The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast
099: Branding Your Yoga Website with Kali Edwards
Have you been wanting to design and launch a professional website for your yoga business but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you are struggling with clarifying and communicating your brand and message on your website. Kali Edwards, founder of June Mango LLC, is just the expert you need to hear from about how to establish and showcase your brand on your website.
Kali has always had the urge to create. She pursued Fine Arts in college, then had a career as an agency art director. Today, she runs her own business working with entrepreneurs to create gorgeous branding and website designs. With her Go Live in 5 Process, she helps business owners design and launch their websites in 5 days (or less).
When it comes to branding, designing a website and conveying your message, the key is to focus on your audience. Kali shares more insights about the different aspects to consider when creating your website, and how you can plan and create copy for your website.
If you have been struggling with setting up a website for your business, or if you're thinking about rebranding or updating your website - this episode is a must-listen. Kali has so many tips and strategies that you can implement immediately, and a special resource for listeners!
Key Takeaways:
[3:22] Shannon introduces her guest for this episode - Kali Edwards.
[4:57] What got Kali started on her journey of websites and branding?
[6:14] Kali speaks to her experience of feeling constricted in her previous job with regard to being able to pursue her creative flow.
[7:50] What does Kali's work space look like?
[9:06] Shannon and Kali discuss how her own website clearly reflects her personality and brand in the design and messaging.
[10:40] Where would Kali suggest people start when it comes to planning out their website?
[12:53] One of the things people struggle with most with their website is the copy, and talking about themselves.
[14:32] Kali explains why it's so important for you to know who your ideal clients are, and to get super specific with the details.
[16:19] Explaining how you can help people is not bragging.
[18:45] How can people clarify their message and brand? Kali shares a short fill-in-the-blank exercise that can help.
[22:03] What other aspects really stump people when it comes to branding?
[24:45] How does Kali approach rebranding and updating websites?
[27:25] Why is a minimalist, condensed approach better?
[31:05] In terms of images, more important than the colors themselves, is the vibe that the visuals convey.
[33:29] What services does Kali offer her clients?
[34:16] Get in touch with Kali via her website or Instagram.
[35:04] Kali has some final words for people who are feeling stuck in their branding.
[36:06] Shannon shares some of her key takeaways - which of Kali's tips are you going to be putting into action? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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Quotes from this episode:
"Everybody has kind of a drive that really motivates them to even get up in the morning, and mine has always been beauty."
"Less is more. You can be really clear and concise at the same time."
"I always like to think of gathering content as the first piece of the puzzle."
"Who is it exactly that you are trying to attract?"
"People need to know that you're the expert in what you do, in order to trust you."
"You have control over how your audience moves through your site."
"Especially when it comes to websites, they're really a living, breathing thing. So websites really should be getting updated pretty often."
"You don't have to necessarily start over because you've shifted a little bit."
"Thinking about that emotional connection that your yoga expertise has with your clients - that's really going to be the key to helping you put all the pieces of the puzzle together."