it like when Jennie moved? What did she learn immediately and what advice does she have for other yoga teachers who may be navigating a move?

[13:02] What worked and what didn't work for Jennie when she moved?

[17:31] Jennie had to decide if she still wanted to teach yoga when things weren't working out for her.

[18:42] Jennie was not marketing on Instagram or Facebook. She explains how she marketed her services to her target audience.

[21:38] What kind of offerings is Jennie focusing on in her business?

[26:49] What are some things Jennie has learned from working with the population of older adults and/or people with dementia?

[30:36] Jennie reflects on what she gets out of teaching a mixed class of people with different abilities.

[34:09] Shannon gives a shout out of thanks to sponsor, OfferingTree.

[37:45] What is the population that Jennie works with in private sessions?

[39:05] Jennie had to make a big shift to continue her yoga business when she moved to a new city.

[41:11] Jennie volunteered with some organizations as a way of expanding her local network after she moved.

[45:27] What is something Jennie wishes she would have known sooner when she moved to her new location?

[48:17] We all struggle with different things at different moments in our business.

[52:26] Connect with Jennie via her website.

[53:50] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Jennie.

[58:36] Shannon shares a personal update about how it has been to stand up for things she believes in.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"One of the most important lessons that I learned was to be willing to pivot, ... be flexible."


"Words are so important and something that I have always been passionate about, but it comes really into play in these classes where you have people of differing abilities."


"It was a total mind shift in how it was all word of mouth."


"Don't underestimate the value of reaching out."


Mar 18, 2024

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

367: Money Matters & Budgeting with Jenifer Parker 



How do you feel about budgeting and money as a yoga teacher? What is your system for tracking income and expenses – is it working? How can you decrease your expenses and/or increase your income? These are some questions Jennifer Parker answers in this insightful money conversation.


Jenifer Parker has been a yoga teacher for more than 21 years and is a qualified instructor in 4 lineages: Kripalu, Sivananda, Krishnamacharya, and Thai Yoga. She meets students where they are, teaching a traditional, integrated approach. In general she teaches within the Krishnamacharya lineage, but offers a unique insight into the similarities and differences in practice across lineages. Currently, she offers private lessons, corporate and private group classes, and a few public community classes in Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa (Wellington, New Zealand).


In this episode, Shannon and Jennifer dive deeper into money matters and budgeting for yoga teachers. Jennifer explains how to get consistent with our budgeting, how to adapt it to our needs and our yoga business, and why it’s so important for yoga teachers. She also shares some ideas on how to make more money as a yoga teacher and tackles some big mindset blocks yoga teachers may face when it comes to money issues.


Key Takeaways:

[0:28] Shannon takes a moment to recognize the harm that is taking place in Palestine right now.

[4:13] Shannon briefly talks about her topic and guest for the episode.

[5:15] Shannon introduces herself and gives a shout out to the sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[8:47] Kathleen Pratt shares a little about the ongoing online yoga series, Nourish Your Nervous System.

[10:13] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Jennifer Parker.

[15:49] What does Jennifer do and who does she do it for?

[18:36] Jennifer shares a little about where she is located.

[19:44] Why is Jennifer so passionate about talking about money in relation to teaching yoga and being a yoga teacher?

[25:47] What are Jennifer's thoughts on budgets?

[32:04] What kind of tools does Jennifer use when it comes to creating a budget?

[34:08] What actions does Jennifer take when she's looking at her budget every week?

[37:26] Jennifer shares some tips that can help with the mindset part of creating and following a budget.

[40:34] What are some ideas for yoga teachers to make more money?

[46:49] Having a clear goal in mind will help you move in the right direction.

[48:23] Shannon pops in to give a shout out of thanks to sponsor, OfferingTree.

[51:21] What are some other ideas for making money within yoga?

[58:17] Jennifer recommends talking to your landlord about subdividing the physical space you are using for yoga classes if the rent has gone up.

[62:23] We have to get comfortable talking about money!

[0:00] undefined

[63:18] Jennifer's advice is to tap into your networks.

[74:37] Shannon shares some reflection questions you can journal on.

[75:37 - 75:50] Questions:

[78:42] Shannon shares an audio message from a podcast listener.

[81:11] Support the podcast by making a donation or signing up for one of the offerings!




