
The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

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Dec 25, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

355: A Quick Niche Quiz with Shannon Crow



Shannon Crow continues the theme of Niche November by sharing a quick niche quiz she has created to help you figure out what yoga niche you want to be serving! In this short quiz, Shannon goes through a list of “would you rather” questions that can help you get more clarity about what kind of yoga you want to teach.


In this series of 14 questions, Shannon invites you to consider your preferences when it comes to 1:1 vs group classes, the age range and gender of your students, the style of yoga, location of your classes, and even class size. All these questions will guide to to uncover the kind of yoga offerings you feel most aligned creating, and will help you in your niching down and specializing journey.


If you have been needing help to figure out your niche or yoga specialty or have been wondering how to build a yoga business that suits how you want to work, this episode is for you! Get the downloadable PDF from the links!


Key Takeaways:

[2:01] Shannon gives a shout out to sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[3:21] Shannon has a niche quiz for you! Answer these questions as authentically and honestly as you can!

[7:18] Shannon pops in to share a little about OfferingTree.

[8:59] Shannon continues with her list of questions for this niche quiz.

[12:35] If you need additional support with finding and defining your niche, book a consultation call with Shannon!




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"How can I help right now if you're thinking about specializing and niching down?"


"I hope these questions get you to a place where you can really figure out what is your ideal yoga that you want to teach."


“All of these questions can help you to define your niche. You might be left with more questions. And that's ok.”

Dec 18, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

354: Do I Need to Specialize with Shannon Crow



Shannon Crow continues the theme of Niche November. In this episode, Shannon explores the question that everyone asks when it comes to niching down and finding a yoga specialty: do I need to specialize?

Shannon shares a quick quiz she has created to help you figure out whether you need to niche down in your yoga business. She goes through a list of true-false questions that can help you get more clarity about whether you should be thinking about niching down or if you don’t need to right now!.


Shannon invites you to consider whether you are comfortable referring students who are not a fit to other yoga teachers, if your ideal students can easily find you, whether you’re making money and have a schedule you love, and more. All these questions will guide you to figure out if niching down in your yoga business is something you need now.


Get the downloadable PDF from the links!


Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Shannon gives a shoutout of thanks to sponsors OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.

[2:35] Shannon niche and specialty has been pelvic health for almost 10 years, as well as niching down!

[3:22] Is niching down something you need to be doing? Do you need to specialize? Shannon has some true-false questions that can help you answer that.

[5:36] Shannon pops in to share a little about OfferingTree.

[7:35] Shannon continues with the second half of the quiz to help you figure out if you should specialize.

[10:15] If you answered ‘false’ to any of these statements, you might want to think about niching down! 

[11:40] What are your questions about niching down? Share them on the website or in the Facebook group!

[12:47] Shannon shares a few ways you can hang out in real time.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Today's question is really about, Do I need to specialize? Do I need to niche down?"


"If you are already loving how things are set up on your calendar,...And on top of that, if you're making a great income for the work that you're doing, you may not need to specialize and niche down."


"If you answered ‘false’ to any of these statements, you might want to think about niching down. It might be time for you to do that again."


Dec 12, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

[BONUS] Yoga for Peace with Shannon Crow



What place does yoga have in the context of the ongoing situation between Israel and Palestine, particularly in light of the current lethal bombardment and blockade in Gaza? What responsibility do yoga teachers have to advocate for a ceasefire, liberation and freedom of all peoples, and peace in the region? Shannon Crow tackles these big questions in a vulnerable and open live video.


Shannon is nervous about addressing what is happening in Gaza right now, but a recent interaction with a member of the community has prompted her to share her thoughts. She reflects on how we can apply the teachings of yoga and yoga philosophy, particularly the aspect of ahimsa, non-harm to the current situation. Shannon invites us to consider our own positions, why it is necessary to speak up rather than remaining silent, and how we can use our yoga to amplify compassion.


There is complex historical context at play here, and people who have ties to Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, and Palestinian communities are being affected, so it is important to keep that in mind as we navigate this situation. We are all interconnected. However, we must also speak up against harm when we see it and Shannon invites us to consider: What action can we take today that embodies the teachings of yoga?


Key Takeaways:

[1:47] A Connected Yoga Teacher messaged Shannon on Instagram to respond to a question she had asked on her Stories: How are yoga teachers and students feeling now? This question is in light of the current situation in Palestine.

[5:18] In the discussion that followed, Jim asked Shannon a question that gave her pause: Why do the other conflicts going on in the world right now not deserve our action, our compassion, our urgency?

[8:55] Jim had also written that he sees his role as expanding people's awareness and hopefully their compassion.

[10:15] Shannon brings up the idea of scope of practice, staying in our lane, and niche work. Yet, one aspect of yoga is also ahimsa - non-harm and speaking up when you see harm.

[12:49] Shannon shares her personal experience as someone who is speaking up and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza now.

[15:05] In the midst of this, Shannon has experienced some moments of hope and excitement.

[19:36] Shannon addresses how yoga students may be feeling coming to their classes and what might support them in this time.

[24:15] Anyone who is not speaking out to call for a ceasefire is being counted in the group that doesn't want a ceasefire. Shannon reflects on and share some of the conversations she has had with others on this issue.

[30:44] Shannon has also been speaking with her therapist about everything that is going on in Palestine.

[33:50] What is an action that you can take right now that embodies the teachings of yoga?

[37:24] Shannon shares some of the things she is doing in her business.



Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I was also feeling on edge about it, like something was really not feeling settled in me about it. So I've learned over the years and by making many mistakes, that this is when I need to pause and reflect."


"Why does that [the conflict in Sudan and other parts of the world] not deserve our action, our compassion, our urgency?"


"How do we address all of the suffering in the world?" - Shannon


"What ethical theory would justify cutting off food, water, fuel and bombing trapped people to the order of 12,000 and counting in response to the killing of 1200 [and] the abduction of 240?"


"There isn't just one genocide happening right now or one war or one conflict. And there's a lot going on in our own countries and our own communities. There's a lot that we can be doing right now to help the suffering of others."


"You might assume that everyone wants peace and a cease fire. But there are a few people who don't. And when people say nothing, they start to get lumped into that group."


"The safety of Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, Palestinian and really all of us, all people, all of our safety is intertwined. So more violence is never the answer."

Dec 4, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

353: Is Age a Yoga Niche? with Shannon Crow



Shannon Crow continues the theme of Niche November by answering a question that two people asked in The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook group - is age a yoga niche? Shout out to Barbara and Beatrix for posting their questions!


Shannon shares her insights about niching down. She invites you to consider if there is even a need for you to niche down at this time. She has a helpful PDF to guide your niching process too. Shannon also shares her thoughts about using age as a niche factor and how to showcase your niche on your website and social media. She also reiterates that you don’t need a website or a prominent social media presence to niche down!


If you have been wondering about niching down, specializing in yoga, or how to communicate that with your dream audience, this episode is for you!


Key Takeaways:

[3:26] Shannon is responding to two comments in The Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook group that really stood out to her. Both comments talk about age as a yoga niche.

[4:59] Shannon reviews Barbara's website. Is her niche of teaching mostly students over 60 immediately apparent?

[6:39] Is age a small enough niche or should there be additional niching factors? Shannon has a helpful resource with questions to guide your niche work!

[9:45] Another comment was left by Beatrix who is interested in niching down to chair yoga. Shannon shares some of her thoughts around defining this niche.

[13:55] Shannon pops in to share a little about OfferingTree.

[15:25] It's not necessary to have a website or social media to define your niche and grow your yoga business in that niche!

[16:35] Shannon highlights a big reason to find a niche and specialize!

[19:03] Shannon wraps up with a straightforward answer to the question: Can age be a yoga niche?




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Do you need to specialize or niche down right now?"


"What does the ideal yoga look like that you want to be teaching?"


"One of the big reasons that we niche down and specialize is we want our marketing to be a little simpler and we also want to see an increase in yoga students or our income."


Nov 27, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

352: How to Niche with No Website with Shannon Crow



Shannon Crow continues the theme of Niche November by tackling a question many yoga teachers have struggled with - how do you niche down and specialize without a website?


In this episode, Shannon answers a question from a podcast listener and community member, Amy who has been trying to niche down for the past three years. Shannon does some sleuthing to uncover Amy’s niche and shares some tips about establishing a niche in your yoga business. Shannon also gives some advice on content ideas, why trying out a niche for a whole month is a good start, and where to market yourself if you don’t have a website!


Tune in for some valuable tips if you have been thinking about niching down and specializing in your yoga business but have been putting it off because you don’t know how to do it without a website!


Key Takeaways:

[4:03] This episode is all about how to niche down and specialize without having a website. She shares a question from a podcast listener, Amy.

[7:48] Shannon shares that she tried to discover Amy's niche by looking on Google and checking out her social media pages, and discovered something interesting.

[11:35] If you don't have a website, you should be marketing where your ideal clients are hanging out. Shannon shares some tips on what kind of content to post.

[14:59] Shannon pops in with a reminder that if you're looking for an easy way to create a website for your yoga business, you should check out OfferingTree.

[16:29] Whatever platform you're choosing to market your niche on, try it out consistently for a month, at least!

[20:46] Shannon shares some details about where you can hang out with her in real time and a short personal update.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Do not feel like you're going to get to this place where, ok, all of the niche work is done."


"You do not need a website to start niching down and specializing."


"It is going to feel repetitive. I know it is. I know it so well. But trust me, there are so many ways to talk about [your niche] that if you're already excited to do it, you'll be able to continue it past the month."

Nov 20, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

351: Water Yoga with Christa Fairbrother



Water yoga (or aqua yoga) may not be widely known but it is a unique variation of yoga that has some amazing benefits. Christa Fairbrother shares her expertise on this uncommon variety of yoga.


Christa is an internationally recognized aqua yoga coach and trainer who makes yoga accessible through yoga in the water. She is passionate about helping people start an aqua yoga practice and she trains movement professionals to offer aqua yoga in their communities. Christa is also an internationally recognized expert in water yoga and published author of Water Yoga.


In this episode, Christa explains what exactly water yoga is and how it differs from traditional yoga that is done on land. She also talks about the science of immersion in water and the additional or different benefits that water yoga offers. Christa shares more about how water yoga can be a more accessible form of yoga for many people, especially those who deal with pain or are concerned about their strength.


Dive into this interesting conversation to learn more about water yoga and how we can support people through different mediums to get the benefits of yoga.


Key Takeaways:

[3:42] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Christa Fairbrother.

[6:56] What does Christa do and who does she do it for?

[9:16] What got Christa started in teaching water yoga?

[11:14] What are some common questions people have about water yoga?

[12:36] Was there ever a moment when Christa felt hesitant or unsure about her niche in water yoga?

[14:47] What are the benefits of doing yoga in the water?

[18:53] What are some things people can try if they don't have an aqua yoga class in their community but they have access to a pool?

[21:06] Shannon pops in to share a conversation she had with Sara Villamil who uses OfferingTree in her yoga business.

[23:30] Where can yoga teachers learn more about teaching aqua yoga?

[25:41] What are some things that hold people back from attending water yoga classes?

[27:56] Christa highlights some of the benefits people find from doing yoga in the water.

[30:12] Christa shares a bit more about how she teaches and the tranings and courses she offers.

[31:40] Do you need to know how to swim to teach aqua yoga or be trained as a lifeguard?

[33:35] Christa often works with yoga teachers where there is nobody else doing aqua yoga in their communities. How has she tackled the challenge of marketing and growing her own classes in a community that doesn't know about aqua yoga?

[35:18] Where can you get in touch with Christa and learn more about her work?

[38:06] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this interview with Christa.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"A lot of people who live with chronic pain or with arthritis, their joints are uncomfortable and the fact that you suddenly don't weigh as much, literally takes a load off."


"Whatever poses you like, try those first."


"The barrier is fear of the water and it's really important to acknowledge that because not a lot of people had swimming lessons, they might have had a traumatic experience even if they got swim lessons."


"They're building so much body awareness, so much balance."


Nov 13, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

350: Yoga for Autism & Special Needs with Shawnee Thornton Hardy 



Autism spectrum disorder affects about 1 in 100 children globally yet there is still a lot of misconception and misunderstanding about people with autism and other special needs. Shawnee Thornton Hardy shares more about how yoga can support people in this community.


Shawnee is the Founder of Asanas for Autism and Special Needs and the Founder/Director of Yoga Therapy for Youth Certification Program. She has worked with children and adults with autism and individuals with diverse needs for almost 3 decades, specializing in working with children and adults with significant cognitive and language delays, sensory processing challenges, significant behavior challenges and trauma histories. Her goal is to bring the experience of yoga and somatic practices to all individuals no matter their differences or challenges. Shawnee is also a published author – and will be giving away three copies of her book!


In this episode, Shawnee shares more about the children and teenagers that she works with, what their challenges may be, and how yoga can help. She explains some yoga practices that can help with anger and anxiety and how to bring calm when a class or student has high energy. Shawnee also highlights why it’s so important to treat each child as an individual and to let go of our preconceived ideas about them or their special needs label.


Key Takeaways:

[3:40] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Shawnee Thornton Hardy

[7:12] What does Shawnee do and who does she do it for?

[9:01] What inspired Shawnee to do this work?

[10:33] What are some of the labels that get placed on children Shawnee works with?

[14:15] What are some basic things a teacher who encounters a young person with complex needs in their class should know?

[17:33] What trainings does Shawnee recommend for a yoga teacher who is starting out on this journey of supporting someone with special needs?

[20:37] What are some of the benefits of yoga for young people in this community? Shawnee shares some anecdotes from her experience.

[25:35] Shannon and Shawnee discuss how useful it is even for adults to be able to practice self-awareness.

[28:35] Many adults today have grown up in environments where we were encouraged not to express our negative feelings like anger or sadness.

[29:50] Shannon gives a shout out of thanks to sponsor, OfferingTree.

[31:38] What are some practices that can help for children who are feeling a lot of anxiety or worry?

[34:14] What does Shawnee do when chaos breaks out in her classes?

[37:16] What is something that Shawnee wishes yoga teachers who are supporting children with complex needs knew earlier?

[42:02] Shannon and Shawnee discuss the importance of caring for each child as an individual and not assuming that we know everything about them because we know their diagnosis.

[45:25] Shawnee is giving away three books! Shannon shares the details of the giveaway.

[46:14] How did Shawnee end up writing her books?

[49:41] Shawnee reflects on how important leaning into celebration and joy is, and how that is part of her inner child work.

[56:26] Shannon shares some of her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Shawnee.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"[Labels] can be helpful to understand a diagnosis that a child or teen may have because we can have a sense of what some of their challenges or complications may be. But then once we know the label, we go deeper beneath and just look at that child or teen as just a human being and get to know their specific not only challenges but also strengths and their individual ways of navigating the world."


"How can we ground ourselves in the sense of helping this individual child or human, whoever is in front of us, feel a sense of belonging?"


"When we have kids that are in a dysregulated state, they're not in a learning space."

Nov 6, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

349: Yoga Niche Success Story with Christine Jaureguiberry



Niching down is a tried-and-tested method to grow your yoga business while allowing you to focus only on the things you love sharing. A guest from almost 5 years ago is back on the podcast to share her success story with niching down.