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Reflection & Journaling Questions:

  • How can we navigate the often unpredictable landscape of income and expenses while staying true to the practice of yoga and the purpose of our work? 

  • How do you personally approach budgeting as a yoga teacher?

  • Have you found success in tracking your income before your expenses, and if so, how has it impacted your financial stability?

  • What methods have you used to increase your income beyond teaching classes?

  • Do you prefer using budgeting apps or spreadsheets, and why?

  • How often do you check your bank statements, and what insights have you gained from this practice?

  • In what ways do you see parallels between budgeting and yoga, particularly in terms of consistency and adaptability?

  • Have you been able to build a buffer of savings, and if so, what strategies have helped you achieve this?

  • When do you think it's appropriate for yoga teachers to consider taking on part-time work, and how can one navigate the potential stigma associated with it?

  • Have you ever negotiated rent for your teaching space, or explored alternative venues? What advice would you offer to others in similar situations?

  • Lastly, how do you harness the power of your network and student referrals to grow your yoga community and increase your teaching opportunities?


Quotes from this episode:

"It's OK to make income teaching yoga.'


"It's really helpful if people can actually sit down and look at the numbers and then make for themselves a clear decision. Is this something that I want to do full time all the time or is it something that I just wanna do sometimes?"


"Let's talk about different ways of approaching the financials of this business that are based in living our values rather than just ‘I made a beautiful abundance collage and the universe will take care of me’."


"The first step of budgeting is: what are my costs?"


"The budget will work for you if it works the way you work."


"If you're in a place where you can say I'm not gonna be too proud, all of a sudden now there's infinite opportunity."

Mar 11, 2024

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

366: Get Okay with Making Money with Chioma Njoku



Is making money yoga-like? How is making money aligned with the principles of yoga? How do you balance making money as a yoga teacher with keeping your offerings financially accessible to people? Chioma Njoku shares her insights on these questions and more.


Chioma is the owner and Chief Mindful Operator at the Mindful Bookkeeper, and host of the Cheers to Your Prosperity podcast. By integrating the lessons she has learned from her own financial struggles and her professional experience as an Accountant of 18 years and Financial Coach, Chioma helps entrepreneurs and small business owners keep more of their hard-earned money in the bank without sacrificing the things that make life enjoyable.


In this episode, Chioma dives into the nitty gritty details of the money and finances aspect of running a yoga business. She talks about how bookkeeping software can help us with our finances, how to track payment fees, how to check your financial reports with intention, and why creating money practices is like practicing yoga. Tune in for Chioma’s tips on how to be consistent with money and shift your money mindset.


Key Takeaways:

[2:23] This episode is powered by OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[3:58] Kathleen Pratt shares a little about the upcoming yoga series: Nourish Your Nervous System.

[5:12] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Chioma Njoku.

[9:49] What does Chioma do and who does she do it for?

[10:42] What does it look like when Chioma works with someone?

[12:47] Chioma addresses the idea that making money is yoga. It's okay to make money.

[15:24] How can yoga teachers balance the need to get paid with keeping their yoga classes accessible to people with limited funds?

[17:54] Chioma shares a little about the saviorism she encountered in 2020, when people invited her to attend their yoga classes for free because she is Black.

[21:09] Chioma talks about bookkeeping and what that means for yoga businesses.

[22:11] How often should we be looking at our money?

[24:34] What's a good starting point for yoga teachers who are not tracking their income or their expenses?

[29:06] Shannon pops in to share a great article that Sinead from the Connected Yoga Teacher Team wrote for OfferingTree.

[31:02] Shannon and Chioma chat about different software that is available for bookkeeping and tracking income and expenses.

[33:25] How does Chioma recommend yoga teachers look at their reports?

[35:18] What are some things yoga teachers can do to cut their expenses or increase their income?

[39:34] What are some other roadblocks yoga teachers often run into around mindset?

[42:57] How can yoga teachers work on their money mindset and get comfortable with money?

[46:33] Chioma shares some final thoughts for yoga teachers around money and running their own yoga business.

[47:56] Check out Chioma's podcast to learn more, and visit her website to connect.