Christine Jaureguiberry specializes in teaching Yoga for those who live with Scoliosis. She is the founder of Move with Scoliosis, born from her love of yoga and her own personal journey with living with scoliosis. Apart from her Shine membership, a support community with yoga and pilates practices for those living with scoliosis, Christine also offers workshops for yoga teachers who would like to support their students with scoliosis and/or spinal fusion. She also has a thriving YouTube following and is in the process of writing a book.


In this episode, Christine shares an update about her business since the previous episode. She explains where she is in her business now and how she has grown her yoga business by focusing on her niche. She talks about running a niche membership, how she grew her YouTube channel to over 30,000 subscribers, as well as the roadblocks and challenges she had to overcome in order to get there.


Key Takeaways:

[3:04] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Christine Jaureguiberry.

[6:49] What does Christine do and who does she do it for?

[7:55] Alongside her YouTube channel and a book she is writing, Christine also has a membership offering.

[9:47] What kind of struggle was Christine experiencing in 2017 that made her decide she needed to niche down?

[13:26] What were some of the challenges Christine had in niching down?

[16:10] Why is Christine still looking at ways to let more things go, even though she has picked her niche?

[20:33] It's a common misconception that when you niche down, you have to immediately let go of everything that isn't within that niche.

[20:59] Shannon pops in with a quick note about creating and hosting a membership site, which you can easily do on OfferingTree!

[22:40] Does Christine now feel like an expert in movement for scoliosis?

[26:29] We can't predict how our interests and inclinations may change or what our niche may be in a few years from now!

[27:52] Sometimes we need a little external help to get started on our niche journey, and sometimes we just need to do one small thing at a time.

[29:58] What are some roadblock that have come up for Christine as she navigates refining her niche?

[32:12] What does Christine do in those tough times?

[33:53] Christine has gotten help from her Virtual Assistant in her business.

[37:18] Christine recognizes that she has different interests and may get pulled in different directions along the way, but she has found a way to harness that energy in her niche.

[39:34] What advice would Christine offer a yoga teacher who is just starting out?

[44:06] What are the benefits Christine sees in her yoga business now that she has really established her niche well?

[46:34] How has Christine shifted her marketing efforts now that she has refined her niche?

[48:54] Christine has also added Pilates to her offerings, even as she niched down in who she wants to serve.

[52:30] Christine shares some of the ways you can connect with her.

[53:48] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Christine.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"One of them was as a yoga teacher to let people down. I think that was kind of a big thing... they really need me, what's going to happen if I don't teach that class? And there was a huge resistance around this." - Christine


"Niche work doesn't end." - Shannon


"Another one of my challenges was to fully commit to this work that I was doing because ... I have got many interests and there's lots of different projects that excite me." - Christine


"It's just a process that you have to kind of go through over and over again and think of all the things that you do and what is it that you actually want to do?" - Christine


"Sometimes the things don't happen obviously overnight and maybe not as quickly as we want them to happen. So we do have to stick with it, which I think is really hard, which is difficult at times." - Christine


"If you commit to that journey and stay consistent with it, you will get there, you will get somewhere." - Christine

Oct 30, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

348: Yoga for Eating Disorder Recovery with Abbey Morris



Eating disorders are a group of serious health conditions that affect about 70 million people worldwide. Yoga can be a helpful tool for people dealing with eating disorders or in recovery from them. Abbey Morris shares her personal journey and how yoga can support people in eating disorder recovery.


Abbey is a Mindfulness & Meditation Instructor, Sound Healer, and Ayurvedic Yoga specialist. At her studio, she hosts unique public yoga and meditation classes, educational workshops and retreats and works 1:1 with clients on their healing journey through these various modalities. Abbey’s speciality is in working with folks on the journey to recovery from eating disorders/disordered eating and working on a more loving relationship with oneself.


In this episode, Abbey shares the details of her own journey with disordered eating, as well as how yoga and Ayurveda have been a supportive, healing, and nurturing space for her through her recovery. She also highlights how she now works with others in recovery from eating disorders, including offering a series of yoga classes without any movement practice! Abbey explains the ways yoga teachers can support their students through recovery or dealing with an eating disorder through their cues, language, and more.


Key Takeaways:

[1:58] Shannon shares what sparked inspiration for this episode.

[4:50] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Abbey Morris.

[7:36] What does Abbey do and who does she do it for?

[12:40] How did yoga help Abbey in recovering from her eating disorder?

[23:01] Abbey talks about her journey of being reintroduced to Ayurveda.

[33:05] Shannon pops in with a message about a 5-day website boot camp hosted by OfferingTree.

[34:14] Did Abbey's yoga teachers or yoga teacher trainers know that she was dealing with an eating disorder?

[37:37] Having an awareness that our students may be dealing with an eating disorder or in recovery from it is important! What are some things yoga teachers may be doing that are not helpful to this population?

[46:29] Abbey has a yoga offering that does not involve any movement. She shares more about that.

[56:04] Where can yoga teachers learn more about supporting students who are dealing with eating disorders or in recovery.

[62:05] Shannon reflects on her key takeaways from this conversation.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I finally let go of the pressure and the perfectionist attitude and the pushing and the going deeper or going harder or, you know, staying just a little bit longer. All of that was replaced with gratitude for just being in a body that could move."


"I was reminded that I am no different than all of these other moving parts around me in nature."


"Rather than it being so complicated as navigating digestion and nutrition can feel, it all became quite simple. And I realized that we are the ones that make it so complicated. Diet culture is the one that makes it so complicated."


"Ayurveda gave me a lot of agency and it transformed the way that I view nourishment and my body altogether."


"Nourishment is so much more than calories and what a disgrace it is to think that that's all it is."


"This goes to the idea of yoga being a practice and not a performance."


"If we only show up on our mats, when we're feeling like a million percent, then how is yoga supposed to help us through life?"


"Everyone's recovery is very different and yoga in your recovery can also look very different as well depending on what you're ready for and what resonates with you."


Oct 23, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

347: Yoga in the Cancer Community with Tyla Arnason



Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally, responsible for nearly 1 in 6 (almost 10 million) deaths in 2020. Millions more are diagnosed and survive cancer annually. As yoga teachers, we may have someone in our class who is from the cancer community or we may be interested in learning more about how we can better support someone dealing with cancer. Tyla Arnason is an expert in this area and has some insights about teaching yoga in the cancer community.


Tyla is an accomplished yoga therapist who has been named a Top Ten Yoga Instructor in Calgary. She has spent the last 15 years working in partnership with the University of Calgary's Health & Wellness Lab in developing protocols used in programming for the cancer community and the research they supported. Tyla supports those with cancer, care teams, and yoga instructors through her specialized yoga therapy protocols, classes, and trainings. She describes herself as a movement optimist, and her philosophy is that with classes tailored to the individual, yoga can be made accessible to everyone and all students can become more confident movers. 


Tyla answers some questions yoga teachers often have, including: "How do I keep a student with cancer safe in a yoga class?" and “How can I gain the confidence to work with people from the cancer community?”. She also addresses specific questions about supporting students with different types of cancers, students who use compression garments, the impacts of post treatment meds, and much more.


Key Takeaways:

[3:11] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Tyla Arnason.

[7:24] What does Tyla do and who does she do it for?

[9:59] What got Tyla into doing her work in the cancer community?

[11:13] What are some things Tyla wishes she would have known about working with someone who has a cancer diagnosis?

[14:31] What are some things a yoga teacher could say if a student shares that they have/had cancer?

[17:47] What are some things yoga teachers need to know about keeping students with a cancer diagnosis safe in their class?

[21:04] What does the training for yoga teachers who want to get a basic knowledge about working with the cancer community look like?

[22:42] What are some key things Tyla covers with yoga teachers in a training specific to cancer?

[26:03] Tyla shares some examples of how she might modify some yoga poses to cater to students with different needs.

[30:17] Shannon pops in to share a little about a recent Q&A session with Eddie of OfferingTree.

[31:47] What is neuropathy and what kind of modifications are available for people dealing with that?

[36:41] How does Tyla respond when people tell her they can't do yoga or are not allowed to do yoga?

[44:10] Communicating and working with the healthcare team can be extremely helpful in supporting someone with a cancer diagnosis.

[48:18] What does Tyla recommend if a yoga teacher gets a cancer diagnosis?

[52:27] Where can you connect with Tyla and learn more from her?


[56:55] Shannon shares some of her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Tyla.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I was never too overly confident and so that allowed me to stay humble and to stay curious and to really recognize that I was not a cancer expert."


"Specifically to cancer, I think that what teachers really want to understand is that every single diagnosis is different."


"Sometimes yoga teachers, we could do ourselves a service by sitting for a moment and really considering what information do I need to gather in this moment? Because we don't need every single answer."


"You have to really be able to change things quickly on the fly."


Oct 16, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

346: Nāda Yoga with Rishima Bahadoorsingh



Yoga is not just about asana - sound is also an important part of yoga, and this is called Nāda Yoga. Rishima Bahadoorsingh is a yoga teacher who focuses on teaching this element of yoga and she shares her insights about Nāda Yoga in this episode.


Rishima has been immersed in the tradition of yoga since birth, practicing it as a way of life in her family. She began singing spiritual Indian songs in the temple traditions of bhajans, kirtan and other devotional styles at a young age and also studied classical Raga. In 2016, she found a deep with Nāda Yoga—the Yoga of Sound. Rishima teaches locally and internationally online in Spanish and English, and her goal as a teacher is to make the intricacies and beauty of classical Raga and traditional bhajans accessible to all, and to spark love within ourselves through sound. 


Rishima explains the three Nāda Yoga that she practices and teaches - Mantra, Raga and Kirtan/Bhajan. She talks about the differences between mantras and affirmations, how Sanskrit ties into to Nāda Yoga, what Raga is and how it is useful in meditation. Rishima also addresses some common questions like if you need to know Sanskrit to practice Nāda Yoga, how to deal with people who are uncomfortable with chanting or singing in Sanskrit (or other languages), and where to start learning about Nāda Yoga.


Key Takeaways:

[2:56] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Rishima Bahadoorsingh

[6:01] What does Rishima do and who does she do it for?

[6:45] Why does Rishima say that she is not a yoga teacher?

[8:10] There are many ways to practice yoga that do not involve physical movement.

[9:17] What are the three parts that make up Nāda Yoga?

[12:14] What's the difference between a mantra and an affirmation?

[15:18] Rishima clarifies that mantras within the Yogic tradition would most likely be in Sanskrit.

[16:35] The second element of Nāda Yoga is Raga. Rishima shares some examples of what it is and how it is used.

[19:57] Raga is an excellent tool for meditation.

[22:19] Rishima explains a little more about the silence needed for meditation.

[23:51] Shannon pops in with a message about OfferingTree.

[25:26] Listening to the sounds can be just as powerful as singing or sounding them.

[27:20] The third part of Nāda Yoga is Bhajan or Kirtan.

[28:32] Some people may feel uncomfortable with Sanskrit or a different language.

[31:46] Where can yoga teachers start learning about Nāda Yoga if they have never experienced it or learned about it before?

[34:49] Where can yoga teachers learn more from Rishima?

[35:53] Rishima shares some closing thoughts on Nāda Yoga.

[37:27] Rishima does Nāda Yoga in Spanish and English!

[39:06] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I feel like I do yoga as my life. It's not something separate from my life."


"When you sing [Raga], you become a nada yogi, one who practices the yoga of sound."


"With mantra and yogic practice in general, it's about repetition - the more you do it, the more benefits you will experience."


"Singing in another language doesn't mean you're converting to a different religion."



Nāda Yoga is the Yoga of Sound. Rishima Bahdoorsingh (she/her) shares the three aspects of Nāda Yoga she teaches and practices, how to incorporate Mantra and Raga into your yoga practice, why affirmations aren’t Mantras, teaching Bhajan/Kirtan and more.

Oct 9, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

345: Try a Month of This Niche with Shannon Crow



Niching down and picking a niche to focus on as a yoga teacher is one of Shannon’s favorite things to talk about. However, it can feel overwhelming and seem like there is a lot of planning and work to do before niching down. In this episode, Shannon Crow shares her tips for you to pick a niche and niche down.


Shannon shares a few anecdotes around niching down that can help you see that it really doesn’t have to be a big deal or a complicated process. Many yoga teachers are often hesitant or feel nervous about picking a niche because they feel like they have to do it forever or they have to be an expert in that area - but this is not true!


Shannon also gives some ideas about what might be a niche you could pick and clear steps you can take today to start sharing that niche with your audience.This episode is perfect if you’ve been wanting to niche down but don’t know where to start.


Key Takeaways:

[2:56] Shannon loves to talk about niching down but it can feel like an overwhelming amount of planning and work goes into it.

[3:30] Shannon shares an anecdote about how a couple of people have reached out to her about gardening.

[5:35] It can make you nervous to pick a niche or specialty!

[6:32] Shannon shares a first baby step you can take to niche down - choose a niche for a month.

[11:34] Shannon pops in with a quick message about an upcoming live call with OfferingTree.

[13:24] You can do a lot of niche work, and you can do more! Shannon shares a personal reflection about how niche work is showing up for her now.

[16:10] What niche will you take on for a month?

[17:34] Shannon shares some ways for you to connect with her in real time.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"I love to talk about niching down and specializing as a yoga teacher, but I also know that when I talk about this, it can feel like an overwhelming amount of planning and work goes into Niching down."


"People get to know you for whatever you're talking about, and then at some point, they often will ask questions."


"If you do want to stand out, you work on your niche or your specialty."


"You do not have to choose something that you are the expert in and this isn't something that's going to be forever."


Oct 2, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

344: Grief, Breaks and a Birthday with Shannon Crow



Shannon has been navigating grief and some heavy personal issues recently. She has received a lot of support, kind words, and messages from listeners. In this episode, she reads an email she received from a listener.


Shannon first talks about the grief she has been experiencing and the things that are helping and holding her through this time. She shares the email from a podcast listener and how it made her feel. Shannon reveals that she thought about quitting and even considered selling the podcast and Pelvic Health Professionals recently and the decision she made in the end.


P.S. It is Shannon’s birthday and the best virtual gift you could give her is a podcast review!


Key Takeaways:

[3:34] Shannon is sharing an email from a listener on this episode.

[4:11] Shannon shares a little about the grief she is experiencing and how she is finding comfort at this time.

[8:53] Shannon gives an update about OfferingTree.

[10:49] Shannon reads an email she received from a listener about the thing she shared in Episodes 339 and 340.

[13:38] Shannon reflects on how reading this email made her feel.

[15:42] It's Shannon's 47th birthday today!

[17:20] Shannon shares a big update about how she was considering quitting and even thought about selling the podcast or Pelvic Health Professionals.

[19:42] There are some ways you can hang out with Shannon in real time!




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

“I like them to see how it's not that hard to take a piece of lawn and turn it into a place where you can grow food."


"I really think that when more and more people have time outside. It can impact us emotionally, physically in a good way and also it can impact the earth we're standing on in a really positive way, the more that people are outside."


"What is the minimum that I need to do today to kind of keep things going and how can I ask for help with the rest that still is on my list?"

Sep 25, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

343: Niche Yoga Marketing with Sarah Karsten [Consultation Call]



Marketing your yoga can be easier when you find your niche. How do you discover what you want to specialize in, and once you do, how do you market it effectively? In this live consultation call with Sarah Karsten, Shannon Crow guides her through niche yoga marketing.


Sarah Karsten is a yoga teacher based out of Strathmore, Alberta, Canada. She discovered the transformative power of yoga about a decade ago when seeking a change in the world of fitness. Sarah is passionate about creating a supportive community for individuals who are seeking pain relief, stress management, and overall well-being. 