[49:19] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Chioma.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"What we can do is offer our service and give them the opportunity to rise, to come to us, to take a class. Believe me, when someone gets something out of something, ... we will invest, we'll figure it out." - Chioma


"It's not our job to save them. We can present our service. It's up to them to say yes or no." - Chioma


"You are in business. Doing your bookkeeping is important to your business." - Chioma


"It's more of just getting into the habit of looking at that report and what it is to me, it's setting expectations for your business." - Chioma


"It's good to have conversations and questions about your money because there are little ways that you can save money." - Shannon


"Let's try not to discount a service. We're teaching people to not value yoga." - Chioma

Mar 4, 2024

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

365: How to Teach Accessible Yoga with Jivana Heyman



How can we make yoga more accessible? From financial accessibility to the language we use in teaching, from offering modifications to supporting students who don’t follow our lesson plans, making yoga accessible encompasses many different things. Jivana Heyman shares his insights.


Making yoga accessible is at the core of the work Jivana does. He is the founder and director of Accessible Yoga, an international non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to the yoga teachings for people of all abilities and backgrounds. He is also an author, and his latest book, The Teacher's Guide to Accessible Yoga, was recently released (listen in to find out how you can enter to win a copy!).


In this episode, Jivana shares how we communicate yoga has evolved over the years, although yoga philosophy remains unchanged, and how accessibility is a part of that.  He also talks about figuring things out as new teachers, overcoming imposter syndrome and why maybe a little bit of imposter syndrome is not a bad thing, and many other aspects of making yoga accessible, including how to maintain a yoga practice even when we don’t have time!


Key Takeaways:

[3:52] This episode is powered by OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[4:52] Kathleen Pratt shares a little about the upcoming yoga series: Nourish Your Nervous System.

[5:58] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Jivana Heyman.

[10:05] What is the work that Jivana does and who does he do it for?

[11:15] How can yoga teachers find that balance between being paid for their work enough to make a living and making sure people can access their classes financially?

[13:56] Pay-what-you-can models and tiered pricing models are some options to increase financial accessibility.

[15:36] What are some other main things Jivana covers in his new book?

[18:43] Shannon and Jivana discuss the idea that there is one best/correct way of doing a pose in yoga. This is not true!

[20:13] The general public has a very different idea of what yoga is than how it can actually be practiced.

[24:30] What are some new things Jivana has learned recently about making yoga more accessible?

[27:31] How does Jivana address situations in his classes where a student gives another student a hands-on assist?

[30:20] Jivana is giving away two of his books! Leave a comment in the show notes to stand a chance to win a copy!

[30:40] Are you signed up for the OfferingTree newsletter? They offer a free workshop or webinar every month for teachers!

[31:53] It can sometimes feel that as we learn more about making yoga accessible, there is always yet more to learn.

[34:36] Yoga has remained the same for millennia but how we interpret, communicate, and share it with people has changed and evolved over time.

[38:40] How yoga is taught has evolved over time but the yoga philosophy has not.

[42:13] It can be tempting to want our yoga practice to be perfect, like we experience at a yoga retreat, but how can we apply yoga to our real day-to-day?

[46:38] What are some tools we can use to bring yoga into our lives?

[50:28] Shannon and Jivana discuss other ways we can bring yoga into our busy lives.

[53:50] We can hold opposing things as true at the same time.

[56:05] Jivana shares the ABCs of yoga: Agency, Boundaries, Collaboration.

[62:27] How does Jivana handle situations where students don't do what everyone else is doing?

[68:08] Many yoga teachers deal with imposter syndrome. Jivana addresses this.

[74:08] Join the giveaway for Jivana's books by leaving a comment and find out more about his work and the books at his website and on Instagram.

[75:43] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this episode.

[79:08] Shannon shares some of the upcoming events in Pelvic Health Professionals, including Nourish Your Nervous System.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Mostly the studio model doesn't really work for making yoga accessible."


"I just don't think advanced yoga is advanced asana anymore. That's not the point."


"As a yoga teacher, you're not simply just channeling the teachings in a pure way, you have to be interpreting them."


"The question is, how do you make them resonant and applicable to this moment for your students who are in front of you today?"


"I don't think yoga practice is just about my personal enlightenment or the goal of becoming that. Rather, it's about becoming of service to the world and to others."


"I would say a little bit of imposter syndrome is actually healthier than too much ego."