In this consultation call, Shannon asks questions to help uncover the niche Sarah wants to explore and her ideal working schedule. Together, they craft a marketing outline to let students know about her offerings and to expand her reach to new audiences. Shannon also shares helpful tips on where to get content ideas for marketing Sarah’s new niche and how to deal with imposter syndrome and overwhelm.


If you are wanting to niche down and market your yoga to get more right-fit students and fill your classes, this is the episode for you.


Key Takeaways:

[2:51] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode which is a live consultation call - Sarah Karsten.

[6:30] What does Sarah do and who does she do it for?

[7:17] What would Sarah's ideal teaching schedule look like?

[8:44] Shannon and Sarah dig into her specific niche as a yoga teacher.

[11:53] Sarah explores why she feels hesitant and awkward about saying she's a yoga teacher.

[14:43] There may be feelings of imposter syndrome to deal with when niching down.

[19:27] Shannon and Sarah discuss her marketing efforts and how she can reach more people.

[26:53] Shannon shares a little about OfferingTree.

[28:37] Shannon and Sarah talk about how to market her online offerings.

[30:41] Shannon offers some tips about how to speak to Sarah's niche audience.

[33:08] What kind of content is Sarah usually sharing with her audience in terms of email marketing?

[40:35] Shannon guide Sarah to find a rhythm that feels doable and sustainable for her in terms of sending out content to her audience.

[46:49] It can be helpful to set aside time in your calendar to create content if you are struggling to find the time to do it.

[48:43] What hesitations does Sarah have about implementing some of these suggestions?

[52:17] Shannon shares some places Sarah can get content ideas.

[55:49]  Overwhelm is a very real part of being a yoga entrepreneur. Shannon shares some advice on tackling that.

[64:39] Shannon reflects on this consultation call with Sarah.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Even when I first started teaching, I felt awkward to say I was a yoga teacher... And so that's already come easier. So I think it will get easier the more I talk about it." - Sarah


"You're the best person if you're passionate about it." - Shannon


"Remember why you're doing it. Also, remember that you're doing it to help people." - Shannon


Sep 18, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

342: The Yoga of Parenting with Sarah Ezrin



Parenting can be really challenging, but yoga can be a useful toolkit for parents and people supporting parents. Sarah Ezrin, author of The Yoga of Parenting Book, has some insights on how yoga can help with the struggles of parenting.


Sarah Ezrin is an author, freelance writer, yoga educator, and content creator based in the Bay Area. She writes extensively on the subjects of yoga, parenting, and mental health, often interweaving these themes, and she is a regular contributor for a variety of popular publications. Her recently-published new book is The Yoga of Parenting: Ten Yoga-Based Practices to Help You Stay Grounded, Connect with Your Kids, and Be Kind to Yourself.


Sarah talks about her why for doing this work and what inspired her to write this book on yoga and parenting. She also shares the two articles that really resonated with people over the years, and how her book is different from other parenting books that can feel really overwhelming to parents. Sarah and Shannon discuss being a present parent, feeling guilty about taking time for yourself, and how to deal with unsolicited parenting advice.


Whether you’re currently in the thick of parenting, are a new parent, or past the “active parenting” stage with older children or supporting parents in yoga classes, Sarah’s tips about the yoga of parenting will definitely be useful.


Key Takeaways:

[3:18] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Sarah Ezrin.

[7:43] There's a special book draw you can enter to win one of Sarah's books!

[9:05] Sarah talks about her why and what gets her out of bed in the morning.

[11:08] What are some pieces of content Sarah has created that have really resonated with people?

[14:19] What motivated Sarah to start writing this book that connects yoga to parenting?

[18:29] What are some ways that yoga can help in parenting moments?

[22:38] Even as adults, we have moments of dysregulation.

[24:02] How did Sarah organize her book for parents and how does she hope people will use it?

[26:20] Shannon pops in with a message about OfferingTree - a software that saves her time, money, and headaches!

[27:27] What were some parts of the book that were challenging for Sarah to write?

[30:45] Shannon and Sarah discuss how overwhelming it can be to write a book, particularly about topics as huge as yoga and parenting.

[34:21] What are some things that Sarah has learned while writing the book that have positively impacted how she parents?

[35:51] Shannon shares her personal experience of receiving unwanted parenting advice.

[40:21] What tips does Sarah have for a parent who feels like they don't have time to meditate or do yoga?

[44:06] Sarah addresses the guilt that parents often experience about taking time for themselves.

[49:02] Where can you get a copy of Sarah's book and connect with her?

[51:38] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Sarah and gives the details of the book giveaway!




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"What really gets me out of bed are the people that feel seen and heard by my work."


"I just felt there was a lack of parenting books that were normalizing making mistakes."


"All of us are the best parents for our Children. We are the best expert on our child."


"The more I think I know, the less I know and the less I need to know."

Sep 11, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

341: Online Learning Pro Tips with Emily Light



Online courses, trainings, and memberships are wonderful to improve people’s access to educational materials regardless of where they are physically, but becomes up to each individual to complete them on their own. How can we make the most of online learning without becoming overwhelmed? Emily Light shares her tips.


Emily is a yoga therapist who specializes in the nervous system and pelvic health. She runs her own private practice where she see clients 1:1 and also offers live stream online classes. Emily has her own membership site with an on-demand library of yoga classes. She is also an active member of Pelvic Health Professionals and has created a schedule to stay on top of the online learning here.


Emily shares how she set a learning schedule so that she could actually use the membership full of content that she signed up for. She talks about how she finds time to do her online learning, how she takes notes, and what else makes it easier for her to commit and complete her online learning activities. Emily has some great tips about managing online learning effectively, so if you've ever bought a course or paid for a membership and struggled with finishing it or getting the most out of it, this interview is going to be so useful.


Key Takeaways:

[1:26] Shannon shares a discount code for an upcoming event by Pelvic Health Professionals and gives a shout out to OfferingTree.

[5:01] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Emily Light.

[6:50] What does Emily do and who does she do it for?

[8:38] How does Emily tackle all the material available in Pelvic Health Professionals?

[10:49] Emily also references the notes provided in Pelvic Health Professionals to create her own notes.

[13:33] Especially with online memberships, the amount of content available to members can feel overwhelming. How does Emily deal with that?

[15:26] What are some baby steps yoga teachers can take if they are feeling like there is a lot of information and they don't have much time to consume it?

[18:52] What are some of Emily's tips for using her notes about what she's learned in Pelvic Health Professionals to create her own content?

[21:45] Shannon and Emily exchange tips on how they manage their online courses and learning platforms.

[23:56] Another big aspect of online courses and memberships is the time investment required. How does Emily help her members with time management?

[26:57] Shannon and Emily discuss their thoughts about the cadence of emails to members and how often they send emails.

[31:04] As a business owner, it is often helpful to have feedback from someone outside the business about what could be improved or changed.

[32:10] Shannon pops in to share a special podcast listener coupon code for OfferingTree.

[33:58] What has Emily's experience of Pelvic Health Professionals been?

[37:34] If you are keen to learn more from Emily, check out her website.

[38:47] Emily shares a little about her donation model live stream classes.

[42:31] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Emily.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Writing helps me organize new concepts in my mind."


"I definitely saw [the amount of content available] as something I needed to personally create some structure around because otherwise it was going to be untouched."


"I am a big fan of scheduling. I have got to get that on my calendar or it is not gonna happen."


"I'm skillful at transforming overwhelm into excitement with just a little bit of structure."


"It feels really nice to have that personal relationship in an online environment."


"I'm learning stuff for clients that aren't pelvic health clients in the Pelvic health professionals."

Sep 4, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

340: Personal and Business Check-In [Part 2] with Shannon Crow



Shannon Crow shares more personal and business updates on this episode. She reflects that the grief she has been dealing with has been impacting her and some of the things that have been helping her through it, including messages from listeners.She also talks about the exchange student she will be hosting in her home soon and some of the activities she has been engaging in to be more “in-person”.


On the professional front, Shannon reveals that she was recently thinking about quitting her business and the podcast. She notes that she needs to take some of her own advice and lean on her team more while cutting back on things that are not essential to the business. Do share your recommendations for Shannon as she navigates this challenging season of life.


Key Takeaways:

[2:46] In this episode, Shannon is sharing more personal and business updates. First, she invites you to take a moment to check in with yourself.

[4:45] Shannon is in a season of grief now. She shares some things that are keeping her going, including messages from listeners. She shares a couple of messages listeners have left.

[12:44] "Meet up" with Shannon online at the yoga series by Sarah Garden.

[16:28] Shannon talks about why she loves using OfferingTree in her business.

[17:38] Shannon shares a personal update about the exchange student she will be hosting in her home!

[18:47] Shannon and her partner Sean have taken on a hiking challenge this year.

[20:34] Shannon has been missing doing in-person activities. She talks about how she is trying to incorporate more of that in her life.

[22:19] Recently, Shannon got very close to quitting her job and the podcast. She shares how she is going to address this feeling.

[28:48] What recommendations do you have for Shannon as she navigates this season of life and business?




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Even though I logically know these things [that I need to take a break and lean on my team more], it feels like sometimes it's not the easiest thing to do."


"[I need to] listen to my gut on this and in this season that I'm in and to really notice and this is where I think that yoga really serves me."


"On my list of things I need to do right now is ask for support and help."


Aug 28, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

339: Personal and Business Check-In with Shannon Crow



Shannon Crow shares a personal and business update on this episode. She shares that she has been sitting with some deep grief in her life recently as well as how she has been spending time outside in her garden. Shannon also talks about the new stage of parenting she has entered and gives an update on her three children.


On the professional front, Shannon explains the missing piece she has discovered in Pelvic Health Professionals and what is new in that part of her business. There are some upcoming workshops and series so be sure to check that out. She also reflects on how she is eager for more in person time with her team and that she will be looking into how to create that going forward.


Key Takeaways:

[4:12] Shannon is giving a personal and business update in this episode but she has a question for you first - how are you?

[4:58] Shannon shares a personal update about what has been going on for her recently.

[8:50] On the work side, Shannon has an update about Pelvic Health Professionals.

[14:55] Shannon has been looking at the finances in her business as well, particularly around her spending on software.

[18:08] Shannon got to meet Crunch, the show notes writer for the podcast, for the first time a few weeks ago and it has prompted her reflection on getting more in-person time with the team.

[19:29] One software company that has been really supportive of Shannon in her business is OfferingTree.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

“Sometimes there are just huge struggles when you're running a small business.”


“For anyone who is dealing with just sadness or grief, I want you to know that you're not alone in this.”


“What are some of the software and website expenses that we could look at consolidating?”

Aug 21, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

338: Eating Disorder Informed Yoga with Jennifer Kreatsoulas 



About 70 million people worldwide experience some form of an eating disorder in their lifetime. It is a serious condition and among the deadliest mental illnesses, second only to opioid overdose, causing over 10,200 deaths annually. Its prevalence means we are likely to encounter students in our classes who deal with it or are recovering from it. So how can we be mindful of them in our classes? Jennifer Kreatsoulas PhD, C-IAYT, is an expert in this area and shares more about eating disorder informed yoga.


Jennifer is a certified yoga therapist specializing in eating disorders and body image. She is a sought-after international speaker and former host of Real Body Talk, an online interview talk show. Through her virtual school, Yoga for Eating Disorders, Jennifer offers individual yoga therapy, groups, classes, and continuing education and mentoring for professionals. Jennifer is also the author of Body Mindful Yoga and The Courageous Path to Healing. Her writing has been featured widely in print, broadcast, and online media.


Jennifer shares how yoga teachers can become eating disorder informed in how they guide classes. By managing our language, our expectations, and being mindful of our scope of practice as yoga teachers, we can create safer spaces for our students. Jennifer also dispels some of the myths around eating disorders and teaching yoga to this population, as well as 3 ways in which yoga can be a very helpful tool.


Key Takeaways:

[3:16] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode -  Jennifer Kreatsoulas.

[8:48] What does Jennifer do and who does she do it for?

[11:15] How and why is yoga helpful (or not helpful) for people dealing with or recovering from an eating disorder?

[14:51] Yoga can be a pathway to self-connection to help with recovery.

[20:20] What are some ways that yoga teachers can have respect and compassion for people going through eating disorders, especially since it's not something that can be identified by looking at someone?

[24:15] One way to change your language is to consider how we offer students a challenge in their yoga.

[26:00] Shannon pops in with a quick shout out to OfferingTree as an excellent option if you're looking to create a website for your yoga business.

[27:51] How does Jennifer recommend responding to someone who comes to yoga with the intention of wanting to change their body without shaming them?

[32:41] Shannon and Jennifer discuss what it means to stay within your scope of practice as a yoga teacher.

[36:34] What are some ways you can learn from Jennifer?

[42:42] Jennifer has a little gift for listeners in the form of a PFD that highlights ways you can make your yoga classes eating-disorder informed.

[43:37] Jennifer invites us to study the language of teachers who look different from you.

[45:12] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"What is your intention for showing up on your mat or for any activity you're doing and just do that inquiry. And if it's based in any kind of guilt or shame or obsession, it's important to get support around that because that's never gonna lead us anywhere helpful in our lives."


"I see yoga as a pathway to that self connection. It's not a straight line and it doesn't always feel good and it's not always easy... I see this as a part of the journey."


"It's not your scope of practice to have to know people's trauma or to know if people have an eating disorder or whatever their diagnoses are,... but we can take responsibility for our language."


Aug 14, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

337: Plantar Fasciitis & Yoga with Diana Zotos Florio



Plantar fasciitis is a common problem that 1 in 10 people will experience in their lifetime.  As a yoga teacher, you are likely to encounter someone who is experiencing this painful condition in your yoga classes, or you may even have it yourself. Yoga can be a helpful tool to manage plantar fasciitis. Diana Zotos Florio shares some tips and tricks on how to deal with plantar fasciitis.


Diana is the founder of Threes Physiyoga, created to bridge the gap between physical therapy and yoga. She has a science Bachelors, a Masters in physical therapy and has been using yoga in her own life and to treat patients. Diana is driven by her purpose of helping people move and feel best in their bodies by empowering them with knowledge, tools and science-informed strategies in movement, mindfulness, connection and breathwork. She offers 1:1 sessions, has an online studio, and has also been teaching yoga teachers how to integrate physical therapy science into their practice and teaching.


Diana explains what plantar fasciitis is, the common symptoms that someone with plantar fasciitis might experience, and the role of a yoga teacher when a student approaches them with this condition. She also shares some exercises that can help address the root causes of this inflammatory condition and how to manage it. Diana and Shannon also discuss the benefits of barefoot walking, balance poses, calf stretching and more.  


Key Takeaways:

[3:59] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Diana Zotos Florio.

[6:34] What does Diana do and who does she do it for

[8:15] What is plantar fasciitis?

[10:47] What does plantar fasciitis feel like for people who experience it?

[12:51] If someone has plantar fasciitis (or pain in their feet), who might a yoga teacher refer them to?

[13:55] What do physiotherapists do to help people with plantar fasciitis?

[17:33] Diana explains what "load" means in the context of plantar fasciitis.

[20:04] Shannon pops in to share a question from a podcast listener about booking software and how OfferingTree can support you if you have the same question!

[23:14] What are some things in yoga that can help someone with plantar fasciitis?

[27:42] How can you try out ball rolling at home to manage plantar fasciitis? 

[30:50] Diana explains more about the "tripod foot".

[34:10] Shannon and Diana discuss going barefoot.

[36:03] What are some frustrating myths or misinformation that Diana has encountered about plantar fasciitis?

[38:10] What can people do if they're experiencing pain in their feet first thing in the morning? Diana also shares some other tips and tricks.

[40:43] Connect with Diana and learn more from her via her website and on Instagram!

[41:33] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation.



Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Being barefoot is one of the best things you can do for any foot injury."


"If you have plantar fasciitis or fasciosis for a long time, over time, your balance of proprioception can decrease just because of disuse."


"Inherently, people don't want to do that. They wanna kind of get the band aid, quick fix and move on. And I think that's just human nature."


"Especially as we age and we move less, it's really important to move."


Aug 7, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

336: Yoga for Endo and Pelvic Pain with Sarah Garden



About 190 million girls, women, and people with uteruses of reproductive age worldwide are affected by endometriosis (“endo”). A chronic disease that produces severe, life-impacting pain and other symptoms, endo is still not very well understood. There is no known cure and treatment is often aimed at managing symptoms. Sarah Garden shares how yoga can help endometriosis and pelvic pain. 


Sarah is the Director of Bodhi Tree Yoga Therapy and the full time Pain Educator and Yoga Therapist at The Chronic Pain Clinic in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada. Sarah has taught throughout North America and also offers classes and courses on Yoga International. She has been actively working in the field of yoga therapy for over 20 years. Her practice focuses on chronic pain, chronic pelvic pain, and the role yoga can play in treating nociplastic pain and central sensitization.


Sarah shares more about her own long journey with endo and why she started specializing in yoga therapy for chronic pain and endometriosis. She explains the symptoms that accompany endometriosis and what we know about this disease, as well as why yoga is helpful. Sarah also gives other strategies for coping with endo and pelvic pain. Tune in to this episode to learn more about endo and pelvic pain, plus get the details about Sarah’s upcoming 7-week yoga series.


Key Takeaways:

[3:15] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Sarah Garden

[8:21] Where did Sarah's journey with endometriosis begin and why did she get interested in this area?

[11:02] What is endometriosis?

[13:34] If you are keen to learn more about endometriosis, there are some great resources (recordings of calls with experts) inside Pelvic Health Professionals, as well as an upcoming 7-week series with Sarah herself!

[14:56] How can yoga help endometriosis?

[22:01] Yoga can help bring more awareness to what is going on in your body and brain and that can be helpful too.

[27:24] What is one thing Sarah wishes she would have known about persistent pain?

[33:34] Getting curious and keeping the nervous system calm and steady is one way to approach pain and movement.

[34:34] How does Sarah approach the conversation with people who have chronic pain to try new movements or to help them down regulate their nervous system?

[39:54] Shannon pops in to share a conversation she recently had with a yoga teacher about how she is using OfferingTree in her business.

[45:08] Sarah has an upcoming 7-week series to learn more about yoga for endometriosis. What does she want people to know about this series?

[51:08] Endometriosis can be really difficult to diagnose because it presents in many different ways.

[54:42] Sarah reflects on how her work is impacting people everywhere.

[56:15] Shannon shares some of her takeaways from this conversation with Sarah.




Gratitude to our Sponsors, OfferingTree and Pelvic Health Professionals.


Quotes from this episode:

"Yoga has this really incredible capacity to down regulate or provide us with tools to help us down regulate our nervous system provided we're working with it in a way that's accessible to people with pain."


"Once we've worked on and developed that awareness, we then have the capacity to start to regulate what we need to regulate or re-regulate what we need to regulate."


"What the evidence shows us is that education alone is actually really helpful."


"There's a lot we can do with self management and a lot we can teach people for self management as well."


Jul 31, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

335: Black Lives Matter is Yoga with Danielle Tridenti



Black Lives Matter (BLM) was formed ten years ago, and while many people jumped on the bandwagon and pledged their support for the cause a few years ago in light of the murder of George Floyd, it seems like BLM is getting “less popular”. It is important to continue this conversation about BLM and explore how it relates to yoga. Danielle Tridenti shares their experience in showing up as an ally for the cause.


Danielle is a facilitator of yoga, an embodiment coach, and an equity + inclusion group facilitator/consultant, who believes that cellular and personal change informs and affects institutional, collective, and cultural change. They have over 5000 hours of training in yoga, somatics, trauma informed care, anti-racism, equity + inclusion, as well as 20 years of experience in teaching and group facilitation, and 10 years as a mental health clinician and social worker. Currently, Danielle offers individual and group experiences, education/training, coaching, and consulting centered around embodying equity, LGTBQIA2S+ affirmation and inclusion, and solidarity with a trauma informed, intersectional, anti-racist, anti-patriarchal, and anti-oppression framework to individuals and organizations.


Recently, a student in Danielle’s class asked Danielle to remove their BLM shirt. Danielle shares more about how they handled that situation with the student and the studio they were teaching at, as well as their thoughts on why yoga is political. Danielle also explains why BLM and showing up as an ally is part of yoga. And discusses privilege, creating “safe spaces” in yoga, and how ahimsa (non-violence) ties into all of this.


Key Takeaways:

[2:39] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Danielle Tridenti.

[8:12] What does Danielle do and who do they do it for?

[11:17] Recently, a yoga student attending Danielle's class asked them to remove their Black Lives Matter t-shirt. Danielle recounts the experience.

[16:21] How did Danielle follow up after the incident? What kind of reaction did the studio she was teaching at have after this incident?

[19:57] Why is Black Lives Matter yoga?

[26:47] What is Danielle's reaction to people who complain about how these discussions always feel "in your face" or that we are still having these conversations.

[34:34] Shannon pops in with a shout out of thanks to sponsor, OfferingTree

[37:01] What are some of the actions that people can take to support Black Lives Matter and create a world that is equal and just?

[43:01] What are some other resources yoga teachers can use to get educated and learn more about this topic?

[48:39] Learn more from Danielle by connecting with them on Instagram.

[49:28] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways from this conversation with Danielle.




Gratitude to our Sponsor, OfferingTree.


Quotes from this episode:

"It's not my [Black Lives Matter] shirt that was making her uncomfortable, right? It was her beliefs that were causing this discomfort."


"The bigger issue is exercising your white supremacy and your racism."


"I believe that in teaching, I can leverage my privilege and practice co-conspiratorship and take a stand and take risks for folks who are historically erased and marginalized and oppressed and invisible and killed."


"Picking what you want and leaving what you don't - that's very privileged too."


"The bottom line is, if any of us are harmed, we're all harmed. We're all impacted. This is not a passive practice. It's an active practice."


"People who have marginalized identities can't just leave the oppression behind. It's just not possible."


Jul 24, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

334: Many Shades of Brown in Yoga with Anjali Rao



Conversations around race and identity in yoga, especially South Asian identities and the experience of South Asians in the West, tend to be uncomfortable. However, it is still important to give voice to the South Asian experience in yoga and to also talk about how yoga has been shaped by colonialism, capitalism and the Western interpretation of yoga as well as caste, religion, and race. Anjali Rao shares her insights about her experience of being brown in modern yoga.


Anjali is a South Asian yoga educator and practitioner who explores histories obscured by patriarchal and colonial narratives. She integrates yoga history and philosophy with storytelling, imagery, and poetry.


Anjali highlights that our identity is composed of different parts, which is why it’s important for discussions of this topic to be nuanced. She also emphasizes that South Asians are not a monolith and that our lived experience is influenced by our different identities. Anjali provides a summary of the history of yoga, and provides her perspective on how we can embody ahimsa, what social justice has to do with yoga, and much more.


Key Takeaways:

[6:03] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Anjali Rao.

[10:17] What is the work that Anjali does and who does she do it for?

[12:41] What are yoga teachers missing in the story of how yoga got to be where it is now?

[18:23] What is Anjali's response to people who try to counter bringing attention to our different identities by saying that we are all humans walking this earth and we are all yoga teachers?

[20:59] What makes being a brown yoga teacher so difficult and complex right now?

[25:36] Anjali shares her perspective on why it's okay to say "namaste" at the end of a yoga class.

[28:02] Shannon pops in to share a short anecdote of how OfferingTree has helped her to schedule guests on the podcast.

[30:09] How can yoga teachers start doing the work so that they are not simply doing certain actions as a token gesture but rather going deeper than that?

[36:14] Anjali shares a brief summary of the history of yoga.

[42:34] How did yoga end up in the West in the way that it is shared today? Anjali talks a little about colonialism and the other factors that led to shaping the practice of yoga in the west.

[49:16] Shannon and Anjali discuss how we have lost a lot of the essence of yoga in our modern yoga studios.

[52:50] What are some baby steps people can take to do this work of liberation and opposing harmful systems?

[57:54] Anjali invites us to start normalizing saying we don't know something or that we made a mistake.

[60:08] Learn more from Anjali via her podcast.

[62:37] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation.




Gratitude to our Sponsor, OfferingTree.


Quotes from this episode:

"I think the nuances of who we are are lost in the dominant narrative of yoga."


"We don't have to shout out in that sense, but we have to know who we are and come from that space of self awareness and discernment."


"We're all human beings, but we have completely lived different lived experiences."


"We are really not tapping into the potential of yoga, not only for ourselves, but for really creating a community of compassionate, courageous people who can speak against harmful oppressive systems."


"There is so much potential in yoga as a practice of liberation, not only for the self, but for the collective."

Jul 17, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

333: Does Yoga Lineage Matter? with Kim Weeks



Many of us have learned, practiced, and taught yoga for years, but we are often unaware of our yoga lineage. What exactly is yoga lineage and why does it matter? Should we be teaching yoga without understanding the history of that lineage of yoga? How can we be more mindful of this in teaching yoga and communicating it with our yoga students? Kim Weeks shares her insights.


Kim has over 20 years of teaching, training, running businesses, and consulting in the yoga and mindfulness industry. In 2019, Kim began working closely with Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School to create The Yoga Lineage Series for Yoga Alliance. Today, she continues that work on her podcast The Weeks Well podcast, which is about the modern practice of being your best self in your mind, breath, body, and brain.


Kim shares more about her yoga journey that led her to the work she does today, why knowing the origins of our yoga lineages is so important, and how to go about learning about our yoga lineages. She also shares her insights around the fear of discussing this topic and why it’s important to keep having these conversations.


Key Takeaways:

[2:41] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Kim Weeks

[6:06] Shannon shares a little about the yoga lineage she did her first yoga teacher training course in and some of her feelings around it.

[10:30] What does Kim do and who does she do it for?

[12:28] Was it scary for Kim to start her work around yoga lineages? She explains how she got started doing this work.

[20:37] Kim shares another reason why she wasn't afraid to start sharing about yoga lineages.

[22:41] Understanding yoga lineage is key to embracing the practice as a discipline sustainably over time.

[24:03] Kim shares some of her insights about the power dynamic in yoga contributing to fear around this topic.

[32:13] Shannon pops in with a shout out to Crunch's new  offering.

[37:10] Why is Kim so passionate about people knowing their yoga lineage? Why does it matter if it's all yoga?

[46:38] How can yoga teachers find out about their yoga lineage?

[50:28] It can be uncomfortable when you start researching and discover the abuses of power that may have existed in your lineage of yoga. How can yoga teachers approach these conversations?

[60:04] Learn more about the yoga lineages from the series that Kim did for Yoga Alliance (paywalled), as well as from Kim's website and podcast.

[72:11] Shannon shares her biggest takeaways from this conversation with Kim.




Gratitude to our Sponsor, OfferingTree.


Quotes from this episode:

"There's a lot of aspects of modern yoga that aren't sustainable over time because there's some super harmful things that have gotten kind of absorbed down through the patriarchy."


"[What] you might be also getting at when you ask about the fear, the power dynamics and the abuses that have flowed through so many of these lineages."


"Lineage matters because it's like a map."

Jul 10, 2023

The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

332: 5 Pillars of Powerful Teaching with Sheri Fisher & Lori Holden



Yoga teachers are often seeking ways to feel more comfortable, confident, and effective in their work teaching and as yoga professionals. Sheri Fisher and Lori Holden share the five pillars of powerful teaching to help us become better yoga teachers and professionals.


Sheri is an experienced yoga teacher who helps yoga teachers build confidence to bridge the gap between their Yoga Teacher Training and teaching extraordinary classes with ease and grace. Through professional coaching and group facilitation, she helps executives build their leadership bench, promote teamwork, and develop strategic plans to meet their organization’s mission. Lori has been practicing yoga since 2007 and is a connoisseur of truly inspiring yoga teachers. Lori is an adoption coach and expert in the complexities of adoption. She applies the principles of yoga in parenting her own two young adults (one with special needs), a lifelong journey that requires balance, flexibility, strength, and stability, and helps others to do the same.


Sheri and Lori share more about their new book Standing Room Only: How to be THAT Yoga Teacher, The 5 Pillars of Powerful Teaching from the Root to Rise Yoga Teaching Method. The book focuses on how to connect with your authentic inner teacher through Communication, Character, Connection, Commitment, and Consideration and Sheri and Lori share more about each of these pillars.


Two lucky podcast listeners will also get to win a copy of the book, so be sure to listen till the end to find out how to enter the draw!


Key Takeaways:

[2:14] Shannon introduces her guests for this episode - Sheri Fisher and Lori Holden.

[6:43] What is the work that Sheri does and who does she do it for?

[8:08] What does Lori do and who does she do it for?

[9:41] Does being a powerful teacher have to do with your personality and who you are as a person, or is it something that can be changed? What is some pushback Sheri has encountered on that?

[11:01] How does Lori see these five elements apply to other aspects of life beyond yoga teaching?

[14:14] The first pillar of powerful teaching is communication. How can yoga teachers improve our communication?

[17:13] It is so important to have compassion for yourself when you make mistakes, because that is how we learn.

[18:57] The second pillar of powerful teaching is character. How does this show up?

[23:57] The third pillar of powerful teaching is connection and it is like the heart of the five pillars. Sheri explains more.

[25:57] As someone who attends yoga classes, Lori shares her perspective on the importance of connection.

[27:35] What are some tips Lori and Sheri have for bringing people back for the practice?

[28:27] Shannon pops in to share a phone conversation she had this week.

[32:27] The fourth pillar of powerful teaching is commitment.

[35:57] Part of the commitment piece is also your commitment to marketing and selling your services as a yoga teacher.

[41:17] The last pillar of powerful teaching is consideration.

[45:59] What is some feedback Lori and Sheri have received about the book and were there any surprises for them in doing the research for it?

[49:24] Get your copy of the book via the website

[50:10] Enter the draw to win one of two copies of the book!

[51:17] Learn more and connect with Sheri and Lori via their websites and social media pages.

[52:42] Shannon shares some of her big takeaways from this conversation with Lori and Sheri.




Gratitude to our Sponsor, OfferingTree.


Quotes from this episode:

"We all come with our own gifts and our own experiences and then ... it's up to us with how we pull all that together and express that as yoga teachers." - Sheri


"Am I showing up with my own confidence, with my own gifts, with my own awareness? That's when you become that yoga teacher. And that's what's magnetic." - Lori


"Character is the one that’s taking the class beyond just an exercise class and creating a yoga experience." - Sheri


"Our teaching becomes an expression of who we are and where we are on our yoga journey." - Sheri


"It's not sales, it's being helpful." - Sheri


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